A Nan smell speech facial expression suddenly more red, the moon shadow has no sleeve but a shrug a way, "nothing embarrassed, actually should congratulate you from the girl promoted to the woman!"

After listening to Yueying's words, a Nan can't help looking at Yueying's words. At this time, she hears the voice of Dixie behind her and says, "what are you two talking about when you stay up so late?"

On hearing this, Yueying Wuxiu and a-nan can't help looking back at Dixie, but they see that Dixie is pouring water in the living room.

A Nan's face is more ruddy. I don't know if Dixie will be the same as Yueying's sleeveless. Knowing what happened to Yefeng just now, she feels that she can't move.

Moon shadow knows that it's OK here, but a Nan knows that Ye Feng's relationship with Dixie is unusual. After all, Ye Feng and Dixie are both from the earth of the micro universe, and they are also lovers even in love.

Therefore, being known by Yueying Wuxiu about her relationship with Ye Feng, a Nan is just shy. But if she is known by Dixi, it's not only shy, but also embarrassing, and even she doesn't know how to face Dixi.

Although it's normal for a man to be polygamous in espresso, women's nature is still jealous. When the time comes, because of the conflict between Dixie and Ye Feng, she will feel sorry for herself.

Fortunately, she didn't seem to know what had happened just now when she saw the look in her eyes.

The shadow of the moon without sleeves asked Dixie, "how about you? Didn't you stay up so late? "

Dixie went to the balcony with a glass of water and felt the breeze outside. Then she said, "I've been asleep and I'm awake!"

Then he muttered, "Ye Feng..."

On hearing this, ah Nan's face suddenly moved. Did Dixie know?

But listen to Dixie continue to say, "the night wind is so warm now, it seems that the climate is going to be warmer in eisf."

Listening to the words of Dixie, a Nan can't help sighing. She thought Dixie was talking about Ye Feng, but she didn't think it was the night wind. She was really scared by Dixie.

But when she noticed her, she frowned at her and said, "what's the matter? Are you cold? "

Ah Nan's face moved slightly and said immediately, "yes, I feel a little cold, so I went back to sleep first! You talk! "

With these words, a Nan immediately turned into the room, but Dixie looked at a Nan's back in surprise, and asked the moon shadow with no sleeves, "don't you think she was a little strange just now?"

Moon shadow has no sleeves but shrugs, "what's so strange? A little girl has grown into a woman!"

Dixie did not understand at first, looked at the shadow of the moon in surprise, and said, "what do you mean?"

The moon shadow knows that she is talkative, immediately shrugs her shoulders and says, "it's meaningless. I'm a little sleepy too. I'll sleep first!"

Moon shadow with no sleeves immediately turned into the room, but Dixie looked at the back of moon shadow with no sleeves in surprise, then suddenly understood what, subconsciously looked at the door of Ye Feng.

It was a breeze again, and the shadow of the moon had no sleeves. Then I came back to myself. I sighed and looked at the bright moon in the sky. I didn't know when the secret road would end up in this life of essf.

Looking at the huge lunar disk in the sky, eisf could not help thinking of the earth's moon and sighing again.

At this time, Ye Feng's voice rang out behind her and said, "I don't sleep in the middle of the night. What are you doing here with a sigh?"

Dixie recognized Ye Feng's voice, so he didn't look back and drank a mouthful of water, "didn't you sleep? I got up to drink. What are you doing? Looking for someone? "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately heart next move, secret way Dixi Si don't know oneself just and a Nan of affair?

But Ye Feng pretended that he didn't know what Dixie was talking about. He was surprised and said, "looking for someone? Who am I going to look for in the middle of the night? "

With that, Ye Feng went to the side of Dixie and found that his cigarette case was still on the stone railing of Yantai. He immediately took one from the starting point.

At this time, Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "tell me the truth!"

Ye Feng's face was slightly moved, looking at Dixie in surprise, and said, "what? What's the truth? "

"Did you ever want to go back to earth?" she said

Ye Feng thought that Dixie wanted to tell her about him and a-nan. But he didn't expect that it was this problem. He could not help but relax, "of course, I think about it every day!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng took a puff of smoke and looked at Dixie? Miss the earth? "

Dixie continued to look at the moon, and said to Ye Feng, "I don't know why. Normally, my memory of eisf has recovered, but I don't have any nostalgia for here. I always feel that I don't belong here, or I belong to the earth!"

Ye Feng looks at Dixi Si, can't help but frown and say, "maybe it's because your memory of love hasn't been fully recovered. Look at a Nan, she also has the memory here, which is more harmonious with here!"After hearing this, she sighed, "yes, ah Nan and I are very harmonious here, so you don't want to go back, do you?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately heart next move a way, "do you have what misunderstanding?"

But Dixie did not continue this topic, but said to Ye Feng, "I'm going to find Dante Emma!"

Ye Feng smell speech complexion immediately move ground looking at di Xi Si way, "seek Dante Emma to do what?"

"The more I recover my memory, the more I feel that I don't belong here, and I still want to go back to earth," said Dixie

Ye Feng, hearing what she said, frowned at her and said, "then you don't have to look for Dante Emma! You know he's on a par with us now! "

But dixis said to Ye Feng, "there's no way to do that. Now I'm afraid only his uncle Jock Emma has this technology. If you want to go back, you have to find them!"

But Ye Feng said to Dixie, "ah Nan is now in the Academy of Sciences. Wait and see. Maybe she can make some progress there. At that time, we don't need to go to Dante Emma!"

Hearing the speech, Dixie couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "to be honest, you don't want to go back to earth, is it because you can have three wives and four concubines here?"

Ye Feng was stunned and looked at Dixie, then said with a bitter smile, "even if you go back to earth, it's not difficult to have three wives and four concubines, right? And I told you, I don't want to go back, but I can't go back for the time being. We can't go back and still have nothing to do here. Now I'm doing things here and waiting for the chance to meet the earth! "

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