Not only that, the decoration style of the whole private room is really the same as that of the Jinluan palace in the Forbidden City, which is full of royal style.

As soon as he passed the entrance, Ye Feng saw Gao Yu sitting in the middle of the main hall. The beauties sitting beside him were all dressed like ancient women. They appeared to be from different dynasties. They were either princesses or geeks.

Ye Feng fixed his eyes and saw that Gao Yu was holding a beautiful woman in ancient costume and laughing, while the person sitting on Gao Yu's side was also Ye Feng's acquaintance, Liang Banghui.

Liang Banghui is also generally holding a beautiful woman at this time, while talking and laughing with Gao Yu. It seems that they have been friends for a long time.

Gao Yu was talking and laughing. Seeing that Ye Feng was coming, he immediately waved to Ye Feng, "Ye Feng, come and sit down!"

Ye Feng didn't talk much. He walked over. As soon as he got to Gao Yu's side, he pulled him to sit next to him, and pushed a beautiful woman back to Ye Feng, "wait on him!"

The ancient beauty immediately came up and took Ye Feng's arm, "officer, what wine do you want to drink?"

Ye Feng is not in the mood to see the beauty around, but looks at the opposite Liang Banghui.

Liang Banghui was holding his glass with a smile and drinking to Ye Feng.

Gao Yu sees in the eye, at this time Dynasty leaf maple says, "leaf maple, this need not I introduce?"? Liang Banghui, director Liang! "

Then he said with a smile to Liang Banghui, "Liang Suo, you should also know Ye Feng!"

Liang Banghui said with a smile, "of course I do. We are old acquaintances!"

Ye Feng wondered how Gao Yu and Liang Banghui got together. Didn't Gao Yu say that he wanted to trouble Liang Banghui before? Now, is this the way to trouble him?

Gao Yu then picked up his glass, and after a touch with Liang Banghui, he said to Liang Banghui, "Liang Suo, I know you and Ye Feng have a little misunderstanding, so I specially called him over. We are all friends. If you have something to say face to face, you will be your own people in the future!"

Liang Banghui had a drink with Gao Yu. After a drink, he took a look at Ye Feng and said to Gao Yu, "Mr. Gao, there is no misunderstanding between me and him. Don't worry. Since Mr. Gao is your friend, he will be my friend in the future."

Gao Yu immediately said with a smile, "I'm relieved to have Liang Suo's words..." Said immediately and pretended to pat his mouth, "you see me, always bad memory, and forget, later have to call director Liang!"

Liang Banghui said with a smile, "Mr. Gao, you really have a bad memory. You are the deputy director! It's not the director! "

Gao Yu said with a smile, "Liang Bureau has been a vice bureau since he was young. Isn't it a matter of time to remove this vice word?"

Liang Banghui laughed and said, "thank you for your words!"

Ye Feng listen in the ear, can't help but wonder way, this liang Banghui promotion?

Gao Yu then looked at Ye Feng and said, "Ye Feng, don't you give a toast to Liang Ju?"

Ye Feng sees in the eye, did not utter a word, also did not carry wine cup.

Liang Banghui laughed and didn't seem to take his heart. He looked at his watch, then stood up and said to Gao Yu, "Mr. Gao, it's getting late. I have to go!"

Gao Yu also immediately got up and said, "so fast? It's just a few o'clock, and the field is still hot! "

However, Liang Banghui said with a smile, "Mr. Gao's kindness has come to my heart. However, you know, we public officials should not appear in such occasions. The influence is not good. I'll invite Mr. Gao another day if I have a chance But it can't be like this. I can't afford it! "

Gao Yu laughs and says Liang bureau is too polite. Then he personally escorts Liang Banghui to the door of the private room.

When Liang Banghui passed in front of Ye Feng, he gave him a smile. He saw Ye Feng sitting there motionless and left with a smile.

Gao Yu has been sending Liang Banghui to the door of the private room, but also to send Liang Banghui to the elevator, Liang Banghui repeatedly asked not to send, Gao Yu just reluctantly came back.

When he sat by Ye Feng's side, his face sank. The ancient beauty around him came up to hug Gao Yu, but he pushed him away and cried out, "get out! Get out of here

All the beauties in ancient costume were stunned. Seeing Gao Yu's face as blue as iron, they were scared out of the private room. Only Gao Yu and Ye Feng, as well as Juan, another bodyguard of Gao Yu, were left in the private room.

Juan looked at Gao Yu with no expression on his face, holding a glass in his hand, and sat there motionless.

Gao Yu paced back and forth. After a while, he sat on the side of Ye Feng.

He took out a cigar, and Juan immediately took out a lighter to light it for him. He took a sip and then looked at Ye Feng, "I know what you're wondering!"

Ye Feng doesn't know what happened, but judging from Gao Yu's contrast and Liang Banghui's inexplicable promotion to deputy director, he roughly knows what happened.

Gao Yu took up a glass of wine and gulped it down. The wine was swallowed, but the breath didn't seem to go down. With a shake of his hand, the glass flew out and smashed on the wall.

After a long time, Gao Yu breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the evil breath in his chest was relieved. Then he said to Ye Feng, "Mayor Lin has lost! Qin Yuanyang has become the Secretary of the municipal Party committee! "Ye Feng lights a cigarette. In fact, he already knows that Gao's family is obviously from mayor Lin's side, while Liang Banghui is Qin Yuanyang's nephew. Qin Yuanyang and Mayor Lin are the strong opponents of the municipal Party Secretary's campaign this time. How could Gao Yu invite Liang Banghui to drink.

Coupled with Gao Yu's flattery to Liang Banghui tonight, and Liang Banghui's seemingly low-key but actually fierce spirit, he knew long ago that he must be the Secretary of the municipal Party committee. The dust has settled.

Ye Feng takes a look at Gao Yu. He also sees that Gao Yu's attitude towards Liang Banghui is also full of dissatisfaction, not from his original intention.

He couldn't help saying to Gao Yu, "Mr. Gao, it seems that it's not so easy to deal with Liang Banghui now."

Gao Yu took a puff of smoke and looked at Ye Feng. Then he sighed, "if my father hadn't asked me to curry favor with Liang Banghui and try to get through with Qin Yuanyang, I wouldn't have come here to see this boy's face!"

Ye Feng then asked Gao Yu, "did Mayor Lin not use Liang Banghui's pigtails?"

Gao Yu then said angrily, "Liang Banghui has a small pigtail, but Mayor Lin has a bigger problem. He has serious problems in his style of life. This time, he not only lost, but also lost to the ground. He can never surpass life!"

Then he said to Ye Feng, "it seems that I can't do what I promised you. Now Guyang has changed. It's their Qin family and Liang family's world. We Gao family will look at their faces and behave in the future!"

Ye Feng knows that the Gao family has always supported mayor Lin. now that Qin Yuanyang is on the stage, the Gao family's good days will come to an end. Now that the gun is in the hands of others, how to play with his family depends on the mood of the other party.

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