Soon the elevator stopped on the top floor. As soon as he got out of the elevator, Ye Feng saw two beautiful young white women standing at the door of the elevator. They looked like twins.

Both of them are blonde and blue eyed. When they see Ye Feng coming out, they both bend over and say, "Mr. Ye!"

Ye Feng frowned. Last time he and Fei Wuliang came, they hadn't seen these two blondes. Did they just come?

Ye Feng didn't think much about it. He continued to walk towards the front corridor, and two beauties followed Ye Feng all the time until he reached the door of the room at the end. One of the beauties with blonde hair immediately opened the door and led Ye Feng in.

After entering the door, he saw that Hu diong was not there. Ye Feng turned around and asked, "didn't the old man come?"

Walking in front of the blonde said at this time, "he's a little late, let our sisters treat Mr. Ye you first!"

Ye Feng nodded and went to the sofa to sit down. He didn't want to see two blondes walking towards one side of the wall. One of them pressed a button on the wall, but saw the wall falling slowly. Behind it was a huge landing window.

Behind the landing window is a decorated golden bedroom, in which a blonde pushed on the glass and a glass door was opened.

Ye Feng can't help but frown and look over there, only to see that there is a huge swimming pool in the bedroom. After two beauties go in, they have begun to take off their clothes and stand in the swimming pool. Looking back at Ye Feng, they say, "Mr. Ye?"

Ye Feng knows how Hu diong wants to treat himself. To tell the truth, these two blondes are the best among women in terms of appearance and figure, but the purpose of Ye Feng's trip is not to do this.

At this time, he frowned and said, "no, I'll wait for the old man alone. You can step back!"

As soon as the blonde sister heard this, her face suddenly moved and said, "that's no good. The old man will blame us if he knows!"

Ye Feng said, "I don't want to tell him!"

One of the blondes immediately said, "it's no use not telling him. He knows everything!"

Ye Feng smell speech brow a wrinkle, immediately stand up, toward the surrounding corner and furniture furnishings, it is difficult to see that there are cameras and other monitoring devices?

But I didn't find anything after looking around, and one of the blondes had come to Ye Feng. When she got to Ye Feng's side, she immediately took Ye Feng's arm and went to the bedroom.

Standing in the swimming pool, the blonde said to Ye Feng, "the old man has given us a dead order. We must serve you today, or we will try to ask, Mr. Ye, don't embarrass us!"

Ye Feng has been taken to the swimming pool by another blonde at this time. The two beauties immediately kneel in front of Ye Feng and begin to help him take off his clothes.

Ye Feng also didn't wriggle, let two beauties serve themselves, after taking off their clothes, sitting in the swimming pool.

The two blondes immediately went down to the pool and sat on the side of Ye Feng, touching Ye Feng's chest.

At this time, Ye Feng took the hands of the two blondes away, and said, "I help you. I don't want you to be punished, but you also need to help me. Don't move. We just sit and take a bath like this!"

Two blonde beauty listen to Ye Feng so a say is a Leng, immediately two people looked at each other, as if to ask each other's opinion.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately said, "the old man asked you to serve me, and I accepted it, didn't I? Besides, I must be satisfied with serving me, right? Now I'm very satisfied, so don't think about it any more! "

After all, Hu diong only told them to serve Ye Feng well. In fact, there was no detailed explanation of how to serve Ye Feng.

What's more, if any man meets these two peerless creatures and takes off his skin so actively, and brings him to the swimming pool, what should he do next?

However, they never thought that Ye Feng was naked at this time. He had no interest in them at all. The fact that there is no movement underwater can explain everything.

The two blondes can't help but feel disappointed. Isn't their charm enough? It's impossible. Before, houdion told the guests who needed special care to take them to bed immediately when they saw them.

Can't it be Ye Feng, originally not?

Ye Feng sits in the swimming pool, pouring water on her body from time to time. However, when she sees two blondes glancing under the water from time to time, she immediately knows what the two blondes are thinking.

But Ye Feng doesn't care. He also knows what the use of Hu Dion's keeping these two blondes is. Of course, it's not a matter of body and physiology, but he's really not interested in such women, even if they are more beautiful than Dixie.

Ye Feng soon after washing out of the pool, two blondes see also immediately followed up, with a bath towel began to help Ye Feng wipe the body.Want to see if ye Feng is really physical problems, don't want Ye Feng or still no response, can't help but feel sorry for Ye Feng.

Ye Feng allowed two blondes to wipe her body, put on her clothes, and then went to the sofa to sit down.

Two blondes also sat on both sides of Ye Feng, still staring at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng is not that she hasn't been looked at so much by the beauties. At this time, she is still deeply uncomfortable by the two blondes. She immediately asks, "when will the old man arrive? Am I early? "

A blonde immediately said, "no! He should be here in a minute

Ye Feng at this time anyway also bored, can't help but ask two blondes way, "usually you also so entertain guests?"

One of the blondes immediately said, "not all the guests, only the one who rings the bell will have this kind of treatment!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, heart immediately move, feelings this is not Hu Dion temporary intention, from tell oneself to ring the bell already want to give yourself such arrangement?

Does this houdion think he is such a person?

Just thinking about it, the door opened and houdion came in from the outside. When the two blondes saw houdion coming in, they immediately stood up and stood on both sides of the sofa.

Houdion walked directly towards the sofa after entering the door, and still asked, "don't you like this kind of entertainment?"

Then he immediately sat on the opposite side of the maple, and the two blondes immediately went to sit on both sides of houdion and let him hold them.

Ye Feng frowned and said, "I'm not interested!"

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