The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 381: How can there be a fool

"Qingshan Town is a small place, and there are only a few places of value, even if there are too many large gangs, the disappearance of the Qingshi Gang is a good thing in itself, but now, we are not suitable for continuing to shoot, just, That pier is not suitable for being controlled by the Wolf Gang..."

The small building is extremely quiet. This was originally a bustling restaurant in Qingshan Town. However, today, although the entire restaurant is also standing and there are countless people sitting, it is extremely quiet.

On the second floor of this restaurant, by the window, a man sat there watching the swarms of people outside the window talking slowly, and beside this man there were several equally strong men surrounded by guards. The object of this man's speech was an old man with a goatee who was shaking a fan, but he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​a brain.

This is the leader of the Mountain Ghost Gang, and the old man is the counselor of the Mountain Ghost Gang.

Unlike the Qingshi Gang, the Mountain Ghosts themselves are an old-fashioned gang in Qingshan Town. Although the overall strength is not as good as that of the foreign Eagle Gang, in terms of deep roots, none of the ten Eagle Gang can compare to one Mountain Ghost Gang.

And the strongest part of the Mountain Ghost Gang is not his fighting power, but his relationship and the way he does things.

For example, to clean up Ling Tian, ​​the Mountain Ghost Gang wanted to do it very much now, even more so than the Flying Eagle Gang, because when the Qingshi Gang, which was also a local force in Qingshan Town, perished, it was definitely the Mountain Ghost Gang that got the most.

Although the Flying Eagle Gang is strong, in Qingshan Town, it can only avoid the Mountain Ghost Gang. Without the rise of a third big gang, the Mountain Ghost Gang basically becomes the boss of the Qingshan Town Gang.

Therefore, the Mountain Ghost Gang is the least willing to let the Wild Wolf Gang become the next Bluestone Gang.

However, neither the gang leader nor the strategist of the Mountain Ghost Gang can figure out how the Wild Wolf Gang defeated the Qingshi Gang, and how it killed Xu Tian. You must know that the Qingshi Gang is a rising star, or is it relying on sending talented young people. Rising, but, with the support of the talented young man who entered the sect, the strength of the Qingshi Gang is not weaker than that of the mountain ghosts.

Such a gang actually lost to a medium-sized gang like the Wild Wolf Gang, and even the gang leader died at the hands of Ling Tian. What is the inside story is definitely what the Mountain Ghost Gang leader and military advisor want to know most.

Before they knew this secret, no matter how hard the two of them wanted to destroy Ling Tian, ​​they wouldn't force it.

"The pier, the Eagle Gang will **** it. If the Eagle Gang fails, there will probably be some problems with the transportation of goods at the pier. It is very likely that Ling Tian will conflict with some outside forces..."

The goatee military advisor spoke slowly.

As the counselor of the Mountain Ghost Gang, this old man naturally behaves with the characteristics of the Mountain Ghost Gang. Even if he wants to eradicate someone, he will never take action publicly, but secretly.

Wharf, instigating the Flying Eagle Gang to compete is not difficult. After all, the profit of the Wharf is indeed attractive, and the Flying Eagle Gang are foreign eagles, so naturally they will not be afraid.

In fact, it was enough for the Flying Eagle Gang to be able to restrain themselves from robbing the pier instead of killing Ling Tian.

However, since the Mountain Ghost Gang had already suspected that the Wild Wolf Gang had some hidden power, or Ling Tian's background, it was natural that the Feiying Gang could not help the Wild Wolf Gang and Ling Tian's plan.

Then, the follow-up strategies will follow, and the follow-up strategies will come from those fleets passing through Qingshan Town.

This year, people who own a fleet are naturally remarkable people, but, with the power of the Mountain Ghost Gang in Qingshan Town, it is still better to find an opportunity to provoke a conflict between the fleet and the Wild Wolf Gang who may have seized a section of the wharf. Extremely easy.

"Sometimes I'm thinking, maybe, we can be a little more generous and let those talented young people enter the sect safely, so that we can reduce the fighting and bloodshed a little bit, but this world really can't hold the slightest bit. The benevolence and kindness of my lord, if we are a little more generous today and a little more generous tomorrow, maybe there will be no such gang as the Mountain Ghost Gang in the world in more than ten years..."

The leader of the Mountain Ghost Gang, who was sitting at the window, sighed slightly, and while speaking, the man got up and walked slowly downstairs.

There were more than 30 men with knives in the entire restaurant and immediately followed, and on the street outside the restaurant, groups of mountain ghosts with long knives were running back and forth. Three hundred and up.

