The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 273: persecuted dragon

Above the East China Sea, Ling Tian's body was tense, and his whole body seemed to be a bowstring drawn to the extreme.

Around, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and huge dragons loomed in the clouds, but at this time, those dragons who came to support from the other three seas had already sensed how dangerous the situation here was.

Indistinctly, an angry roar sounded, as if to expel the young dragon clan away.

However, before the young dragon clan could respond and be reprimanded, all of a sudden, the space of this world seemed to shrink.

Then, Ling Tian's tensed body threw his fist out fiercely.

The feeling of ejection after being taut to the extreme gives the visual feeling of an infinite rebound, and as Ling Tian's fist smashed out, the dense cloud layer above the sky was suddenly broken into a hole.

The terrifying power seemed to directly pierce through the heavens and the earth.

Above the sky, black-yellow blood sprayed out.

In front of Ling Tian, ​​the Dragon King of the East China Sea howled mournfully.

With this punch, I don't know how many dragons were directly killed.

In the sky, the clouds dispersed, and the sluggish dragons froze in the sky. Ling Tian glanced at him coldly, only to see that the gods were guarded by three old dragons, and they looked at him in fear.

The Dragon Clan, after all, is no longer the overlord of the world before the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation. The punch that Ling Tian punched just now with the quasi-sage-level power through the explosive power of martial arts really scared these Dragon Clan.

In this prehistoric world, in terms of strength, I don’t know how much more than Lingtian. However, when the martial arts broke out, I am afraid that the ancestors of Hongjun may not be able to compare with Lingtian. After all, at that level, there is no need to think about the outbreak. Something like that, a pure wave of a hand can destroy the world.

However, Ancestor Hongjun didn't need it, but he also made all the big brothers who inherited his Taoism not deliberately seek skills such as explosive power, but purely cultivate power and cultivation.

It will take countless years for this kind of thing, when the Great Desolation is broken, and when the spiritual energy between heaven and earth is not as sufficient as it is now, those big men who inherit Hongjun Daozu will start to study various magical skills, eight or nine mysterious Gong, etc. is a product of that period.

And now, in the entire prehistoric land, Ling Tian is the only one who can use his skills.

"Human race, how strong is the martial arts, but you can still hear a sound..."

An indifferent voice came out of Ling Tian's mouth after a punch.

In an instant, the eyes of the four dragon kings above the sky and the sea all showed horrified expressions.

There has never been such a moment when the four dragon kings recognized the human race as the new overlords of the world, an existence destined to replace the two lich races as the overlords of heaven and earth.

The dragon and the phoenix and the lich may have become the overlords by virtue of the innate talent of the body, while the human race relies on learning.

It was the first time that such a thought appeared between heaven and earth, and it began to appear in the hearts of the dragons.

Of course, this kind of thinking is not important. What is important is that facing Ling Tian's domineering and toughness at this time, the Dragon Clan found that they could not even resist at all.

What a tragic thing it is to offend a new overlord of heaven and earth. It seems that there is only one way to perish waiting for the dragon clan.

"Don't the Dragon Clan want to give me an explanation for this matter..."

At this moment, Ling Tian's voice sounded indifferently, and in an instant, the eyes of the four dragon kings lit up.

Does giving an explanation mean that the dragon clan still has a chance to continue to exist.

"Big brother..."

Above the sky, the West Sea, the South China Sea, and the North Sea, the three dragon kings all looked at the East China Sea Dragon King.

Although they could also guess that the Dragon King of the East China Sea would offend Ling Tian and the human race, there must be some inside story, but at this time, the inside story is more important than the continuation of the dragon clan.

You must know that the other dragon kings of the three seas brought the elites of the three seas this trip. Although there are still some elites left in their respective homes, if all the dragons here are wiped out, what is left in their respective homes It's good to be able to barely save a little life and hide.

In that case, the dragon clan will completely withdraw from the order of the **** clan. After a thousand and eight hundred years, the dragon clan will have only one legend left.

Looking at the Qilin, Xuanwu, Baihu and other races left in the world, the Dragon Clan couldn't help but shudder.

Although those three races, and even the phoenix, are still called races, even those top powers can only find very few members of these races in this world.

In this prehistoric world, a small number does not mean that you have any noble status. On the contrary, a small number will become a representative of being easy to bully.

