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Gong Gong is hesitant.

This Ancestral Witch, the top of the Witch Clan, one of the two strongest clans in the prehistoric world, hesitated. He was afraid, and he was afraid of the Human Race.

At the foot of Buzhou Mountain, many human races showed excited expressions on their faces.

Everyone, even the injured, straightened up.

This is dignity.

The dignity of the human race.

Ling Tian used his own means to take back the dignity of the human race from Gong Gong.

This is the first time that the human race has dignity since it was created by Nuwa, and it is also the first time that the human race has shouted its own voice to those top-level beings on the wild land.

Before, when Gonggong and Zhu Rong collided, the human race was no better than the ants in his eyes.

But now, even if Ling Tian was threatening him fiercely, Gonggong no longer dared to ignore the existence of the human race.

This is dignity.

The surroundings of Buzhou Mountain fell silent for a while.

Ling Tian Lingkong stood in the air, his body, the belief and fanaticism from the human race were constantly burning, and then, after systematic purification, he began to enhance his power.

Ling Tian looked at Gong Gong indifferently.

With the worship and belief of the countless human races at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, Ling Tian could feel the power in his body boiling, and he was able to enhance any of his own power at will.

The power of time and space, the power of martial arts, or some strange power.

The power from the inheritance of Hongjun Daozu.

Different powers can be raised.

However, Ling Tian did not immediately improve any of them, he just stood in the air and watched Gong Gong silently.

Honghuang, Wu clan, this is the top existence, the current human race is far from having the possibility of confronting the Wu clan, and the violent collision between Gonggong and Zhu Rong just now, Ling Tian does not believe that no one from the Wu clan has come.

He looked at Gonggong coldly, but he clearly felt that the mighty aura in the distance was coming fast.

That is the breath of the witch clan.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches have always advanced and retreated in unison. Gonggong and Zhu Rong collided so violently, how could the Twelve Ancestral Witches not come.

The Twelve Ancestral Witch, but the existence that can form the real body of Pangu.

Ling Tian said at this time that he didn't feel it was false.

However, no matter what, Ling Tian would not back down at this moment.

Above the ground, smoke filled the air, and soon, a large group of burly and disrespectful figures with the same huge height had already arrived in front of Buzhou Mountain, and ten large beings like He Gonggong and Zhu Rong were the first to greet them.

The strength of the ten people rose, and then swept towards Zhu Rong fiercely.

Ten different forces, entangled and collided with each other, tightly restricted Zhu Rong.

Then, the power of various rules began to collide, and finally, the flames on Zhu Rong began to dissipate.

The flame of Zhu Rong's real body is actually not impossible to extinguish, but Gong Gong subconsciously wanted to kill three birds with one stone, so he chose to knock down Buzhou Mountain.

A chill flashed in Ling Tian's eyes.

It's not surprising that the two Lich clans don't seem to care about the Human Race, but in fact they don't care at all. If possible, the Lich Two Clan will not hesitate to destroy the Human Race.


Someone in the ancestral witch who just arrived shouted.

While speaking, the ancestral witch looked at Ling Tian, ​​and a trace of doubt appeared in his eyes.

"Zhu Rong had a problem with his strength just now. I want to knock down Buzhou Mountain and draw the innate water above the nine heavens..."

Gonggong looked at the ancestors and said.

Later, Zhu Rong finally showed his appearance belonging to the Ancestral Witch at this time, and looked at the other Ancestral Witch with a hint of weakness.

"Without the innate water, I'm afraid I won't be able to last long..."

A weak voice came from Zhu Rong's mouth.

Ling Tian frowned slightly, and based on his perception of power, he could clearly judge that although Zhu Rong was in an extremely poor state at this time, there was absolutely no danger to his life.

And now, Zhu Rong still said these words, but he wanted to cover up the Gonggong.

Of course, it's more likely to make excuses for the Twelve Ancestors.

Although what happened to Zhu Rong was caused by the demon clan, now, these witch clans seem to be targeting the human clan.

Most of the people of the later generations sympathized with the witch tribe. However, in this world of great competition, which tribe would be pure and innocent, and any heroism would become calculated when it comes to the continuation of their own race.

"Innate water, I want to see who dares to stop us from getting it..."

Some of the ancestors who had just arrived looked at Ling Tian and sneered.

