The Strongest Soldier in the City

Chapter 7222: How do you want to die

"I will give you this one chance. I will only stay here for two days. If there is no movement for two days, I will go back."

After leaving these words, Huang Baiwan cut off the phone without giving Hiller a chance to speak.

The smile on his face was extremely bright, and what he said just now was enough to completely irritate Hiller Consenro.

It was enough to completely anger the Shengu family behind him!

He believed that the other party would not let him go. As long as the other party's murderous intention skyrocketed, and as long as the other party was furious, his goal would be achieved.

What is his purpose in doing this?

Naturally, it will attract more powerful people to come here to kill him, so that the ancient Shen family will burn their anger on him.

Only in this way can he help Sixth Brother share the pressure and attract firepower.

As for his own safety? Sorry, he didn't think about it from the moment he stepped out of the country.

As he said before, even if he died here, there would still be Wang Jinbiao in the country.

The mad dog's ability is slightly worse, but he can still manage to stabilize the overall situation.

"Damn it, this is a madman who is despised by God! He can't live!"

Hiller Consenro was furious. He roared: "Open your network, no matter what relationship you use, no matter how much money you spend, contact all the armed forces in the triangle area, I want Huang Baiwan to die miserably in that wasteland!"

"Also, tell the Odin family the news!" Hiller growled with a ferocious expression. This time, he was really angry.

Chen Liuhe was dead. He did not expect that after Chen Liuhe's death, someone else could cause them such trouble and make them pay such a high price.

This kind of person is never allowed to exist in this world, so Huang Wanwan must die!

At the same time, Chen Liuhe, who was hiding in the Guding family, also received news from the Triangle Domain.

This result put a bright smile on his face, but he didn't feel too surprised.

This is something that is expected, and this is something that Lao Huang can do.

As he said before, Huang Wanwan went crazy and was even more cruel than him.

That is a person who can truly be unscrupulous and unscrupulous.

"Don't be too happy too early. The Shengu family and those other major families will not give up. The more ruthless Huang Baiwan does, the greater the risk will be." Anbei Xieying said at the side.

"He really risked his own life by doing this. He should be prepared to die together."

Xinghai also said in a deep voice: "However, your goal has been achieved. Once he uses such methods, the ancient gods and families headed by Odin will definitely be furious! They will not let Huang Baiwan go, and will continue to send experts to kill him. he!"

"In this case, those ancient divine families will really be fighting on two fronts. The attraction from the Triangular Domain will distract them and weaken their concentration of power." Xinghai's eyes flashed with brilliance. .

Chen Liuhe said with a smile: "When the time comes, I will come down like God and play a show of resurrection from the dead..."

"I'm really looking forward to what wonderful expressions those people will have at that time."

The smile on Chen Liuhe's face was cold and sinister, making people's scalp numb.

"Huang Baiwan has helped you a lot this time, and he deserves to die." Anbei Xieying sighed softly.

In her opinion, Huang Wanwan

The loyal dog is destined to be a tragic figure.

It's impossible for him to end well, and it's impossible for him to get out of the Triangle alive.

He can be regarded as a victim on Chen Liuhe's **** road.

Chen Liuhe glanced sideways at the other party and said, "As I said before, don't look at Lao Huang all over."

"As for the result, just wait and see. Time will prove it to us." Chen Liuhe looked determined and confident.

He also had strong and even blind confidence in Huang Wanwan.

It's not that he won't die, but no matter who in this world wants to kill him, the price will be too high.

With an order from the Kangsenluo family, the entire Triangle Territory was boiling overnight!

All the armed forces worth their salt are restless, and they all point their fingers at Huang Wanwan!

Obviously, under the orders of the Kangsenluo family, Huang Wanwan suddenly became a public enemy and wanted to launch an encirclement and suppression campaign against him!

Huang Baiwan naturally received the news immediately, and was attacked by no less than three waves of night attacks overnight.

The sound of gunfire continued and the battle was extremely fierce.

However, Huang Baiwan was calm and calm. He was drinking red wine and smoking a cigar, standing in a tall building and looking at the fire not far away.

"Boss, the Triangle is no longer safe. We really have to leave. The helicopter is ready." Wang Meng stood behind Huang Baiwan and said anxiously.

"Who participated in this siege?" Huang Baiwan asked calmly.

"The top three largest private armed forces are all involved, and even several regular armies in the surrounding areas are preparing to move." Wang Meng said truthfully: "Preliminary estimates suggest that the total strength has exceeded 100,000."

Huang Wanwan grinned and his eyes were extremely sinister: "Haha, this is interesting. The energy of the Kangsenluo family is not small. One rage can shake up the entire triangle domain."

"Boss, no place in the Triangle is safe now. We really can't stay any longer." Wang Meng said.

"Jin Kun also participated in the team that encircled and suppressed me?" Huang Baiwan asked lightly.

Jin Kun is the most powerful private armed leader in the entire Triangle Territory. His strength is very fierce and he ranks first among the private armed forces in the entire Triangle Territory.

"Yes, Jin Kun is also among them. Not only that, he is also the absolute main force." Wang Meng said.

Huang Baiwan grinned: "This cigar is so **** hard to smoke. After all these years, I still can't get used to the burnt smell. A cunning person like me is destined to have a hard time becoming a gentleman in this life."

After that, he threw away the cigar, crushed it with his toe, and took out his red plum.

"This thing still suits my taste. It's strong enough." Huang Baiwan smacked his lips a few times.

Then, he took out his phone and dialed a number.

The phone rang for a long time before being answered.

"Jin Kun, I heard that you want my life." Huang Baiwan got straight to the point.

"This time you have offended someone you shouldn't have offended. It's hard for you not to die."

Jin Kun's voice was a bit hoarse: "It's not just me who wants your life, the entire Triangle Domain's armed forces are surrounding you."

"Boss Huang, you're going to die anyway, why don't you give me the first prize? I'll leave a whole body for you," Jin Kun said.

"Haha, Jin Kun, have you become stupid in the Triangle Realm for so many years? You dare to take my life, tell me how you want to die?"

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