Unless your strength is as strong as Feng Zu, or the Xuanwu or White Tiger Sequence that ranks among the Four Spirits of Heaven and Earth at the moment, otherwise, you will most likely be caught and used as a mount.

"I can give everything, please forgive my dragon race..."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea naturally understands this.

In fact, the dragon family has always been a smart race. The dragon family is arrogant, but the dragon family is more rational than the phoenix family. Therefore, after the dragon and phoenix catastrophe, the phoenix is ​​rarely seen between heaven and earth.

However, the dragons are still able to occupy the four seas.

Therefore, at this time, the Dragon King of the East China Sea did not dare to say anything about the demon clan, because the ten sons of Emperor Jun were still in Tanggu in the East China Sea. If Ling Tian beheaded ten of Emperor Jun's sons because of his disclosure Son, those who are waiting for the Dragon Clan are afraid that they will also perish.

"I'm not very satisfied with your answer..."

However, when the words of the Dragon King of the East China Sea fell, Ling Tian slowly shook his head, raised his arms, opened his palms, and grabbed them fiercely. A dragon burst into the sky.

The black-yellow blood splashed, and the Four Seas Dragon King's face suddenly became even more ugly, and he looked at Ling Tian pleadingly.

The dragon fights in the wild, its blood is dark yellow...

This is the words in a book of later generations. Although it is a certain truth, it also shows the true blood of the dragon family, the blood color of the pure-blooded dragon family.

In this world, there are countless creatures with some dragon bloodlines, even looks, and their strengths are similar to those of the dragon. Not a real dragon after all.

There are not many truly pure-blooded dragons in this world. It can be said that one is dead. However, all the dragons here are absolute pure-blooded dragons. Therefore, seeing Ling Tian's unscrupulous slaughter , These dragon kings are really heartbroken to die.

"There shouldn't be a large number of dragons. If all the dragons here die, the East China Sea Dragon Palace will be finished... I am afraid that the dragons in this world will become a disappearing race..."

Ling Tian grabbed a dragon to death with one hand, and then looked coldly at the Dragon King of the East China Sea again.

"Big brother..."

"Brother, don't hesitate..."




Above the sky, a choking voice sounded, the dragons are smart, but the scene at the moment, cleverness is useless, Ling Tian has obviously made a trick, and it is a joke to talk about scruples.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea closed his eyes tightly, and then opened them violently.

"The ten princes of the demon clan are in Tanggu. My dragon clan did something wrong this time. Whatever you want, as long as I have it in the East China Sea, I will give it to you. I just ask you to leave a way for my dragon clan to live... "

Helpless and sad words spit out from the mouth of the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

By this time, the Dragon King had clearly recognized the situation. It was not because he was scruples, but to see if Ling Tian would kindly leave a way out for the Dragon Clan.

If it is possible to exchange the ten princes of the demon clan for Ling Tian's mercy, then even offending the demon clan is not a big problem. After all, Ling Tian is merciless, and there will be no dragon clan in the world after today, or the dragon clan and the phoenix clan, The Kirin family and the like have become a code name, not a real race.

Soup Valley...

There was a smile on the corner of Ling Tian's mouth. Tanggu, he naturally knew it. According to legends of later generations, there is Tanggu in the East China Sea, with a hibiscus tree growing on it, and ten golden crows perched on it, for ten days.

That is the prince of the demon clan. According to legend, the great witch Hou Yi killed the nine days, and the only one left was Lu Ya, who had the legendary treasure in his palm, the sword of immortal slaying. for the sake of giving.

Ten Golden Crows, Ling Tian naturally wouldn't care too much now.

However, these ten Golden Crows were extremely useful to Ling Tian.

"Dragon King, you recruited the ten princes of the demon clan, and they will definitely not be able to be accommodated by the demon clan in the future. Why, consider mixing with my human clan..."

Ling Tian looked at the Dragon King of the East China Sea and said with a smile.

The most straightforward solicitation words of the later generations suddenly made the look of the Dragon King stagnate.

Although the prehistoric era is known as the most savage era, the dragon race, the demon race, the lich, and even all the powers, which one is not extremely noble, when would they speak so vulgarly.

