After listening to what Ye Feng said, Monica looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a while. After a long time, she said, "I know that you are letting felik capture the laboratory of Jock Emma, so I hope you can find the spaceship we came to, and it's better to capture Jock Emma alive. He must be able to let us go back!"

Ye Feng looked at Monica and pondered for a long time before he said to her, "I don't understand this kind of technical problem very well, but I said, I don't object. I respect your opinions, but the premise is that the technology allows it!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Monica nodded and didn't speak again for a long time, but it seemed that there were still a lot of words left to say.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, at this time ask Monika way, "you still have what words to want to say with me? Or ask me? "

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Monica shook her head and sighed, "no more!"

But Ye Feng said to Monica, "I can see that you haven't said everything. There must be something to say. Now, you can say whatever you want."

After listening to what Ye Feng said and staring at Ye Feng for a while, Monica said to Ye Feng, "since you ask me, I'll ask you!" Said to pause for a while, toward leaf maple way, "do you follow us to go back?"

Ye Feng expected that Monica would ask all the other questions, but never thought that Monica would ask herself this question. To be honest, Ye Feng really didn't think about this question.

But at this time, listening to what Monica said, he could not help looking at her in silence. He really did not think about this problem. Now that he just heard this problem, he needs to think about it subconsciously.

After all, for the moment, the memory of the earth is still Ye Feng's main consciousness, and eisf's consciousness is only a secondary consciousness. Therefore, he should subconsciously feel that he is a talent of the earth.

However, as the memory of eisf begins to recover gradually, Ye Feng's identity as Mrs. eisf is also gradually improving.

But now, when Monica asks herself this question, it really makes Ye Feng realize that his ultimate goal is to stay in eisf, or go back to earth? Do you want to continue to be Mrs. ace or go back to be a human?

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't reply, Monica shrugged her shoulders and said, "don't be embarrassed. That's what I asked. If you don't want to go back, no one will force you!"

Ye Feng said to Monica, "it's meaningless to talk about it now, and even if you want to go back, it may not be able to solve it for a while. Maybe it will take a long time. When you can really go back, we are discussing this problem!"

But Monica said with a faint smile, "in fact, it's not a question at all. It mainly depends on whether you want to go back or not. Since you are so tangled and have no answer, it means that you don't want to go back in your heart. Why do you force yourself?"

Ye Feng understood the meaning of Monica, then looked at her and said, "in fact, I know what you mean, but you and Zhuo wanqiu didn't think about it from my point of view!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately added, "you and Zhuo wanqiu have only the memory of the earth, and they don't have a sense of identity with eisf, because you don't have the memory of eisf in your subconscious mind, but I'm different. Besides the memory of the earth, I also have the memory of eisf in my mind. For me, eisf is as important as the earth, and the earth is my home But it's the same with Elsie. Do you understand? "

But after looking at Ye Feng for a long time, Monica said, "do you have any memory on earth?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course!"

Monica just looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you remember how we met?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, immediately nod a way, "certainly!" Then he immediately sighed to Monica, "I can understand your current mood. Because of this strange environment, and I've been busy with other things recently, I may have ignored you and Zhuo wanqiu. So you feel that you have left your hometown to follow you to this strange planet, and you can't get my care and attention, so you can't help feeling lost and estranged I can understand all this. "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Monica can't help but move. In fact, she knows her mind has been completely seen through by Ye Feng. She doesn't know what Zhuo wanqiu thinks, but at least she definitely thinks so.

Since she came to eisf with Ye Feng, Ye Feng's main energy has been completely in this new world, and she and Zhuo wanqiu, their women, have been doing some trivial things here.

Dixie and Scarlett are still working hard, but the more she and Zhuo wanqiu stay here, the more bored they feel. They are trapped on Huck bay island all day long, and there are many troubles, and they can't get Ye Feng's attention. This makes her and Zhuo wanqiu, especially her own sense of loss, more and more serious.

Ye Feng saw that Monica didn't speak, but her eyes were a little red. At this time, she couldn't help but move. She immediately stepped forward, hugged her and said in a soft voice, "I'm so sorry for neglecting your feelings. Now I think about it, I'm really guilty!"After being held in her arms by Ye Feng, Monica also gives Ye Feng a symbolic push. However, without pushing it away, she immediately lies on Ye Feng's shoulder and shed tears. After such a long time of grievance, all of her head turns into tears.

Ye Feng patted Monica on the shoulder and then said to her, "the situation of essf is rather special. Don't call it complicated. I can't remember a lot of things we did in those years. Maybe there are some amazing secrets hidden, so we have to find the memories of those years. At the same time, there are countless people on this planet, even the most basic human rights can't be protected Barrier, if we haven't seen each other, we'll forget it. Since we've seen each other and understood each other, if we don't do something, we always feel sorry for them. The most important thing is that we can't leave eisf for the time being, and we can't just stay here and do nothing, can we? What's more, even if we don't do anything, the trouble will come to us on our own initiative! "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng slowly pushed away Monica, looked at her red eyes, and continued to say to her, "life in the world, always want to do something, don't you think?"

Monica can't help nodding to Ye Feng, and then said, "I don't mean that, I just..."

Ye Feng immediately put his hand in front of Monica's mouth and said in a soft voice, "what do you mean? I fully understand. Well, I promise you, I will spend more time on you in the future!"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Monica immediately nodded and hugged Ye Feng tightly, saying, "I don't regret coming with you, Esther. Really, what I said before was angry! Not really! "

Ye Feng smiles, pats Monica's back and says, "you are more mature than Zhuo wanqiu. She is still a child. She can't help but be emotional when she does things and talks. Anger or happiness is reflected in her face and action. You should persuade her, not follow her to coax her!"

Monica nodded and said, "I know, I just feel the same way as her, so I'm more or less affected. In addition, they're all saying that you spent the night in gulina last night, so I can't help my temper!"

Ye Feng, listening to what Monika said, slowly pushes away Monika, and then softly says to her, "don't gossip in the future. You can come to me for anything, and don't hide everything in your heart. On the contrary, it's easy to have an accident. I welcome you at any time, and Zhuo wanqiu will come to me, and don't hide your mind!"

Listen to Ye Feng, Monica can't help but say to Ye Feng, "anytime?"

Ye Feng immediately ordered his head and said, "of course, any time is OK!"

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Monica immediately wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and then said to Ye Feng, "well, don't be bored at that time!"

Ye Feng said with a bitter smile, "as for the timing, I believe that as an adult, you will grasp it yourself!"

Monica smell speech can't help but toward leaf maple way, "that still can't at any time?"

Ye Feng said to Monika, "it's still at any time, but if there's something important, of course, there's no skill in it!"

Monica couldn't help laughing, "I just said it casually. You're nervous!"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged at Monica and said, "am I nervous?"

Monica looked at Ye Feng and said, "no?"

Ye Feng and Monica can't help looking at each other and laughing. Then, Monica says to Ye Feng, "you'd better go and see Zhuo wanqiu. She thinks she's more powerful than me!"

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