The twelve ancestral witches, combined together, is the real body of Pangu, which is an existence that can fight even against the saints. In fact, if it is not for the power that Pangu real body needs is too large, even Di Jun and Donghuang of the demon clan will be the same. Top-level powers, there are even treasures such as Donghuang Bell, Hetu Luoshu, etc., but there is absolutely no resistance to the real body of Pangu.

Although this kind of terrifying power cannot last, even the monsters dare not underestimate it, let alone the human race.

A single ancestral witch can destroy the human race, and the twelve ancestral witches together form the real body of Pangu, which can sink Buzhou Mountain in minutes.

In the past, the reason why he didn't mess around was because he didn't want to offend the saint too much. Now, with a reasonable reason, there's no need to hesitate.

Ling Tian listened coldly to these ancestor witch conversations, and the corners of his mouth slowly showed a sneer, these guys were using words to intimidate him.

"Gong Gong, apologize, apologize to those human races who died because of you and Zhu Rong, and then give compensation..."

Ling Tian took a step forward and glared at Gong Gong and the other Zu Wu in a deep voice.

These ancestral witches are intimidating him. The twelve ancestral witches themselves are already existences that cannot be seen by the human race, and the witch races that follow are even more powerful and terrifying forces. In this case, the human race itself should no longer be. Do a little bit of balancing.

However, Ling Tian knew better that the human race must not retreat.

In fact, the human race is now in an extremely embarrassing situation.

As the protagonist of the third world after the lich recognized by heaven and earth, the human race itself is destined to be the commander of the third world after the two worlds of the dragon and the phoenix and the lich. However, both the dragon and the phoenix and the lich have too powerful innate power.

Before the dragon and phoenix catastrophe had passed, the strength of the two lich clans was no less than that of the dragon and phoenix.

Now, the human race is destined to be the protagonist of the third world, but compared to the two lich races, the human race is even worse than the ants.

This is also the reason why the two tribes of the Lich were clearly replaced to command the world, but the Human Race did not create the power of the Lich, the dragon and the phoenix.

In the third world, the human race of the protagonist of heaven and earth is no longer the master of heaven and earth, it is because the human race is insufficient, and it is because the human race has no such ambition from the beginning.

Weakness leads to lack of courage, lack of courage leads to not daring to resist, and then, lack of resistance leads to even weaker...

The disgusting cycle makes people even if there are three emperors and five emperors, but the three emperors and five emperors are only human emperors, not the masters of the three realms.

In order to change this fate, Ling Tian must help the human race to support the arrogance from now on.

Of course, this is actually an adventure too.

If one is not careful, the human race may encounter terrible danger because of Ling Tian, ​​but, in the same way, if the operation is good, the human race may also rise because of Ling Tian.

This is a big gamble. Compared with the original trajectory, although the human race is humble, it will eventually become the protagonist of the world. This kind of gamble seems to be full of too many unpredictable factors.

It's just that Ling Tian himself is not someone who likes to be treated unfairly, let alone, if he doesn't change the fate of the human race, then what's the point of him traveling to this world.

Could it be that it has been stable for millions of years and turned into a pile of dust.

Obviously, this was not what Ling Tian wanted.

Ling Tian still wanted to be able to reach the peak in this world, and then, after fixing the problem of time and space, he returned to the Three Kingdoms world.

All heavens walked around in a circle, and in the end, all Ling Tian wanted was stability.

And if you want to get the life you want, you need to change the trajectory of the human race, and you need to let the two lich races see the dignity and arrogance of the human race.

Ling Tian's words were resolute, and his eyes were equally indifferent to the extreme. Gong Gong and the ancestor Wu who spoke were stunned for a while, and a group of Wu clan looked at Ling Tian in disbelief.

A human race actually dares to provoke the witch race like this, is this a joke?

After a slight stun, all the Wu clan became angry, and the violent aura of power suddenly rose to the sky, and countless Wu clan looked at Ling Tian and the human race angrily. At this time, they didn't even want to knock down Buzhou Mountain, I want to attract the innate water above the nine heavens.

These witches even wanted to directly kill the human race.

However, before these Wu clan could attack, Ling Tian's figure suddenly dissipated in place, and in the next second, blood began to permeate the Wu clan.

The blood lotus surrendered, the Yuantu sword floated, and Ling Tian's voice followed in the **** floating light.

