The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 259: twisted world

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The huge mouth stopped on top of Ling Tian's head, and at the same time Ling Tian's body that just jumped up was stopped.

Time seems to stand still at this moment, everything is fixed there.

The figure who was still on the distant hill before blinked in front of Ling Tian.

The space fluctuated slightly, and the monster with the snake body disappeared directly.

In the next second, everything recovered, Ling Tian's figure fell to the ground, and his eyes immediately looked at the few people next to him with horror.

Although it is ancient, these people are wearing gorgeous clothes, even if the style is also ancient, but it is absolutely impossible to appear in primitive society.

This world also has civilization, at least the civilization of the Qin and Han Dynasties in the normal world.

Ling Tian thought so in his heart, at the same time, what he was more afraid of was the power of these few people.

He was stagnant in the air before, although his body could not move, his consciousness was extremely clear.

He could feel time and space being controlled.

Among these people, there are people who control time and space. Although this control is not enough for them to travel the world, it is already extremely terrifying.

"Body Refinement..."

"Time and space..."

"Practice Qi..."


Ling Tian was sluggish, but those figures were not at all sluggish, and a few hands quickly groped around Ling Tian.

With the strength of these few people, it is estimated that Ling Tian can be thoroughly analyzed with a single thought, but he is pinching his bones with his hands, obviously he is very concerned about Ling Tian's foundation.

And when a few people were groping, Ling Tian finally came back to his senses.

With dissatisfaction, Ling Tian stretched out his hand and began to push away the hands that were planning to examine him more closely.

After all, as an adult, no one likes being pinched like this.

"Huo, he has a good temper, not bad, not bad..."

Ling Tian's actions not only did not make those people angry, but made them even more happy.

One of them reached out and hugged Ling Tian directly.

"I took this disciple..."

As soon as the sentence fell, the man who picked up Ling Tian disappeared in the same place.

"lay down………"

An angry roar sounded, and the energy of the rest of the people fluctuated and disappeared.

Being held by someone, Ling Tian was full of confusion, but the space in his sight that had almost turned into an illusory space allowed Ling Tian to clearly judge how strong the man who was holding him should be.

That kind of speed, even if he used it in his heyday, was definitely not up to the mark.

Now, such a man is actually vying to be his master, which makes Ling Tian have a very strange feeling.

"Diyuan, stop for me, you want to swallow such an unparalleled genius, do you have the guts, do you think you can protect it alone, don't forget, the current monsters are really eating humans, and they are specifically looking for That kind of talent is swallowing up..."

A huge roar sounded, the man who was holding Ling Tian running wildly hadn't run far, and a group of men behind him had quickly caught up.

Soon, the man holding Ling Tian was intercepted.

The topography and environment of this world really appeared in Ling Tian's line of sight for the first time.

Although it was a baby's line of sight, the distance to see it was not too far, but even so, Ling Tian could see a lot of things he wanted to see. This world should indeed be a wild world.

The landscape of the whole world is very different from the afterlife.

Trees, animals, and even grass, give people a rather primitive and wild feeling.

That is the barren and vastness that is incomparable to any so-called Amazon jungle, or African savannah, or even any wild place in the dungeon in the previous life.

At this time, the few men who blocked the man holding Ling Tian also reflected this.

Although these men were wearing the Chinese clothes of the civilized era, their aura was extremely violent.

That kind of rage does not come from the rage of pure force, but they carry it with them.

That's innate rage.

Ling Tian looked at these men carefully. In Ling Tian's eyes, some things about these men were gradually read out.

It seems that these men grabbing apprentices are not simply grabbing apprentices, Ling Tian vaguely saw the color of greed in their eyes.

These guys seem to regard Ling Tian as some kind of invaluable treasure, and that kind of invaluable treasure was definitely not created by an excellent apprentice.

These guys just took Ling Tian as some kind of cargo.

Monsters, devour humans.

Obviously these people can't be monsters, nor can they cooperate with monsters.

Then, what are their eyes for? Is it possible that there is some kind of power to collect the outstanding talents of human beings.

"Monster clan, I can block it myself, why, do you think I can't block the demon clan..."