The Mountain Ghost Gang, the oldest gang in Qingshan Town, its background is by no means just talk.

Wharf, the leader of the Bluestone Gang has slowly developed entanglement and unwillingness in his eyes at this time. He is absolutely unwilling to join a medium-sized gang like the Wild Wolf Gang, even if the Wild Wolf Gang has a great chance of being promoted to a large-scale gang in the future.

The leader of the Qingshi Gang knew that the promotion of the Wild Wolf Gang had nothing to do with him. Even if the Wild Wolf Gang was promoted to a large gang, he was just a leader who had taken refuge in the past. But it will definitely be excluded from the rights.

Moreover, as the leader of a large gang to join a medium-sized gang, no matter what the reason, his reputation is destined to be affected.

People who join the gang don't rely on their reputation the most. If their reputation stinks, what else can they have.

But, having said that, if you don't take refuge now, it doesn't seem to be a good thing to wait for him. Looking at Ling Tian's appearance at this time, nine out of ten, he will be hacked to death without hesitation.

A look of unwillingness flickered, the arm of the leader of the Qingshi Gang holding the knife trembled slightly, no matter how unwilling he was, he didn't want to die, he had already begun to subconsciously want to surrender.

However, at this moment, there was a loud noise in the distance, and a group of figures were swiftly approaching here.

Those figures all came from above Qingshan Town, but with the arrival of those figures, some people walked out of the dock area next to them at the same time, and then swarmed towards this side.

The Flying Eagle Gang, that's the people of the Flying Eagle Gang.

The eyes of the leader of the Qingshi Gang suddenly lit up. The pier next to it belonged to the Eagle Gang, so the reason why these people appeared was obviously because the people from the Eagle Gang came from a distance.

So, while the Wild Wolf Gang wants to take this pier, the Eagle Gang also wants to take this pier.

The leader of the Bluestone Gang is naturally reluctant to join the Wild Wolf Gang, but the Flying Eagle Gang is also a big gang, and the leader of the Bluestone Gang has no complaints about joining the Flying Eagle Gang.

The hand holding the knife became steady again.

There was no hope before, so the leader of the Qingshi Gang reluctantly chose to give in. Now, since the Eagle Gang has come and has a new choice, he will naturally not aggrieve himself any more. .

"This pier does not belong to the Wolf Gang..."

The cold voice sounded again, and the leader of the Qingshi Gang seemed to have regained vitality, his eyes calmed down again and looked at Ling Tian and Zhao Lang not far away.

At the same time that the leader of the Qingshi Gang opened his mouth, someone from the Flying Eagle Gang who was coming fast in the distance also spoke at the same time.

"Li Tianyu, the head of the Flying Eagle Gang, has come to welcome Ishida, the new leader of the gang..."

An indifferent voice came from a distance, and on the pier, the eyes of the leader of the Qingshi Gang suddenly brightened.

The big boss is even higher than his current status. Regardless of whether the Eagle Gang can temporarily stabilize him in this position, the appearance of this appointment makes it easier for him to be accepted by outsiders.

Moreover, the Flying Eagle Gang is also a big gang. As the leader of one big gang, they take refuge in another big gang, but there is no problem here.

"Ishida of the Eagle Gang, I met Hall Master Li..."

On the pier, the leader of the Qingshi Gang immediately clasped his fists and opened his mouth.

Under the current circumstances, he did not hesitate any longer, and immediately recognized what Li Tianyu said about the boss.

Zhao Lang frowned slightly when he listened to the conversation on both sides. The involvement of the Flying Eagle Gang was obviously beyond his expectations. In his thoughts, the Flying Eagle Gang and the Mountain Ghost Gang would take the Qingshi Gang first in Qingshan Town no matter what. Those sites inside, and then to the pier.

In fact, the Mountain Ghost Gang did not come to the pier, and the Eagle Gang also kept most of their strength in Qingshan Town.

However, even if it is just a hall of the Flying Eagle Gang, it is an incredible force for the wharf at this time. At least this force can completely control the Qingshi Gang from Zhao Lang and Ling Tian's hands. Eat at the pier.

"Here, there are no people from the Flying Eagle Gang. I killed the leader of the Qingshi Gang, and this pier is my trophy. If you are not convinced, let's fight..."

However, before Zhao Lang's worries were dissipated, Ling Tian's voice suddenly sounded, and immediately, Ling Tian's figure holding the knife disappeared suddenly, followed by the head of the Qingshi Gang, whose expression changed suddenly, and he subconsciously drew his knife to greet him. The enemy, all of a sudden, several lines of energy were already swirling around him.

