In the spring breeze of the night, Ye Feng spent the night with gulina. They were happy several times. Ye Feng didn't think that gulina had been waiting for her all the time. If she didn't come back from the micro universe, would she also keep her body and die?

Ye Feng didn't ask gulina. Maybe gulina won't say it even if he asks gulina. No one can say anything about feelings. Maybe gulina really will, or maybe she won't say it when she meets the next one. Who can say it clearly.

Ye Feng didn't feel sleepy, but he also spent a lot of energy on gulina. He slept for another two or three hours. When he woke up, he found gulina was nestling in his arms, and his eyes were looking at him.

See Ye Feng wake up, gulina immediately euphemistic smile, immediately asked a, "so soon wake up?" Say to still kiss on the mouth of leaf maple.

Ye Feng also applied to kiss gulina, and then asked her, "did you wake up or didn't sleep?"

Gulina looked at Ye Feng happily and said, "I can't sleep! I just want to look at you like this! "

But Ye Feng reached out and pinched gulina's nose, and immediately said, "take advantage of the day is not bright, have a rest! Otherwise, I will doze off in the daytime tomorrow! "

Gulina shook her head and looked at Ye Feng affectionately. "I don't want to look at you like this. I can't look at you all my life!"

Seeing this, Ye Feng can't help kissing gulina again. After playing chess again, Ye Feng lies down on one side and gasps for breath and says, "you're really a grinding goblin!"

Gulina just hugged Ye Feng and said softly, "do you like it?"

Ye Feng nodded, "like, of course like, don't like to be able to be with you seven or eight times a night?"

Gulina immediately patted Ye Feng on the chest and said, "you hate it!"

Ye Feng laughs and hugs Gu Lina for a while. Then she gets up. Gu Lina says to Ye Feng, "do you get up so early? It's still dark outside! "

Ye Feng went to one side, picked up a cigarette and lit it up. "I'll go to the balcony and have a cigarette! I'm afraid I'll smoke you! "

Gulina looked at Ye Feng and said, "I'm not afraid. I like the taste of you!"

Ye Feng still shook his head and said, "you'd better not smoke your boudoir. I'll just stand on the balcony and smoke one. You can go to sleep quickly! If you don't fall asleep after I smoke, I'll leave! "

Gulina heard Ye Feng say so, immediately nodded, "well, I'll have a rest, you come to hold me after smoking!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, put on clothes, went to the balcony, lit cigarettes, looking at the night sky.

Thinking about the spring breeze with gulina that night, thinking that I haven't indulged with women for a long time, I'm still young.

Ye Feng looks back at gulina who is sleeping on the bed. Seeing that gulina has closed her eyes with a smile, Ye Feng can't help sighing. He just has a relationship with her, but gulina doesn't ask for anything.

In fact, gulina is not the only one. Most of the women around her are like this. However, these things are also common on earth. Besides, there are no restrictions on marriage. At that time, it seems that she must be a model of polygamy. Otherwise, these women really don't know how to settle down.

Ye Feng is smoking a cigarette, but he finds that the lights are still bright in the direction of the gymnasium. Ye Feng can't help but move. Is it possible that the secret passage has passed for several hours, and there is still training there? Eisf's time is long. These two hours are equivalent to twice the time of the earth, and the intensity is not small.

At this time, Ye Feng finished smoking cigarettes. When he turned back to the room, he found that gulina had fallen asleep. After tossing all night, he thought he was really tired. Then he picked up his clothes and put them on. After kissing gulina on the forehead, he turned and left.

After going downstairs, Ye Feng went directly to the gymnasium. When he got outside, he heard the sound of men's groaning inside. When Ye Feng went to the door, he saw that all the people in the gymnasium were lying on the ground with their bare upper body. Many of them had fallen asleep, but their mouths were still horizontal. Some of them rubbed their shoulders and waist It's obviously for push ups.