However, Piansheng was such a vulgar word, but the Dragon King didn't even dare to refuse.

At this time, Ling Tian looked at the Dragon King very indifferently, and it seemed that he had no bad intentions. However, the Dragon King was certain that if he did not make a decision at this time, then, whether it was in the Human Race, or In the demon clan, the dragon clan will become the target of slaughter.

Although at first he agreed to follow the demon clan, but now he is the prince who betrayed the demon clan.

Although Emperor Jun and Emperor Dong are both the emperors of the demon clan, for countless years, the only descendants of the two have only been the ten sons of Emperor Jun.

If the ten golden crows were taken care of by Ling Tian, ​​the demon clan would definitely go crazy. Under that circumstance, the dragon clan who sold ten golden crows would definitely not have any good end.

"The dragons just want to be at sea. If the humans need the help of the dragons to move the clouds and rain, the dragons will never object. After all, what the dragons like most is to reconcile the wind and rain of the prehistoric world..."

On the sea, the Dragon King of the East China Sea hesitated for a moment, then looked at Ling Tian and said.

When he said this, the Dragon King of the East China Sea had undoubtedly agreed to follow Ling Tian and the human race, but, out of supreme respect, he said it in a different language.

"Naturally no problem..."

Ling Tian smiled, he would still take care of the Dragon Clan's self-esteem, anyway, he recruited the Dragon Clan, so that the Dragon Clan could only rely on him, and he didn't just want to rely on a word or two.

"In the future, wherever the human race is, the dragon race will do all the things that make clouds and rain..."

Indifferent words spit out from Ling Tian's mouth.

This is how such a sentence came out. Suddenly, the heaven and the earth gave birth to a sense, and a trace of invisible qi fell, instantly falling on every dragon in this sea area.

In an instant, the four dragon kings and the breath of each dragon fluctuated, and their strength increased in the blink of an eye. Although this improvement is not very exaggerated, however, for countless years, the dragons have long been used to getting weaker and weaker. The generation is worse than the generation, and this sudden improvement still made all the dragons slightly stunned, and then they were all excited and couldn't help themselves.

Especially the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas who existed before the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation, felt this kind of improvement and couldn't be more excited, and looked at Ling Tian and wished they could immediately jump up and hug their thighs.

The human race, the new darling of the world, the new overlord of the world.

Sure enough, following such an existence is the way to survive in the prehistoric world.

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas looked at each other and saw the meaning in each other's eyes. However, the next second, Ling Tian continued to speak, but the expression of the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas suddenly froze.

"It seems that the dragon clan should be with my human clan, then, Lord Dragon King, accompany me to Tanggu to meet the ten princes of the demon clan. Since the demon clan dares to provoke the dragon clan to target my human clan, it should also come. I'm ready to go to the door and touch their prince..."

Ling Tian glanced at the excited Dragon Clan and spoke again.

In a word, all the dragon clan became sluggish, and went to touch the prince of the demon clan.

Nima, this is something that I can't think about, I want to find death.

The surprise disappeared in an The fear of the overlord of the world in this era immediately emerged from the bottom of my heart. The dragon family is no longer the dragon family before the dragon and phoenix catastrophe. Just now, Ling Tian was able to easily decide the survival of the dragon family, then, As the current overlord of the world, is it easier for the demon clan to decide the survival of the dragon clan?

However, if you refuse, it is absolutely impossible.

"Dragon clan, is the human clan coming to trouble you, let's see our brothers come to help you..."

Just when the dragon clan was sluggish, suddenly, in the distance, a cloud of fire came quickly, and at the same time, a domineering and arrogant voice came from afar.

The ten princes of the demon clan.

These ten golden crows didn't know how to know that the human race came to trouble the dragon race, so they went straight from Tanggu to the sky above the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

Ling Tian turned his head and glanced at the direction where the ten Golden Crows came.

"Dragon kings, make a decision, follow my human race, or follow the demon race, maybe, Di Jun and Dong Huang will come later, you persevere, maybe you can persevere until they come, and I can't kill you... …”

A cold voice came out of Ling Tian's mouth.

The Dragon Race, whose expression had just loosened a little because of the appearance of ten golden crows, became stagnant again.

There is no doubt that Ling Tian has forced them to a desperate situation, either choose the human race or the monster race.

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