The crisp sound of the collision of the blades sounded, and several lines of energy were blocked by the long knife. However, an extremely cold long knife was already sticking to the long knife that blocked the energy and pierced through the past and pierced the throat of the leader of the Qingshi Gang. among.

Unwilling's eyes widened, and then the leader of the Bluestone Gang fell straight down with incomparable unwillingness and fear.

He didn't expect that at the last moment, he would still be killed by Ling Tian's sword.

It is clear that the people of the Flying Eagle Gang have arrived, and he has already joined the Flying Eagle Gang, and he will be safe when he sees it.

The leader of the Qingshi Gang died with incomparable unwillingness and pain in his heart. In the distance, Li Tianyu, who came with a large number of people, was already filled with boundless anger. He had already opened his mouth to say that the leader of the Qingshi Gang was already The leader of the Flying Eagle Gang, Ling Tian was still so disrespectful, he directly killed the leader of the Qingshi Gang.

No, it wasn't that he didn't give face, but he killed him completely provocatively. He immediately killed him because he knew that the leader of the Qingshi Gang had become the leader of the Flying Eagle Gang.

This is simply a slap in the face of the Flying Eagle Gang, not only the slap, but also spit.

This is simply provocation.

Li Tianyu's breathing was slightly rapid, but then it slowly calmed down.

The Flying Eagle Gang is an external force, and the Flying Eagle Gang is indeed more inclined to fight hard than the Mountain Ghost Gang, but the Flying Eagle Gang is not a fool.

The Wild Wolf Gang was able to defeat the Qingshi Gang, and also cut off Xu Tian’s head. If the Wild Wolf Gang was treated as an ordinary medium-sized gang in this situation, then the Flying Eagle Gang would definitely be the entire gang from top to bottom. They're all scumbags.

Being able to become a large-scale gang, and being able to sit firmly in the position of a large-scale gang as an outsider, the Flying Eagle Gang may mostly rely on its strength, but the Flying Eagle Gang's upper and lower brains must have no pits.

At this time, facing Zhao Lang and Ling Tian, ​​especially Ling Tian, ​​the leader of the Qingshi Gang, who almost provoked the Feiying Gang, after Li Tianyu's initial anger in the distance, he calmed down.

"As expected of the person who killed Xu Tian, ​​he is indeed strong, and he is indeed strong, but I hope you can handle Ying Tianhong who will come back soon..."

Li Tianyu glanced at Ling Tian coldly, then showed a sneer and gave Ling Tian a thumbs up.

After the sentence fell, Li Tianyu took another look at the dock that originally belonged to the Qingshi Gang, but now belongs to the Wild Wolf Gang.

Although this pier is sandwiched between the Flying Eagle Gang and the Mountain Ghost Gang, it seems that the location is not good, and the conditions for attracting customers are not the best, but it is the most central location facing Qingshan Town. The business of the fleet in the past is not dominant here, but the business between Qingshan Town and the fleet is the best place.

The restaurant, the other The business of the game shop in this area is really not very good. The docks of the two gangs of the Flying Eagle Gang and the Mountain Ghost Gang can't compare to such a section that belonged to the original Qingshi Gang. Now Lot of wolves.

And the people in the gang, apart from occupying the territory and collecting taxes, isn't that the biggest business revenue?

In Qingshan Town, it was quickly reported that Li Tianyu brought the Feiying Gang's people without a strong attack. The Mountain Ghost Gang leader and the goatee military division who had just occupied a few streets were stunned when they heard Li Tianyu's response.

"It seems that the turkeys of the Flying Eagle Gang are not really all fools. In this river and lake, can there be a few that are not false..."

The leader of the Mountain Ghost Gang sighed helplessly, and his eyes dimly looked at the goatee military division.

The latter's eyes trembled slightly when he looked at the leader of the Mountain Ghost Gang, then raised his head to look at the leader of the Mountain Ghost Gang.

"It may not be a bad thing if it's not a reckless man. The Eagle Gang itself is something we can't erase. Even if they have a fierce battle with the Wild Wolf Gang, unless they both lose, it won't be a good thing for us, no matter who wins or loses. Now, Since they are not reckless, then we may be able to work together to suppress the rise of the Wild Wolf Gang..."

The goatee military division carefully looked at the leader of the Mountain Ghost Gang and said.

The attitude of the leader of the Mountain Ghost Gang towards the Flying Eagle Gang is not very good. If this group leader is not willing to cooperate with the Flying Eagle Gang, the unlucky one will definitely be the goatee.

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