When he was stopped, the man holding Ling Tian didn't flinch at all. He looked at the other men and roared, and while he spoke, the same terrifying aura exploded from his body.

Horror, furious, raw, savage...

This man never thought about whether Ling Tian would not be able to bear this kind of momentum, which made Ling Tian more sure that the so-called robbing of apprentices by these guys was not really about robbing apprentices, but treating apprentices as goods, and playing with some exotic goods. class trick.

"Blocking the demon clan, are you kidding me, since the goddess Nuwa created the human race to obtain merit and sanctification, and Taishang also created the human race to be sanctified, the human race has become the most eye-catching existence in this land, and the two lich clans are in parallel. I don't like the appearance of another human race that is favored by heaven and earth. Now, the demon race has found that devouring the human race can improve its bloodline purity and demon power. In this case, how many big demons do you think will be attracted to a human genius... "

An indifferent voice followed.

The body of the man holding Ling Tian trembled slightly. Obviously, this man was not as fearless as he appeared.

Compared to this man's fear, Ling Tian was the real panic.

Two clans of lich, the goddess Nuwa, too high...

This special code is actually the prehistoric world, and he actually jumped directly to the prehistoric world.

The pit father, according to the normal order of dungeons, it should also come to a few Xianxia worlds, such as Zhuxian, Xianjian, and the worst is the Legend of the White Snake, Jigong, etc., and then you can't go directly to Honghuang, but Journey to the West, Fengshenzhi Classes turn a trip, this can jump to the ultimate flood.

How could he be such a fool, and he got into the flood with one ass.

No wonder the system stopped moving in this world, and he also became a baby.

This is flood.

For the first time in the world, the earth, fire, water, wind, and wind have become the prehistoric world of the world. This is a prehistoric world where demons, witches and immortals coexist, and human beings have just been created.

It's no wonder that those few people have such gorgeous clothes on them. In Honghuang, nothing seems to be surprising.

It's just a costume, it's just a technique, what's so strange.

However, as soon as it comes, there is nothing to say now.

Listening to the meaning of these people, it seems that both Nuwa and Taishang rely on the human race to be sanctified, and then, the great powers all over the world now hope to rely on the human race to be holy together.

This was a good opportunity for Ling Tian.

In Ling Tian's memory, in the story of the Fengshen Bang, it seems that many of the existences in the human race are the disciples of those top powers. Perhaps, this also explains his current situation.

Because the human race is favored by heaven and earth, those almighty people want to gain the favor of heaven and earth by connecting with the human race.

"Where do you want to send this child... Kunlun, or Jin'ao Island..."

Over there, the conversation continued, and the group of men who pressed the question seemed to want to participate in a tactful way, and their words were no longer aggressive.

And listening to those men's words, Ling Tian's expression was still, but his heart was excited. Kunlun, that is the original dojo, Jinao Island, that is the dojo of Tongtian, although in theory, when the gods are conferred, Jinao Island will be very It's miserable, but who cares about him now, that's one of the three cleans after all.

"Kunlun and Jin'ao Island... You are sending too much over there. Although Kunlun and Jin'ao Island are saints' dojos, what do they take out every time..."

The man holding Ling Tian said coldly.

One sentence made Ling Tian's heart tremble, Nima, not Kunlun and Jinao Island, where does this guy want to send him.

There are many great powers in the prehistoric world, but first of all, the demon clan and the witch clan have to be removed from the matter of accepting apprentices. The two clans themselves are the darlings of the world before the human race. At this time, it is polite to not think about cleaning up the human race. Still wanting others to help cultivate the human race is a joke.

Apart from the two Lich clans, although there are still a lot of great powers left in this prehistoric world, those who can accept apprentices are already limited.

"If you don't go to Kunlun and Jinao Island, where do you want to go..."

The rest of the men helped Ling Tian to ask the questions Ling Tian cared about.

"None of your business..."

The man holding Ling Tian roared, and suddenly, his figure shook, and a terrifying force exploded under his feet. In an instant, the mountains and rivers collapsed and the space shook, and the figure of this man disappeared in place in an instant.

In the next second, an extremely rich and **** aura entered Ling Tian's nose.

In front of him, the scene became clear again, Ling Tian's small body suddenly trembled slightly, and his sight was full of blood red at this time.

