The two elders could not help staring at the corpse for a long time. At this moment, another message appeared on the virtual display.

The old scholar immediately went over and opened the information to have a look. It was Ye Feng who sent it. He asked them to prepare a second body and get the second person out.

Seeing this, the old scholar immediately told the old man that they immediately went to carry the other body, and the wake-up cat face man immediately went to help.

And Ye Feng in the chariot asked tree face and ugly face, "have you decided? Who's next? "

The tree face man immediately said to Ye Feng, "I'll come. He thinks your appearance is too ugly. He can't get used to it for a moment."

On hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu could not help looking at the ugly man in dismay, "you You think we're ugly? How funny

Ye Feng said to Zhuo wanqiu, "his aesthetic view is naturally based on their ethnic civilization!"

The tree faced man shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, if you want me to say that, I also think Forget it. Anyway, I don't care. I'll come first! "

With that, the tree faced man walked towards the "coffin" in the middle, but his height was much higher than the length of the coffin. When he lay in, he could only bend his body slightly to force it in.

After the tree face man lay down, the lid of the coffin closed automatically. The cat face man and two old men stood outside the container, waiting for the result.

After the same operation as the cat face man just now, the tree face man also successfully came to the world of eisf.

When the cat faced man saw the corpse in the container and woke up, he immediately asked him, "are you an old tree? Or old ugly? "

The tree faced man sat up and said to the cat, "what old tree, old ugly, you've changed your way, and you've started to talk strangely?"

The cat faced man said with a smile to the tree faced man, "don't your own words have become the words of Esther's side?"

As soon as the tree face man heard this, he immediately covered his mouth and looked at the cat face man and the two old men in surprise.

The old man then asked the two men, "how? That's what you said before, isn't it? "

The cat faced man shrugged his shoulders and said, "we are from different civilizations. Of course, we speak in different languages. However, we have solved it through some technologies. But I don't understand your language. In short, it's inexplicable..."

At this time, a message immediately appeared on the virtual display. The old scholar immediately opened it and read, "when transmitting them, I added the mode of automatic translation..."

Seeing this information, the old scholar couldn't help looking at it in surprise, and then explained it to the old man. The old man couldn't help exclaiming, "it seems that their level of civilization is not low!"

Then Ye Feng's message came back, "prepare another eight corpses as soon as possible, three men and five women are needed!"

After receiving the information, the old scholar immediately told the old man, but he had a headache and said, "it's not easy to get two bodies just now. It's a bit difficult to get eight more."

Ye Feng's message immediately sent in the past, "they two can help! As soon as possible

At this time, the old scholar discussed with the old man, "no matter what, first find some corpses. It's really not good. Let people go to the mortuary to find them..."

The old man looked at the old scholar and said, "if it goes on like this, it will alarm the military sooner or later!"

The old scholar said to the old man, "we have come to this stage. We have no choice!"

On hearing this, the old man took a deep breath and sighed, "yes, I have no choice!"

Thinking that the old man immediately made a virtual phone call to his subordinates and asked him to look for eight more bodies, five women's and three men's tonight.

The old man's subordinates said, "teacher, those two just took a big risk. Do you want eight more? Is it a little too much? "

The old man immediately snapped, "are you contributing to our research project? I can't do this little thing well. I don't need to come tomorrow... "

On hearing this, the subordinates immediately said, "teacher, I'll find a way. Don't get angry. I'll take care of this..."

The old man said to his subordinates, "if you have a few, just make a few first, and make eight before dawn." Then he hung up.

After hanging up the phone, the old man asked the old scholar to send a message to Ye Feng, telling them that he was preparing.

After Ye Feng received the message, he immediately said, "they are preparing. We have to wait now!"

The old man suddenly thought of something and immediately said to the old scholar, "ask him if you can let him come first..."

The old scholar frowned and said, "do you mean to let Danting come first?"

The old man immediately nodded and said, "yes, after all, he is from our side. I still have many questions to ask him face to face..."

The old scholar immediately nodded his head and agreed. Then he went to send a message to Ye Feng and asked him to come first.After Ye Feng received the news, she didn't reply immediately. Dante Emma, who had been silent, said, "you see, they are also anxious to let me out. Let me go next!"

Ye Feng immediately replied in the message, "no, only Dante knows the technology here. After he goes out, other people will be trapped here, so he must go out last!"

After receiving the information, the old scholar immediately told the old man, and the old man sighed, "in that case, we can only continue to wait!"

And Dante Emma in the chariot said to Ye Feng in a slight anger, "I don't understand. Why do you have to put me at the end?"

Ye Feng shrugged at Dante Emma and said, "didn't I explain the reason to you just now?"

Dante Emma said, "since I entered your spaceship, if I really wanted to hurt you, I would have done it long ago, and I don't have to wait until now!"

This time, Ye Feng didn't speak, but Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "that's because you haven't come home yet. You want to use us to come back here, but if you have already gone home, you will not harm us"

Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "we are all Mrs. ace, and you can see the information. All three of us have worked for the Federation, but we are still Colleagues, why do I want to harm you? "

But at this time, Dixie said faintly, "don't say that we didn't work in TSL on earth! What happened? "

Dante Emma listened to what Dixie said, and finally sighed and didn't speak any more.

Ye Feng looked at Dante Emma and said, "don't worry. When they go out, I'll let you out first. I'm still behind you. What are you afraid of?"

Dante Elmar shrugged his shoulders and said that he didn't care about the way. "Here you boss, you has the final say, you say how, I'm not worried anyway."

But Zhuo wanqiu said to Ye Feng, "brother Satan, are you the last one? You are not afraid of... "

But Ye Feng looked at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "what are you afraid of? Afraid he'll hurt me? You've all gone out. When you're eight, are you afraid that he will harm me? "

Zhuo wanqiu was stunned when she heard what Ye Feng said. Then she thought that Ye Feng was arranging for all of them to go out. Except for one Dante Emma, it could be said that all of them were her own. By that time, the ratio outside would be eight to one, and eight people would not be able to see one. But does Ding Emma?

At this time, in the outside world, the old man's subordinates have begun to send the corpses one after another. This time, three women's corpses were sent at one time.

Ye Feng first arranges Zhuo wanqiu to go out, and then asks Monica and a nan to go out. The woman only leaves Scarlett and Dixie. Now there are only five people left in the chariot.

After Zhuo wanqiu, Monica and a Nan went out, the first thing Zhuo wanqiu did when she woke up was to look at herself in the mirror. Then she saw Monica and a Nan again, and immediately stamped her feet angrily, "why am I the ugliest?"

The cat faced man then said to Zhuo wanqiu, "are they all the same? Where is the difference between beauty and ugliness? In my opinion, they are all ugly... "

Then he sent three bodies, two women and a man. Ye Feng sent out Scarlett, Dixie and ugly face one after another.

Before leaving, Dixie said in Ye Feng's ear, "be careful of him, this boy has too many tricks!"

Ye Feng whispered to Dixie, "I know, so I'll let you go out first. It's up to you outside. Whether I can go out smoothly depends on you. After you go out, you should pay attention to two main points: one is our chariot, the other is the experimental container. You can't touch it!"

Dixie said to Ye Feng, "after I go out, I'll tie him up before he comes out, so as to avoid trouble!"

Ye Feng smell speech a consternation, immediately a smile ground nodded, "so good!"

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