Ye Feng looks at Qi Weijun's back in a daze. However, he soon thinks of the news he just saw. While eating instant noodles, he opens a foreign search engine to search for the keywords stolen by the Japanese royal family.

The following pile of information about the Japanese royal family, occasionally there are two royal theft news, but they are all in the past, even today saw this news, none of them related.

Wait for Ye Feng to return to the website just now and refresh the website. As he imagined, the news just disappeared.

Ye Feng went to search the news of Brazil and Bhutan before, but the result was the same as that of Japan, and he couldn't find any clues at all.

After eating a mouthful of instant noodles, he can't help but look at the screen and smile. He knows that there are many computer experts in the TSL logistics team. For example, one or two of these news are lost by hackers, and they usually don't pay attention to it.

After eating instant noodles quickly, Ye Feng hesitated for a long time looking at the computer screen. He was thinking whether he wanted to log in to the TSL website.

However, TSL's website is not public. Most people can't know the URL at all. If they log in here, the background will record the IP of the tour.

Even if you find Qi Weijun to get some foreign proxy IP for you, it doesn't help. This kind of trick is unnecessary for real TSL professional hackers.

Ye Feng looked at the computer screen in a daze. Although the Japanese news did not mention what the stolen thing was, Ye Feng knew intuitively that it must have something to do with TSL.

At this time, he suddenly thought of something, immediately began to Google the Japanese royal collection and so on, and found a pile of precious cultural relics.

Looking at the cultural relics in those pictures, Ye Feng found that most of them were Chinese things, including antiques, calligraphy and paintings, as well as many lost ancient Chinese books.

There are hundreds of these ancient books, such as the song of the king of Lanling entering the battle, the heavenly craft opening things, the Enlightenment of mathematics, etc., which can't be found in China.

However, Ye Feng soon noticed that there was a pile of yellowed ancient books in one photo. The cover on the top was sun Zhenren's yuhanfang, and the following books didn't show any origin.

However, the penultimate book reveals most of the sections. The word "Wuji Dao" can be seen vaguely, and the lower section is blocked by the book above.

When Ye Feng saw this, his heart suddenly moved. Is it the original book of Wuji Daoben Jing?

He immediately took out his mobile phone, took this picture into his mobile phone and sent it to Li Xuan.

However, it was more than two o'clock in the morning after the delivery. It was estimated that Li Xuan had gone to bed at this time, so he did not continue to wait for Li Xuan's reply.

At this time, Ye Feng thought in his heart, if the original of Wuji Daoben Jing was in Japan, would he want to find a way to get it?

Then he thought that it's easy for him to go to Japan now, regardless of his ability or financial resources, but it's not easy for the royal family who want to enter Japan to get this book out.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng could only sigh a little, but fortunately, he knew that Wuji Daoben Jing was in Japan, so it would be easy to do. Sooner or later, he would go to get it back.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he began to look at other pictures. Then he saw a picture of calligraphy and painting, which turned out to be "funeral POSTER". It is said that this is the only authentic ink treasure of Wang Xizhi in the world, and there is no one.

However, this is not what Ye Feng cares about. There are more lost treasures in China. These ancient books of calligraphy and painting have been sent to Korea, Japan and even some western countries.

What really catches Ye Feng's attention is that there are some introductions about "funeral post" below the picture, saying that monk Jianzhen brought it to Japan.

In addition to some ancient books, calligraphy and paintings, the most precious one left by monk Jianzhen is his finger, which is treasured in the Japanese royal family.

Ye Feng as like as two peas, looked at the picture of the finger, and could not help but look at the picture. The dark grain on the finger was exactly what Ye Feng was looking for, exactly like the totem of the Wuji road.

At this time, he boldly guessed that if the stolen thing mentioned in the news just now was done by TSL, then it must be Jianzhen's accusation.

Ye Feng immediately opened the Japanese website to have a look, but did not find anything unusual. Obviously, this news was not published on the Japanese website, or it was also deleted.

Now these are not the key points. The key point is that no matter whether Jianzhen's accusation is stolen or not, if it's not stolen, you have to find a way to get it.

If it's stolen, it means that the power of TSL has begun to move towards Asia. Last time it was Bhutan, this time it was Japan, maybe next time it will be Huaxia.

This also means that TSL will soon come to China. At present, only he and Li Xuan have Wuji totem objects in China. Then he and Li Xuan may become the targets of TSL.

Maybe TSL is on its way, at least in the planning. Thinking of this, Ye Feng suddenly thinks of Li Xuan. Maybe Li Xuan will be in danger.Ye Feng thinks to stand up immediately, then goes out of the private room and runs out directly. As she passes the bar, Qi Weijun can't help but stand up and says to Ye Feng, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng just said something to Qi Weijun, so she went out of the Internet cafe and immediately went to open Passat and headed for Li Xuan's villa.

After driving for more than half an hour, I finally arrived outside the villa area. However, the door of the villa was closed, and even the security guards in the security room at the gate were asleep.

After getting off, Ye Feng went to the door of the security room and knocked on the window. The security guard opened his bleary eyes and looked at Ye Feng, "what's the matter? It's in the middle of the night! "

Ye Feng immediately said, "I want to go in!"

But the security guard said to Ye Feng, "are you going in? Are you a resident? "

Ye Feng said, "last time I came with Mr. Li Xuan, don't you remember?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the security guard remembered, "Oh, it's you..." Said but still said, "yes, but you are not here residents, or can not pass!"

Ye Feng see this security brain will not turn, but think this is also the responsibility of others, did not say anything with him, picked up the mobile phone ready to call Li Xuan.

At this time, a shadow on the wall not far away turned out and quickly ran to a Porsche on the side of the road. After getting on the bus, he drove away immediately.

Ye Feng can't help but move when he sees this. Without saying a word, he immediately gets on the bus and drives the Passat behind the Porsche.

He had a hunch that the people in the Porsche were probably TSL people. He was still thinking that if the TSL people had already found Li Xuan, then Li Xuan might have been more or less unlucky.

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