Ye Feng didn't explain much. He immediately followed the man out of the detention room and was soon taken to an unmanned interrogation room. Not long after Ye Feng sat down, Zhu Sanjia came.

Ye Feng noticed Zhu Sanjia's sad face. After Zhu Sanjia sat down, he said to Ye Feng, "we've tried all kinds of ways. Gretes firmly refuses to admit that he has anything to do with you, and we can't get any new evidence. It's estimated that we're going to release someone!"

Ye Feng asked Zhu Sanjia, "is my testimony useless?"

Zhu Sanjia immediately said to Ye Feng, "your testimony can only be used as supplementary evidence, but there is no evidence that can directly prove that he has a crime. Even if he goes to court, it is estimated that he will not be convicted, and gretez seems to know this, so he is particularly determined. From the time we arrested him to now, he only said a few words, one is to deny our accusation against him All the accusations, of course, deny that they have anything to do with you. Secondly, let's just show us the evidence. Finally, let's not say a word. We have nothing to do now! "

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng said to Zhu Sanjia, "let me see him alone!"

But Zhu Sanjia looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what do you see him do alone? Can you persuade him to confess

Ye Feng said to Zhu Sanjia, "gretes didn't commit any crime. What crime do you admit? Besides, my purpose of framing him is not to convict him, but to solicit him. Since I can't convict him, of course I have to think of other ways! "

Zhu Sanjia heard Ye Feng say so, then nodded and said, "also, I'll arrange it, but it's estimated that the time you meet will not be too long. This case has already stirred up the bureau because it involves too much!"

After Ye Feng nodded, he said to Zhu Sanjia, "don't worry, I'll try my best to make a long story short, and I won't delay too much time!"

Zhu Sanjia immediately stood up and said to arrange for Ye Feng to see Gretel alone. He asked Ye Feng to sit here and wait.

After about 20 minutes, the door of Ye Feng's interrogation room opened, and gretes came in under the guidance of Zhu Sanjia. When he saw Ye Feng, gretes looked at him with a slight movement.

Zhu Sanjia has been escorting grethels to sit down opposite Ye Feng. After pointing to Ye Feng's watch, he leaves the interrogation room. Only Ye Feng and grethels are left in the interrogation room.

Gretes said with a sneer at this time, "I can't see that you still have some skills. How can you bribe people from the Security Bureau to frame me?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders with a smile and said, "compared with you, I'm almost there. You first cheated us into the Han Ding palace, and then let the tiger guards wait for us there?"

Gretes said with a sneer, "you should expect this when you openly hijack public vehicles in the square of the Han Ding palace. You trust others too much. That's your own stupidity. No wonder others. But now you're not clever at planting and framing, because you don't have any evidence at all!"

Ye Feng then took out a cigarette and lit one. After a leisurely puff, he looked at gretes and said, "if there is no evidence, do you think you will be here?"

As soon as gretes heard this, his face moved, and then he said with a sneer, "there's evidence you've already brought it out. Why do you pretend to be here?"

Ye Feng looked at gretes and said, "we are stupid. You're right. We shouldn't believe a person who we thought was our own person. Everyone's mind will change. Even if he used to be a member of the organization, he may rebel now!"

As soon as gretes heard this, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "what are you talking about? What organization? What rebellion? "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "who is jesteffe? It's estimated that the federal government has already made a final decision. After hearing jesteffe's name, you first promised to help us send a letter to Joanna, and then tricked us into entering the Han Ding palace with you. Dare you say you don't know jesteffe?"

Gretes immediately said, "jesteffe openly betrayed the union. He is the enemy of the whole Union. When you mention him, of course I need to pay more attention to see what you are going to do!"

But Ye Feng looks at Gretel and laughs. Gretel is immediately surprised and says, "what are you laughing at?"

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette, and then said to Gretel, "you think we are stupid, and now in my eyes, you are the most stupid one!"

Gretes looked at Ye Feng displeased and said, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "we're going to find you. We don't mention anyone's name. Why do you mention jestefel's name? Don't you think about why? "

Gretes smell speech face suddenly move, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng, for a long time did not speak.

And Ye Feng continued to say to Gretel, "you don't doubt it at all. How do we know about your relationship with Jester fee?"

Gretes took a deep breath. "I don't understand what you're talking about!"

Ye Feng then took another puff of cigarette and said with a faint smile, "you can pretend you don't know what I'm talking about, but I can tell you what your identity is, and not only do I know, but I still have the handle of your identity in my hand!"Then, without waiting for jesteffe to make a sophistry, he immediately said, "don't get excited. If I wanted to use this handle to coerce you, I would have done it for a long time, but we didn't do it, but what you did is too unkind. We believe you. We went to find you, but you cheated us! I almost couldn't get out of the palace! "

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, gretes asked Ye Feng, "what do you have in your hand? Don't think it's a trick to make up two things. I'm not that easy to fool! "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "I have a list in my hand. All the members on the list are members of the organization, and this list was handed over by Jester Feilin before he left longarsene castle. When you were on the list, Gretel sneered," what's the effect? Don't think that if I say a few words, I will completely believe you. What if you really have that list? Now it's not the past, and you're not the top leaders of those organizations. Do you think you have the ability to rebuild the organization? "

Then, before Ye Feng spoke, gretes immediately said, "besides, the form of longarsene fort is different from that of the past. When the organization was booming, it was not completely disintegrated by the Federation, let alone now?"

After staring at Gretel for a long time, Ye Feng sighed, "listen to you, I find that I've got the wrong person. It turns out that you've changed your life after so many years!"

After hearing this, gretes immediately yelled to Ye Feng, "I'm not afraid of death. I just don't want to sacrifice for nothing. Do you know how many people will die if this matter is exposed? The whole Fort lonarsene and even the whole espresso can't live in peace

But Ye Feng said to Gretel, "what you said is all right. It's really a business of killing the head, but have you ever thought about the truth that an has finished the eggs under the pouring nest! What's the difference between being safe in the world and being dead? "

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