When Ye Feng looks inside again, he sees that felik and miracle are lying in a corner, leaning against the wall. They smoke cigarettes as if they are talking about something.

after Ye Feng walks towards them, felik and miracle notice that Ye Feng is coming. They both wave to Ye Feng. After Ye Feng sits down, felik hands Ye Feng a cigarette.

After Ye Feng ordered one, he took a look and said, "why don't you stay up so late? It's not training all the time, is it? "

Feilik said to Ye Feng, "the miracle is too hard. I only asked him to make 100. He took his people to make 200, which paralyzed a large number of people!"

Ye Feng couldn't help looking at the miracle, then patted the miracle on the shoulder and said, "exercise is gradual, you can't start with such a high intensity, you should combine work with rest!"

Miracle smoking cigarettes, looking at the ceiling of the gymnasium, murmured, "you are not me, you have not lived in such a place, you will not understand my idea, maybe I did not know that I would be like this after I came here!"Ye Feng frowned slightly at the miracle and said, "what do you think now?"

Miracle smoking cigarettes, slowly spit out the smoke, said, "I never go back to that place to live!" Said also specially aggravating language airway, "never again..."

Ye Feng listened to the miracle and nodded, "it's normal to have this idea. I also believe that you are from the heart. The people you bring are probably the same as you..."

At this time, felik also said to the miracle, "yes, as long as you live a good life, even if it's just a little better than before, you can't go back. This is very normal, in line with normal human nature!"

Ye Feng then asked Philip, "how many people are up to standard today?"

Filic then said to Ye Feng, "drillmaster, I'm afraid you can't imagine that there are only ten or so people who can't support a hundred push ups, and the rest of them can't!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help sighing, "it seems that the temptation of quality of life is driven by human instinctive desire and the driving force of human progress!"

Felik said to Ye Feng at this time, "by the way, instructor, you can't train miracle as an ordinary soldier. I think he is a talent. If he becomes a regular soldier, his future is limitless!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but also nodded, toward the Philip gram way, "I also think so!" Then he asked the miracle, "what about you? What do you think of it? Do you have any plans for your life? "

Miracle shook his head and said, "I didn't think so much. I just thought I would never go back. I didn't think about anything else."

Ye Feng nodded and said, "step by step, take care of what is in front of you, and you can't aim too high. Those are unrealistic. Your ideals always change in different periods. You just want to stay now, and then you will gradually become bigger and bigger!"

Felik said with a smile to the miracle, "just don't turn your wish into wild hope at last!"

The miracle hears speech then surprised to look at the Fei Li gram way, "what call wild hope?"

Hearing this, felik explained to the miracle, "it means that the ideal can grow with time, but we should act according to our ability. We should not let the desire become greedy and unrestrained, full of ambition, that is bad wild hope!"

Miraculous smell speech this just suddenly place nod a way, "I don't have so big ambition, I just don't want to go back to full a hungry meal, I as long as can eat a full meal go, other have no what request!"

Ye Feng said to the miracle, "it's not necessary. If it's just to eat, it's hopeless. A man is based on the world. He can't come to this world in vain. Even if he can't do anything magnificent, he should be worthy of himself. That's OK!"

Miracle smell speech can't help staring at Ye Feng, after a long time, this just smoked a cigarette, toward Ye Feng said, "thank you!"

Ye Feng smell speech saw a miracle, but listen to miracle continue to say, "thank you for bringing me out from there, I will follow you, you let me do what I do, as long as don't let me go back!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately say, "don't let you go back, that can't work!"

Miracle smell speech can't help looking at Ye Feng way, "how? Do you want me to go back? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "of course, we are going to grow stronger and stronger in the future, and our troops will be more and more. Where are the sources of troops coming from? Where do you come from? You have a good life. Of course, you have to let more people have a good life! "

Miraculous a listen to this words, can't help but smile a way, "I think what, this is no problem, other place dare not say, my that place, another three or five hundred is no problem!"

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