But Ye Feng said to the old president, "but you also said that Qiao Huiying and I belong to the kind of conceited and uncontrollable people. You should also know that if I do that, I will become the second Qiao Huiying! Don't you worry? "

After taking a deep breath at this time, the old president looked at Ye Feng and said, "since you tell me the truth, I don't want to hide it from you. In fact, I think so, and even have the idea to solve you!"

Here, the old president took a look at Ye Feng, and then continued, "in fact, you and Fei Wuliang are close, I don't know, and this boy wants to help you several times, I can see, but this boy is a waste, no use value, the only advantage is that he obeys my advice, even if I let him kill his parents, he should Not for long! So I can trust him! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at the general manager and said, "what's the purpose of talking to me about this?"

The old president said to Ye Feng, "you're so smart that you won't miss it. It's just that you don't want to say it yourself."

At this point, the boss stopped for a moment, smoked a cigar, and then continued to say, "in fact, I always had this worry before you came back, but after you came back, I'll tell you the truth, I changed my mind after I saw you for the first time!"

But Ye Feng sneered at the old president and said, "you have already decided without asking my opinion?"

But the old president said to Ye Feng, "your opinion is not important at all. Since you come back, it shows that you have made a compromise, at least part of it. The first sentence you ask me is my purpose, which makes me have to think of your purpose!"

Speaking of this, the old president smokes a cigarette and looks at Ye Feng and says, "you are not from longarsenbao. The previous information is almost blank. Your explanation to Qiao Huiying is that you are from the abandoned city, and the information of the abandoned city is really difficult to check, but it is not from the abandoned city that you can cover up everything. If you really want to check, go to the abandoned city where you are, or take you directly I'll know if you're lying! "

Then president Tong immediately looked into Ye Feng's eyes and said, "all your words can be said to have some logic, but the only loophole is that a person who comes out of the abandoned city, without any outside work experience, can get into the FBI branch in Huke Bay. Isn't that what anyone can do? Although Huck Bay, a small town far away from the island, is not difficult to enter, after all, I don't know what the director at that time saw in you for a person coming out of the abandoned city! "

After talking about this, the old president immediately shrugged his shoulders with a smile and said, "so you come to longarsene castle and even come into contact with Joanna for a purpose. When you ask me about my purpose, I have to think deeply about your purpose. That is to say, at that moment, I want to understand. In fact, although our purpose may not be fully understood, there must be a meeting place at that time. Let's do it for you What is not cooperation? What about taking what you need? "

Listening to the old president's words, Ye Feng always ponders that the old president has already investigated him. It is undeniable that the accuracy and speed of the old president's investigation are much higher than Qiao Huiying's.

But before Ye Feng spoke, the old president frowned and said, "you must be wondering why Qiao Huiying can't find out what I can find out?"

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to open his mouth, he immediately said, "you underestimate Qiao Huiying. He's not as simple as you think. Maybe on his desk, your information is one foot thick, but he didn't expose you!"

Listening to the old president's words, Ye Feng immediately looks at the old president. Although he doesn't speak, his eyes seem to ask why Qiao Huiying does it.

The old president said at once, "this is where you don't understand him, where you don't understand the survival rules of lonarsene castle, and where you think you are right!"

At this point, the old president continued, "when my daughter was going to become a monk, not only Qiao Huiying, but also a lot of information about the pursuers around my daughter were on my desk. Qiao Huiying was not perfect, with a lot of shortcomings and even some secrets. But why did I choose my daughter to marry him in the end?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "you see in him the merits that ordinary people will not pay attention to!"

The old president immediately said with a smile, "yes, so now your situation is the same as he used to be. He must have seen something good from you. At the same time, your past is like a handle. I can find a lot of them, but I didn't use them. I still sit here and chat with you peacefully, even intentionally It's the same thing to make friends with you and even cultivate you! "

Ye Feng immediately said, "I just said, you didn't ask me if I'd like to. You all want the position of president, but I don't think I can see it!"

The old president said with a smile, "don't pick yourself up without proving anything. In fact, as long as you live in this world, no one can really be free from vulgarity!"

Ye Feng said with a bitter smile, "it seems that I can't see this position, and I must see it too?"The old president looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully and said, "do you think there is a second way to go back after you leave?"

After staring at the old president for a moment, Ye Feng said, "are you going to threaten me? If I don't agree, will you take my life?"

The old president said to Ye Feng, "it seems that you don't care if I want to kill you. Maybe it has something to do with your skill. But if you think that killing must be hand to hand, then you are too naive. If I want to kill you, there are at least more than a dozen ways to avoid positive contact with you I took your life

When Ye Feng heard the old president say this, his heart suddenly moved. In fact, what the old president said is right. In fact, there are many ways to kill people, and there are many ways to kill people in silence. If he really wants to kill himself, it's easy.

The old president immediately said, "from your eyes, I can see that you have believed what I said, at least there is a tendency to believe it!"

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, he immediately said, "well, should we start all over again Well, deal? It's not a proper word. It should be called negotiation, cooperative negotiation! "

Speaking of this, the old president looked at Ye Feng and said, "tell me, what's your purpose?"

After staring at the old president for a long time, Ye Feng said, "control the direction of the whole eisf!"

The old president frowned at Ye Feng and murmured, "control the direction of Esther?"

Then he immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "is there any problem with the direction of eisf now?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "there are not only problems, but also big problems!"

After hearing this, the old president looked at Ye Feng and murmured, "do you mean the problem of fireflies in those abandoned cities?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "not only the fireflies, but also in longarsenbao, there are big problems!"

The old president took a deep breath and said to Ye Feng, "you've just come to longarsenic castle. I don't know if you've ever heard the name of Satan!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart immediately move a way, "some hear, but not much!"

The boss looked at Ye Feng and said, "I just forgot to tell you that I chose you because I saw his shadow from you!"

Speaking of this, he sighed a little, "he once felt like you that there were many problems in the Federation, trying to change him, and even secretly organized a large group of people to overthrow the federal government. Unfortunately, he was still too young..."

Then he immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "you are the same as him. You are too young. Many things are not wrong if you don't follow your ideal route."

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's true, but the model of eisf must not be correct!"

President Tong looked at Ye Feng and said, "the federal government is so big that it's hard to control so many people. Even if Satan succeeded in that year, it was nothing more than the establishment of a second Federation. Those at the bottom turned over, but what about those at the top? They will become new fireflies, so this phenomenon is not a matter of political power, but a natural law, the natural law of survival of the fittest! "

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