Ye Feng from this villa and before the opening is five million to buy his badge, you know Li Xuan must be very rich, but Li Xuan do not know, he is not short of money, lack of money is to take out.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng looked at Li Xuan for a long time. He suddenly asked Li Xuan, "do you have a Swiss bank card?"

Li Xuan a listen to this, can't help a Leng, "Swiss bank card?" He said, shaking his head, "I have never left China in my life. Where did I get my Swiss bank card?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I don't need money. If you can help me get a Swiss bank card, it will be the biggest help to me!"

Li Xuan looked at Ye Feng in surprise for a long time. He couldn't understand why. What's the purpose of Ye Feng's Swiss bank card? He couldn't help asking him, "do you want a bank card? But no money? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "it's understandable that I have some money in Swiss bank, but I lost my card. I can only transfer money online, but I can't transfer it to Huaxia Bank, so I need a Swiss bank card that can be transferred to Huaxia Bank!"

Li Xuan stared at Ye Feng for a long time. His eyes were full of curiosity and surprise, but he finally shook his head, "this, I really don't have it, but I can help you ask my friend!"

Ye Feng was disappointed and shook his head at Li Xuan. "If it's your friend's, it's OK!"

He didn't say that he didn't believe any of his so-called friends except him. After all, the more than 80 million euros of his Swiss bank is not a small sum.

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Li Xuan said, "Xiao you, I think you haven't said a lot of things..."

Did not wait for Li Xuan to finish, Ye Feng heart is a move, not enough face but showed a surprised look at him, "a lot of things?"

Li Xuan is suddenly relieved, toward Ye Feng said, "you don't want to say should, after all, we only know each other for a long time, only a cup of tea a meal of friendship!"

Ye Feng then took out a cigarette to light, smoked a mouthful, did not speak.

Li Xuan said, "I can see from your eyes that you have many stories that you can't tell people casually, and your eyes tell you that you won't have 100% trust in anyone!"

Ye Feng looked up at Li Xuan, then said with a bitter smile, "after betrayal, naturally there is no 100% trust!"

Li Xuan nodded with a smile, "well, when you're not ready for me, or you think I'm trustworthy, tell me your story again..."

After staring at Li Xuan for a long time, Ye Feng continued to smoke cigarettes and asked, "the old man doesn't seem to believe those mysterious and mysterious things in Wuji Daoben Jing. Why are you still so fascinated by these things?"

Li Xuan hears speech one is stunned, looked at leaf maple after a long time way, "you are wrong! I believe it

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately say again, "I give old gentleman see of three yellow paper of contents, old gentleman don't say is dross?"

Li Xuan didn't speak. Then he stood up, went to one side, brought a set of tea sets, burned a pot of water, took out two cups, and began to cook Kung Fu tea.

After the water boiled and poured a cup for Ye Feng and himself, he said, "that's because I was selfish at that time. I want you to give up your curiosity and sell your things to me!"

Ye Feng put out his cigarette and stared at Li Xuan. "So, the old man believes in those mysterious things!"

After tasting a mouthful of tea, Li Xuan looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you believe in resurrection from death?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, facial expression immediately a ground to look at Li Xuan, "dead but come back to life?"

Li Xuan laughed and continued to take a sip of tea. After putting down the cup, he said faintly, "I know you may not believe me, but I have experienced..."

Ye Feng immediately asked Li Xuan, "did the old man come back from the dead?"

Li xuanchao Ye Feng said, "you should know that a few years ago, my son, daughter-in-law and grandson died. At that time, I felt that life was beyond love, so one day I took sleeping pills in my collection room..."

Ye Feng's hand holding the teacup trembles slightly. He feels that Li Xuan is talking about something related to himself. However, he tries to restrain his inner emotion and not let it show easily.

Li Xuan continued, "I didn't know how long I had slept, and I felt like I was in endless darkness. When I saw a dazzling light, I woke up and was in the hospital bed!"

Ye Feng put down the cup in his hand, a pair of eyes staring at Li Xuan, try to cover up his inner excitement.

In fact, before Li Xuan told his story, Ye Feng had an impulse to tell Li Xuan about his experience.

After all, such a big secret hidden in the heart, is also a kind of psychological pressure, there is a person to tell, is always a way to release pressure.

But what Ye Feng didn't expect was that Li Xuan had a similar experience with himself.

But Li Xuan continued, "at that time, the doctor just announced my death five minutes ago. When I woke up, I was startled, and even thought it was a medical miracle. Although I had never seen the legendary ox head and horse face, I knew that I should have died, but I miraculously survived. At first, I told the doctor what happened after I died, but it was obvious However, they all regard me as a fool. Although they don't speak and even coax me, I can see from their eyes that they regard me as a mental illness... "Speaking of this, Li Xuan looked at Ye Feng, "at that time, my eyes were the same as those before you. I would not believe anyone around me any more. I only believed in myself!"

Ye Feng then asked, "did you think why you didn't die?"

Li Xuanli pointed to the ring placed in front of Ye Feng and said, "I checked a lot of materials and ancient books, and finally found a remnant page of the copy of Wuji Daoben Jing. I saw the design of the ring on it. When I died, the ring was close to me. I even remembered that I closed my eyes and put the ring in the box. It seemed that I was angry There is a bright light But I don't remember very clearly. Even now, I can only suspect that it has something to do with this ring. I'm not sure! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "so that's why you want to buy my badge?"

Li Xuan nodded and said, "that's right!" Then he stared at Ye Feng and said, "I know you will not believe what I said in your heart..."

But Ye Feng said, "I believe it!"

Li Xuan's face suddenly looked at Ye Feng, "do you believe what I said?"

Ye Feng stared at Li Xuan for a long time, then lit a flue, "I have similar experience!"

On hearing this, Li Xuanli looked at Ye Feng in surprise, his hands trembled, "what do you say?"

Ye Feng continued to say to Li Xuan, "I've committed suicide, and I've come back from the dead!"

Li Xuan instantly stood up and stared at Ye Feng, "have you ever been reborn from the dead?"

Ye Feng nodded, he looked up at Li Xuan, he just said his similarities with Li Xuan, but did not say the differences.

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