Ye Feng stands at the door and looks at Dante Emma, but he doesn't speak. Seeing this, Dante Emma immediately stands up and walks to the door. She looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "are you in? What's in it? "

Ye Feng stared at Dante Emma for a long time before he said to Dante Emma, "do you know you almost destroyed the earth?"

Dante Emma's face suddenly moved slightly, and immediately asked, "do you see God?"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "it's more than seeing your God. I know where your God comes from!"

Dante Emma immediately couldn't wait to say to Ye Feng, "what did God say to you? What does God look like? Did God say why he locked me up here? Why didn't God come to me? "

Ye Feng is still staring at Dante Emma with his eyes. After a long time, he said to Dante Emma, "if your God wants you to die, will you die?"

Dante Emma looks at Ye Feng again. She doesn't speak for a long time. She just looks at Ye Feng. Obviously, she doesn't believe Ye Feng's words. After a long time, she looks at Ye Feng and says, "God He wants me to die? "

Ye Feng did not answer looking at Dante Emma, but Dante Emma immediately said, "impossible, if God wants me to die, he will not save me, and with his ability, he wants me to die, he will do it, I have no chance to resist, this must be you cheat me!"

Ye Feng still looks at Dante Emma without saying a word. He doesn't know how to tell Dante Emma at this time. If he is honest and worried that the robot will wake up, it will be a disaster for the earth and even the whole solar system and galaxy. If he doesn't tell Dante Emma the truth, he may not believe everything he says.

Dante Emma saw Ye Feng staring at her, but she didn't say a word. She said impatiently to Ye Feng, "does God really want me to die?"

Ye Feng still didn't say a word. Seeing this, Dante Emma immediately said, "God wants you to watch me die?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said to Dante Emma, "do you believe in your God?"

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng hesitantly and said, "I Of course, I believe... "

Ye Feng immediately said, "your God, let you not face me from now on!"

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng in surprise, "don't face you? What do you mean

Ye Feng immediately added, "turn your back!"

Dante Emma hesitated to look at Ye Feng, a face incredible, but still turned away, but just turned away, his head immediately looked back.

But even so, Ye Feng has seen clearly that there is also a bulge behind Dante Emma's skull, which means that as long as he can press the button behind Dante Emma's skull, he will have a chance to destroy him?

At this time, Ye Feng's mind is running fast. If he wants to press it, Dante Emma will resist. With Dante Emma's ability, he will not be his opponent, so he must think of a way.

Soon Ye Feng's brain read a flash, instantly thought of a way, he immediately toward Dante Emma way, "you don't listen to God?"

Dante Emma turned her head again and said, "what's going on?"

Ye Feng said, "I don't know. Let your God talk to you in person?"

When Dante Emma heard this, her face moved slightly again. "Talk to me in person?" Then he immediately turned around and looked around, "where is the God?"

Ye Feng stretched out his right index finger and middle finger and said, "here it is!"

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng's two fingers in surprise, "here?" Then he stared at Ye Feng's fingers for a long time. Then he looked at Ye Feng with half faith and said, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "your God is just a kind of existence of consciousness. He talked with me a lot just now, and they all rely on the exchange of consciousness. Now I can put my hand on your head and let him directly communicate with you!"

Dante Emma is still looking at Ye Feng dubiously, "then why should I turn my back?"

Ye Feng shrugged to Dante Emma and said, "then I don't know. When I was communicating with your God, I felt that the head behind me was touched by people's fingers, and then your God was in my mind!"

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng dubiously, but finally said, "then you just let God communicate with me directly. Why do you want to communicate with me through your fingers?"

Originally, if Dante Emma asked this question, Ye Feng would definitely have to consider it on the spot, which would be easy to reveal the truth. Fortunately, Ye Feng had already considered this question when he was preparing to say this to Dante Emma.

Now Ye Feng didn't even think about it, so he said to Dante Emma, "you and your God are really strange. You can't get out of here, but your God can't get out of the place where you can't get in, so he entered my mind and let me take him out! Now he's in my subconscious. Although it's not painful, I feel that there is another consciousness in my body. I'm not used to it. Since you worship your God so much, I feel like communicating with him and letting him go to your consciousness. You two slowly discuss how to break your situation! "Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a while. For a long time, she didn't speak. She just looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng see Dante Emma did not speak, immediately shrugged, "since you don't want that even if, I don't want to ask you again!" Then turn around and go!

Dante Emma saw Ye Feng said really walked away, immediately stopped Ye Feng way, "you let me digest, I always feel what's wrong!"

Ye Feng sneered at Dante Emma and said, "what's wrong? It's just that you don't believe me! " Then he hummed coldly, "since you don't believe me, what else can you say? Goodbye!"

Dante Emma immediately stopped Ye Feng and said, "wait a minute!"

Ye Feng looked back at Dante Emma impatiently and said, "believe it or not, I don't have so much spare time to waste with you here. I only give you one minute. If you want to communicate with your God, turn your back. If you don't believe it, I'll leave, and you will continue to be in prison!"

Dante Emma had already thought clearly in his mind at this time. With his current ability, even if ye Feng had any bad ideas, he could find out for the first time that he could stop him. He should not hurt himself. With his pure metal body, Ye Feng had no chance at all.

After thinking about this, Dante Emma immediately turned to Ye Feng and said, "OK, I believe you. Come on!"

Ye Feng saw that Dante Emma really turned around and exposed the raised place behind his head in front of him. His heart suddenly moved and immediately walked towards the door.

Just after standing still, Ye Feng reached out to Dante Emma in the convex position of her back brain. Dante Emma still felt some expectation at this time. After all, God is too attractive to him. What kind of God can give her such a perfect body and communicate with God in person, which has a fatal attraction for Dante Emma.

Ye Feng's hand had touched the bulge on the back of Dante Emma's brain at this time, and then he took a deep breath.

And Dante Emma also felt Ye Feng's hand on his back brain, but the God of expectation did not appear in his consciousness.

Dante Emma can't help but wonder to say to Ye Feng, "OK? What about God? "

Ye Feng immediately said to Dante Emma, "don't be distracted. Take a deep breath and wait for your God..."

But when Ye Feng's voice did not fall, Ye Feng immediately gathered the strength of his whole body on the index finger and middle finger of his right hand, and instantly pressed it down.

As soon as Ye Feng pressed the button, he saw that Dante Emma's body suddenly began to gather. When Dante Emma saw this, she immediately knew that she had been cheated and wanted to move forward to avoid Ye Feng. However, his body did not listen to the trend of his consciousness, and her whole body fell directly to the ground.

Even so, the metal on Dante Emma's body began to close without stopping. Soon, his body could not see that he was a human. Just a moment later, it turned into a square piece of black metal and finally fell to the ground.

The whole space seems to be silent at this moment. Ye Feng doesn't hear Dante Emma's voice any more, nor any other voice.

But looking at the square piece of black metal in front of him, Ye Feng still hesitated, thinking whether to put the robot's life again and destroy it completely?

Ye Feng is thinking about it, but see that the black and silver square metal block actually slowly rose towards the air, Ye Feng see in the eyes, the heart can't help but move.

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