Ye Feng looked at the man a few times before, and felt a little familiar with him. He couldn't help thinking in secret. Was it because he knew him at that time?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he said to Dixie, "is it difficult He's from the FBI, too? "

Dixi Si listen to Ye Feng say so, can't help but wry smile a way, "yes, he is indeed a person of the FBI, and is also the number one agent in the FBI!"

When Ye Feng heard that Yan was just sighing, it's no wonder that he should not only know him before, but also work together at the same time

But think of here, but feel what's wrong, immediately look to the Dixie said, "he is the number one FBI agent?"

Dixie nodded, "that's right!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "wasn't I the number one agent then? Do the FBI have two top agents? "

I think it's possible. After all, it's impossible for such a big FBI to rely on itself for everything.

But Dixie said to Ye Feng, "the FBI has only one number one agent from beginning to end..." "That's him!" he said in a deep voice

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help but look at him and said, "it's impossible, isn't it? He's the number one agent. What am I? Who am I? Who is he? "

Dixie immediately said to Ye Feng, "his code name in the FBI is..." Speaking of this, staring at Ye Feng for a long time, also did not speak.

Ye Feng felt something in his heart, but he couldn't say it. Staring at Dixie, he saw, "what's his code name?"

"Are you sure you want to know?"

Ye Feng steadfastly nodded and said, "yes, you must know!"

"His code name is Satan

When Ye Feng heard this, he suddenly looked at Dixie, and didn't say a word for a long time. At this time, his complex mood was hard to express. He just looked at Dixie for a long time, and then said with a smile, "are you kidding me?"

But Dixie looked at Ye Feng solemnly and said, "do you think I need to joke with you?"

Ye Feng suddenly a Leng, and stare at Dixie see for a long time, immediately get up to leave.

But Dixie grabbed Ye Feng. Knowing that Ye Feng wanted to see the man in the alley, he immediately said, "you can't see him!"

Ye Feng immediately shook off the hands of Dixie and said, "I don't care if you are joking with me or not. I want to see him. I also want to see who he is!"

But at this time, Dixie stood up, hugged Ye Feng from behind, tightly strangled his waist, and refused to let him leave. "You can't go to see him, he is now It's crazy He doesn't remember anything... "

Ye Feng originally wanted to break away from Dixie. Hearing what she said, she immediately stopped and looked back at Dixie, "is he crazy?"

Dixie immediately toward Ye Feng way, "you sit down, I can tell you, but you can't see him!"

Ye Feng surprised way, "why?"

Dixi si then toward leaf Feng way, "you sit down, listen to me slowly say!"

Ye Feng hesitated for a moment, then went to the seat and sat down. Looking at Dixie, he said, "you say!"

Dixie just sat back on his seat and said to Ye Feng, "in a word you can understand, he is your past and you are his future!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "what do you mean? You mean, I'm alone with him? "

Dixie nodded, "that's right!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "it's impossible. Didn't I take your body to join the micro universe of Jock Emma? How could it be still in love, and mad? "

At this time, Dixie said to Yefeng, "don't you know the parallel universe?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at Dixie. After a while, he would come to Dixie and said, "do you mean..."

Dixi Si didn't wait for Ye Feng to speak, immediately nodded, "that's right! That's what you think. It's true that this is Esther, but it's not our Esther! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath and lit a cigarette again without saying a word.

Dixie immediately said, "you can't recover your memory, either because of other reasons, or because there is another you in the world. All the memories you should have recovered have been recovered by him!"

After taking a deep puff of his cigarette, Ye Feng looked at Dixie and said, "how do you know that this is a parallel universe

Disis looked at Ye Feng Road. "I had recovered some memories in Hok bay before, but I didn't tell you. At that time, I felt that the world was still Asv, but many things were in conflict with my memory. So when I came to the long arsenic fort, I wanted to secretly investigate it and found that it was indeed true. Many things also changed in the long arsenic fort. So I checked a lot of data, and then gradually found out that this may be the espresso under the parallel universe, not the espresso we lived before! "Ye Feng took another puff of his cigarette, but choked for a moment. He immediately put out his cigarette and wanted to ask Dixie what, but he found that he had no way to ask. He had too many questions, and his mind was a little confused. Although he had experienced too many strange things, it was hard to accept at this time.

Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "now you know, do you plan to stay here? This is not our world at all

Ye Feng pondered for a while. If, as Dixie said, this is just another universe, isn't it all in vain for him to come here and be busy these days?

The more I think about Ye Feng, the more confused he is. This is the first time he has been like this.

Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "that's why I said to you, let's meet the earth. No matter what eisf, no matter what fireflies, no matter who is in power. The universe is vast. There are so many people who need help. How many can we help? And life is just a few decades, why should we waste our time on these tasteless things, on these meaningless people? Why not live the life we really want to live while we still have some time? "

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng said to Dixie, "you let me talk about it slowly!"

Dixie nodded and said, "it really needs to be slow. When I first found out, it was just like you. It's hard to accept it!"

Ye Feng asked Dixie at this time, "so in this eisf, are you not dead?"

Dixie shook his head and said, "I'm dead. I'm in the micro universe, but you didn't take me with you!"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "is it him?"

Dixie continued to shake his head and said, "no, he couldn't accept this reality after I died. Since then, he has disappeared. No one can find him any more. I'm afraid those people still don't know that Satan, who used to be a powerful man, is already a lunatic living in the streets of lonarsenic castle."

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to Dixie, "if that's the case, why do I still have the memory of eisf? Is it the memory of Esther that should belong to our world? "

"I can't answer these questions. They may or may not be, but they don't matter to me now, and they shouldn't matter to you."

Ye Feng pondered again and did not speak.

Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "knowing this, you don't want to leave. Do you want to stay here? To marry Joanna? "

Ye Feng smell speech a dismay, originally Dixi Si also knew this news.

Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "come with me! Leave here and start a new life

Ye Feng still said to Dixie, "I said, let me think again, smooth again, and slowly again! I can't give you an answer right away, but I will give you an answer! "

After taking a deep breath, Dixie sighed, "I know, you know this, you don't want to leave any more, you will continue to investigate!"

But I tell you, even if you can know all the truth, the truth is not your truth, but the madman in the alley outside! It has nothing to do with you! You don't belong here, I don't belong here, we shouldn't exist here! "

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng looked at Dixie and said, "I still want to see you He... "

Dixi Si smell speech facial expression a ground to look at leaf Feng way, "he has been already mad now, what all don't remember, you even if see him, also won't ask what come!"

Ye Feng said to him, "I'd like to see you, too. I don't want to ask him anything. I just want to see Another self

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