Qiao Huiying listened to Ye Feng's words, and there was a moment of silence. Her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and her eyes were empty. It seemed that Ye Feng's words recalled his memories, as if she had gone back to the past.

After a long time, Qiao Huiying just looked at Ye Feng with a slight sigh and said, "yes, I'm in the same boat with them!"

Listening to Qiao Huiying's words, Ye Feng looks at Qiao Huiying's heart. As a federal president, he even admits in front of himself that he is in the same boat with those guys. It's not easy in itself.

Although Ye Feng knows that Qiao Huiying is likely to be the same as the officials in longshenbang, he can still see a little difference from him, but I don't know if it's because he's Joanna's father.

Qiao Huiying saw that Ye Feng didn't speak. At this time, he forcefully put out the cigarette. Then he slowly said to Qiao Huiying, "do you want to hear my story?"

Ye Feng shrugs at Qiao Huiying and says that he doesn't care. As long as Qiao Huiying is willing to speak, he is willing to listen.

Qiao Huiying coughed and lit his cigarette again. After a leisurely puff, he slowly said to Ye Feng, "back then, I was also a door-to-door son-in-law!"

Listening to Qiao Huiying's words, Ye Feng suddenly looks at Qiao Huiying with an incredible look.

But Qiao Huiying said with a relieved face, "don't be surprised, that's right, I was also a door-to-door son-in-law!" Speaking of this, after another puff of cigarette, he continued to say to Ye Feng, "that's because she is a girl. Her two older brothers all followed her mother's surname, and only she followed my surname!"

Ye Feng this just Chao Qiao Huiying way, "so your honor today, is also from the door son-in-law start?"

Qiao Huiying could not help nodding and said, "yes, the strength of Anna's mother's family was very strong. It can be said that the power was poured into longarsenic castle. At least two thirds of the officialdom of longarsenic castle was related to their family, and the president of that year was also Joanna's grandfather!"

Speaking of this, Qiao Huiying looked at Ye Feng and said, "but I was just a poor boy who had a meal before. If it wasn't for their family, I would still be in an office in longarsensburg. At best, I would be a man who has no tomorrow!"

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng could not help but said to Qiao Huiying, "if you don't say it, no one will know the past, will you?"

Qiao Huiying said with a smile, "it's not that no one knows, but that those who know don't say! This is the welfare brought by power. No matter how poor I was and how servile I was at Anna's mother's house, if you didn't succeed, you would always be scolded by people. But once you succeeded, these sounds and chemical reactions would disappear overnight! "

Then he shook his head and said, "it shouldn't be completely disappeared. Those people don't say it on their mouths, but I don't know how many times they have said it in their hearts. But it doesn't matter. As long as I can make them want to say it on their mouths but not dare to say it, it's enough. After all, I'm not a God. It's good that I can control other people's words and deeds, and I can't control what they think in their hearts!"

Ye Feng and a Nan are all pondering for a long time.

Qiao Huiying looked at Ye Feng at this time and said, "at that time, I was facing the same situation as you. My father-in-law also told me that, being their door-to-door son-in-law, he arranged for me to enter an important department of the government. At that time, I had the same mentality as you and refused him!"

A Nan immediately asked, "after the disaster, you have come to today by your own ability?"

Qiao Huiying said with a bitter smile, "do you think you are making a movie? In reality, it's far more cruel than movies. Idealists can't live a day in reality! " He said with a slight sigh, "because of my lofty and rebellious, I paid a heavy price. Not only did I not marry Anna's mother, but also I wasted three years in the unit. In the past three years, I achieved nothing!"

Ah Nan immediately looked at Qiao Huiying and said, "three years? Anna's mother has been waiting for you for three years? "

Qiao Huiying said with a smile, "how can it be? She married someone else less than a month after I refused! "

A Nan can't help but frown at Qiao Huiying and say, "how can that happen?"

Qiao Huiying said, "it's said that the man was infertile, so he divorced after more than a year's marriage, and this procrastination was delayed until we met again!"

A Nan didn't say a word any more. She just looked at Qiao Huiying quietly, but heard him continue to say, "this time when I saw Anna's mother again, I knew how naive my previous idea was, and how many people's dream of a chance to make a quick progress was just missed by me! So when I learned that Anna's mother was divorced, I decided to seize this opportunity, and once I do, I won't let it go! "

At this point, Qiao Huiying took a deep puff of his cigarette, then flicked his ash and continued, "fortunately, Anna's mother still has feelings for me. With her help, I met my father-in-law again. This time, I completely accepted all the conditions and arrangements of my father-in-law, just as he expected me to do. Next, my life is over Life has undergone tremendous changes. In less than seven years, I have been in the cabinet. Of course, seven years is not enough, but I missed an opportunity. Therefore, I cherish it very much this time. I have worked twice or even three or four times as hard as others to shorten the time. I am also the youngest official member of the cabinet since the founding of the Federation. "Ye Feng has been listening to Qiao Huiying's words without saying a word. After listening to Qiao Huiying's story, Ye Feng knows that the road Qiao Huiying arranged for himself is the one his father-in-law arranged for him, but his father-in-law still let him practice at the bottom for a while, while Qiao Huiying directly arranged for him to enter the cabinet.

Qiao Huiying took a look at Ye Feng at this time, and then said with a smile, "in the eyes of praise and admiration, idealism in my heart seems to sprout again. The longer I stay in the cabinet, the more drawbacks I see. At that time, I wanted to change all this and make a thorough reform, just like you do now. However, I didn't do the same thing with you When I think about rights, I know that in order to achieve such a thing, we must have the right in our hands, and it is not a general right, it must be an absolute right. "

At this point, Qiao Huiying took another look at Qiao Huiying, and then continued, "so I stayed dormant for several years. These years are more unbearable than when I was poor. In these years, I not only wanted to be the last two faces of my predecessors, but also did many things I didn't want to do with my conscience. Finally, I got a new look from my father-in-law In his eyes, or in his words, he saw the shadow of his youth in me, so he wholeheartedly trained me to be the successor. Before he left office, he had done everything well. After he left office, I succeeded smoothly and became the president of the Federation of eisf! "

When Qiao Huiying said this, her cheeks turned a little red, and she was obviously excited by her past life.

After smoking a cigarette, he continued, "after succeeding, I know that my time has come and the day of drastic reform has come. But in fact, many situations are not what I imagined. It seems that there is an invisible force behind everything I do that is holding me! Only then did I know that even if I became president, I didn't do whatever I wanted. Since the founding of the Federation, the relationship of the whole eisf has been complicated. It's hard to imagine the complexity of the interest groups of all parties. "

When Qiao Huiying said this, he took a look at Ye Feng and continued, "at first, I was stubborn and refused to give in, but this time, like last time, I was overwhelmed by the merciless reality and almost collapsed. At this time, my father-in-law talked with me all night. The next day, I didn't go to work and slept at home for a day. I completely thought about this day and night White, in fact, the president is just a leader in the form of eisf, just an image project. In fact, it is not the president or the cabinet that really controls the power of eisf, but the various complex interest groups and historical ships under various chemical reactions that have existed since the founding of the eisf Federation, which are the main driving force to push the Federation forward For power, anyone, any organization, who wants to change the course of the wheel, or even stop the wheel from moving forward, will be crushed directly. "

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