Ye Feng understood what Jock Emma meant. He said that he wanted to see what the direction of their so-called new organization was, and whether it was similar to the route of the former geek pioneers and the opposition, before deciding whether the technology would be given to him.

However, Ye Feng has another problem to consider. He takes the risk to help him get the technology. When the time comes, jock Emma will turn around and refuse to recognize it. Isn't he busy.

In fact, jock Emma has never done anything that makes Ye Feng feel wrong, but I don't know why. Ye Feng has a congenital sense of defense for Jock Emma. He didn't want to understand it before. When he saw Dante Emma before, Ye Feng suddenly understood it.

After all, jock Emma is Dante Emma's uncle. Ye Feng has a preconceived idea of connecting Jock Emma with Dante Emma. What's good about Jock Emma? What kind of uncle can you have if you have such a nephew?

So Ye Feng has been subconsciously thinking that Jock Emma is equal to Dante Emma, so he has been on guard against Jock Emma. At this time, he is thinking whether he wants to believe Jock Emma this time.

But it's not that Ye Feng's heart suddenly grows big. He thinks that he wants to help Jock Emma get the technical data. The data will be in his own hands at that time. Whether to hand it over to Jock Emma or not will be decided by himself. If he thinks it's not right at that time, he won't give it to him directly.

Thinking about this, Ye Feng readily agrees to Jock Emma. After all, he asked Jock Emma before that whether he was worried that he would not give something to him. No one else was worried. What was he worried about?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately asked Jock Emma in a low voice, "is it still in the lab?" Then he immediately took a look at the four corner cameras and continued to say to Jock Emma, "isn't it recorded here?"

Jock Emma said to Ye Feng, "don't worry, since we suspect that there is a problem in the police station, victor will not arrange a room with recording equipment for us to meet, and the four cameras are also in repair status, so you can rest assured!"

Yefeng listen to qiaoke Emma said so, immediately nodded, "where is that thing?"

Jock Emma immediately said, "you're right. It's still in my lab at the academy! But I believe my lab has been turned upside down by them! "

Ye Feng then immediately toward Qiao Ke Emma way, "that thing what appearance, easy to recognize?"

Jock Emma then said with a smile, "it's a pen with a trident mark on it! All you have to do is get that pen! "

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "a pen?"? Where exactly? " But then I thought about it. Just now, jock Emma also said that while Jock Emma was in the police station, the opposition must have searched his laboratory. Even if Jock Emma knew where to put it before, it may not be in the original place now. I thought to say to Jock Emma immediately, "OK, I'll go now!"

Jock Emma just gently nodded to Ye Feng and said, "be careful, since Shylock has found you, he will certainly stare at you. Your every move may be in his sight. If you go to the laboratory, you are telling Shylock that my things are still in the laboratory, so you can't just go there!"

Ye Feng hears the speech for a while pondering, then stands up and says to Jock Emma, "don't worry, I know how to do it, just wait for my news!"

After that, Ye Feng turns around and is ready to leave. If you don't want to leave, Emma immediately stops Ye Feng and says, "wait a minute, if you come back and find that I'm not in the police station, then it means that I've been taken away by Shylock. At that time, you will protect that thing for me temporarily. If I die, Congratulations, that thing is yours!"

Ye Feng smell speech but surprised to look at Jock Emma way, "you are not to surrender to the federal police headquarters of it, your case above should have known, Shylock dare not easily start?"

Qiaoke Emma said to Ye Feng, "Shylock is a mayor in Huke Bay, but compared with those opposition people in longarsenburg, his shit is not enough. It doesn't depend on Shylock's personal will. In other words, if the opposition orders Shylock to move me, he doesn't have the courage to disobey the order, so he knows that he may be exposed or even killed He will die, and he has to carry out the task! "

Ye Feng can't help but feel a move when he hears the speech. He looks at Jock Emma in a dazed way. After pondering for a moment, he says to Jock Emma, "do you feel that the opposition will move you?"

At this time, jock Emma immediately said to Ye Feng, "do you think it's just the personal behavior of the former geek pioneer to save me?"

Ye Feng can't help looking at Jock Emma again and said, "do you mean that ricksen is connected with the opposition?"

But Jock Emma shook her head and said, "I don't know, but I can tell you that I don't like this person. If you set up a new organization, I will agree to you without much consideration. But I'm not sure about your cooperation with ricksen. That's why I have to consider it."

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "since you so don't trust ricksen, why should promise me?"? You should know that my new organization will also include ricksen! "Jock Emma said to Ye Feng, "he's ok if you count him. You just need to be on guard against him. Think for yourself, if you are him, the opposition leader in the geek vanguard, will you come in and lead yourself, and then work behind the butt of the person you bring in? Maybe there are people in this world who do not sacrifice their own interests for the sake of their own ideals. I don't deny that, but ricksen is definitely not such a person! "

When Ye Feng hears what Jock Emma says, he looks at Jock Emma thoughtfully. In fact, without Jock Emma saying it, he has always had this doubt, but he has never said it. In addition, there is a hatred between himself and ricksen from his younger brother Rickett. Even if ricksen is not the kind of person that Jock Emma said, the hatred will be the same sooner or later A foreshadowing.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded to Jack Emma and said that he knew.

At this time, jock Emma said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to listen to all my words. You can investigate by yourself. Time will prove everything! After all, I know that you have doubts about me, so it's up to you. You can't count on anyone! "

Ye Feng smell speech immediately and toward Joe Emma nodded, "thank you for reminding, I know how to do! I'll go first

After seeing Ye Feng walking to the door, jock Emma immediately said, "I'll wait for your news!"

Ye Feng nodded, left the detention room, and then left the police station. On the way, Ye Feng made a phone call to Dixie and asked her how the situation was over there.

"Joanna has disguised herself. I don't think her father knows her now," she said on the phone

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "where are you now? I'll go to find you. There's another person who needs to disguise."

"Who is it?" said Dixie

Ye Feng said at once, "I'm here!"

Dixie is more surprised way, "you want to disguise?"? Are you going on a mission? "

Ye Feng said directly, "there's something wrong. I need to go back to Jock Emma's Research Institute, but it can't be recognized!"

Dixie immediately said an address, toward Ye Feng said, "come on, we wait for you!"

Ye Feng immediately turns on the navigation on his mobile phone, takes a look at the position that Dixie said, and then goes there. However, after walking a street, he feels as if someone is following him.

Ye Feng estimates to go to a little bit of the store, pretending to look at things when the road toward a glance, but did not see anyone, secretly his feeling can not be wrong, how can no one?

But then I thought that I was no longer on the earth, but in essf. Besides, there are drones on the earth now. Essf's technology can't be there yet. It must be that there are drones monitoring themselves in the air?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately looked up in mid air and saw a UAV. When Ye Feng looked over there, he immediately flew to one side of a building.

Seeing this, Ye Feng says in his heart that if these drones are tracking him, it's more troublesome to get rid of these drones than to get rid of the people who are tracking him.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng knows that he can't go directly to the target that Dixie said. He must get rid of these annoying drones before he goes. Otherwise, he will not only be under surveillance, but also expose them.

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