"My human race was created by Empress Nuwa, although it is said to be the darling of heaven and earth, but now it is nothing more than rootless duckweed. With my human race's duckweed, in exchange for the strength of your witch race, my human race is not a loss... "

An indifferent and resolute voice sounded.

At the foot of Buzhou Mountain, the surviving human race looked at the blood-colored light that Ling Tian had turned into; the witch race that enveloped most of them, their eyes became frantic.

"It's not a loss to exchange the duckweed of my human race for the strength of your witch clan..."

The same words roared from the mouths of all races.

For a while, at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, there was only a sound of 'no loss' echoing.

And with the sound of this voice, the masters of the human race also began to rise with a terrifying aura, not to resist anything, nor to want to fight, but the aura of self-destruction when they were dying.

As one of the masters of the great land, the Wu people are also top-notch existences. At this time, it is natural to clearly feel the real existence of the aura rising from the masters of the human race.

Although the self-destruction of those breaths is not enough to hurt the ancestors, even the great witch can't help it, but the collective self-destruction of all the masters of the race is absolutely enough to cause the ordinary witches to suffer heavy casualties.

And this is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying is the blood-colored light that enveloped most of the witch clan at this time.

The blood of the 12th grade blood lotus floats.

The floating light of the Innate Spirit Treasure, coupled with the Yuan Tu Sword's non-causal power, even beings like the Twelve Ancestral Witch can't imagine what Ling Tian would be like if he really did it.

"The power of time and space..."

Among the twelve ancestral witches, the indifferent ancestral witch sensed everything, and suddenly, his figure moved slightly.

In the next second, a strange energy oscillated among the Wu clan.

The lustre of the Yuan Tu sword flickered, and a vague collision appeared.

The blood-colored floating light exploded, and suddenly, the small half of the Wu clan were attacked by terrifying forces. In an instant, many Wu clan died directly, while more Wu clan fell to the ground injured.

As the witches fell to the ground, the ancestors and the great witches showed angry expressions, and they rushed towards the human race as soon as their figures moved.

However, before these ancestral witches and great witches could move, the **** color had already spread out again, and at the same time, the ancestral witches who had just disappeared appeared again among all the ancestral witches.

This is the ancestral witch who controls time and space. With his appearance, the other ancestral witches looked over with solemn expressions.

If even this Ancestral Witch can't catch Ling Tian, ​​then it means that it is impossible for anyone here to catch Ling Tian.

Of course, if they synthesize the real body of Pangu, they may have a chance to catch Ling Tian, ​​but the synthesis of the real body of Pangu is the trump card of the Wu clan. .

Such a thing, no witch clan would dare to gamble.

Zu Wu paused, and Ling Tian drove the blood-colored floating light transformed by the 12th-grade blood lotus to a pause, and the two sides confronted each other again.

Time seemed to stand still.

At this time, the Wu clan was angry and aggrieved, but Buzhou Mountain's human clan became excited. However, whether it was aggrieved or excited, there was no sound at all.

At this time, everyone can feel the solemnity in the air.

In fact, Ling Tian did not outperform the Ancestral Witch, Ling Tian was only threatening those Ancestral Witch through treasures and his own power.

In turn, the Wu clan could also use the human clan to threaten Ling Tian.

The current scene is that hemp poles fight wolves with fear.

At this time, in the mid-air, colorful clouds filled the air, and the blossoming auspicious clouds suddenly fell towards the middle of Buzhou Mountain.

Ling Tian and Zu Wu looked at Xiang Yun one after another, and both of them roughly guessed that it was to persuade him to fight.

The human race is not only related to the witch race and Lingtian, but also the sage~www.readwn.com~ It can be said that, except for the two lich races, in this wild land, any big boss actually hopes to have the opportunity to pull a human race. The saint is no exception, but it is inconvenient for the saint to intervene in many things.

But the human race, not to mention that Nuwa and Taishang were sanctified because of the human race, just the remaining two of the Sanqing knew very early that they had a deep entanglement with the human race, and it was impossible to watch the human race be destroyed.

Of course, it's just not destroyed.

"At the will of the goddess Nuwa, I came to say hello to all the great masters of the Wu clan, and I also hope that the great masters of the Wu clan can give the goddess a face and spare the human race..."

The auspicious cloud finally came close, revealing the person above, but it was a quirky boy. At this time, the boy looked at Ling Tian and a group of witches and said with a smile.

Said to be ordered to come, but it is more like coming to play.

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