The overwhelming blood red, just like the sea.

Sea of ​​blood, sea of ​​underworld...

What the hell……

Ling Tian cursed secretly, he finally knew who the damned guy was going to give him to, the ancestor of Ming He, the sea of ​​​​blood never withered, and the immortal Styx.

This **** actually gave him to the ancestor of Ming He.

Although the ancestors of Minghe also had a great reputation in later generations, can the great reputation be compared with Kunlun and Jinao Island? Even if Jinao Island lost in the Battle of Conferred Gods, his family almost went bankrupt, but Sanqing is Sanqing, A dead camel is also bigger than a horse.

As for this ancestor of Ming He, look at the Asura under his command. Later, he was either called a demon or an Asura of the **** realm, and the so-called Ming He might even evolve into the Wangchuan of later generations.

It can be seen that the fate of Old Ancestor Ming He is probably not much better.

The most important thing is that the ancestor of Ming He has not been sanctified, and he has not been sanctified from beginning to end.

However, regardless of Ling Tian's willingness or not, the sea of ​​blood swept through the sky, and a figure slowly emerged, also dressed in fine clothes, and also looked like an ordinary handsome middle-aged man.

However, as Old Ancestor Ming He landed in front of the man holding Ling Tian, ​​an invisible power had already dissipated.

This power is not deliberately distributed, but an extremely restrained existence.

It is indeed not easy to be able to call the ancestors in the Great Desolation.

"Hand over that child..."

At this time, in the distance, the shouts of the previous men came, and Ling Tian saw Old Ancestor Ming He, who was standing in front of him, slightly raised his arm, and then, faint screams came from a distance, and then All to nothingness.

Those guys were quietly cleaned up by the ancestor Ming He.

Cold sweat fell on Ling Tian's forehead.

Ling Tian had no doubts about how strong those guys were. The space power before, the speed that seemed to be teleporting in a blink of an eye, was something he could not imagine in the previous world. Zu, even after an unknown distance, was put on his sleeves to clean up.

"This child is the child you said with extraordinary talent, and it is very likely that he will lead the rise of the human race..."

Ancestor Ming He dealt with those men as if nothing had happened, and turned to look at the man holding Ling Tian, ​​or at Ling Tian.

A look of anticipation flashed from the face of Ancestor Ming He.

Sanctification, in this prehistoric era, whoever does not want to be a powerful person, the ancestor Ming He also thinks so, so he has followed his studies since Nuwa created man and became holy, but he created the Shura tribe but did not let him become sanctified. He was sanctified.

On the contrary, it was Taishang who followed Nuwa, who created and taught the human race and became a saint.

So, Styx realized that sanctification is not about what race is created, but what race it is related to. Since then, he has started to pay attention to the human race.

However, Nuwa, Taishang was made holy because of the human race, Yuanyuan and Tongtian were also made holy because of the establishment of religion. In the following time, except for Nuwa's nest in the Wa Palace, Sanqing always pays attention to the human race. .

Although Styx is strong, it is slightly inferior to any of the Sanqings. At this time, the Sanqings are still one, and Styx is naturally even more incomparable.

There is also the current scene, Ming He secretly instigated the masters of the human race to help steal a human race's arrogance, and wanted to try to start from this arrogant, to get a chance for sanctification.

"Old Ancestor can check..."

That human man raised Ling Tian and handed it to Ming The latter's reaction was no better than those of the previous human men. Although he was not too excited, he also reached out and took Ling Tian. Silk strength condensed from Ming He's hands, and then quickly turned in Ling Tian's body.

"Physical training, Qi, time...rules...good, good..."

Ming He's strength is naturally much higher than those of the human men. Soon, Ling Tian's talents checked by the human men have been thoroughly checked by Ming He, and some talents that the human men have not checked have also been examined by Ming He. River checked out.

And as these results were checked out, Styx finally couldn't help laughing.

In this prehistoric world, talent cares more deeply than later generations when it comes to bloodline. Hongjun Daozu preaches, and those who have attained the Dao also have a foothold. Now, Ling Tian's talent undoubtedly indicates Ling Tian's extraordinary.

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