Seeing Ye Feng pondering for a while, Qiao Huiying shrugged her shoulders and said, "you have too many secrets. It's hard for people to believe. I won't believe you easily. Do you think Hu Dion believes you very much? Unless you're confessing to him and not to me, right? "

Listen to Qiao Huiying say so, Ye Feng's heart immediately is a Lin, at this moment, let Ye Feng seem to think his guess direction is completely wrong.

I used to think that Qiao Huiying and Hu Dion only knew that they had contact with each other, but they didn't know the specific content of the contact.

But at this moment, Ye Feng seems to realize that he has made a serious mistake.

Is the purpose of Hu Dion and Qiao Huiying sending undercover agents to each other just to know who they have met, but not what they have said when they meet everyone?

Obviously, the answer is yes. No matter who wants to know, most people can't do it, or it's very difficult to do it.

However, Qiao Huiying and Hu diong are obviously not ordinary people. It should not be easy for them to do such a thing in Ye Feng's understanding, but it is absolutely not so difficult.

Maybe Qiao Huiying knows everything he says in hudion, and he is still lying in front of him. If so, he is a liar in Qiao Huiying's eyes?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Qiao Huiying, "it's hard to believe in yourself, but it's also easy. It's really the best way to dig out your heart and lungs!"

Qiao Huiying then stares at Ye Feng to see, "so you take out heart and lung to him?"

Ye Feng said, "that's right!" After seeing Qiao Huiying's eyes move, he immediately said, "but is heart and lung heart and lung, how to verify?"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Qiao Hui Ying can't help but frown, he certainly understand Ye Feng's meaning.

Ye Feng is saying that even if he and Hu diweng said some secrets about himself, but the truth of the secret is not clear.

After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, Qiao Huiying nodded and said, "you're right, so that's why I haven't forced you to say your real purpose! Because even if you say it, I can't tell the truth from the false! "

Ye Feng said to Qiao Huiying, "so I have nothing to say. That's why I always know that you have been doubting me, and I have nothing to say, because if I say anything, you will doubt me!"

Qiao Hui clapped his hands and said, "what a dialectic. I can't refute what you said!"

Ye Feng shrugged, then looked at Qiao Huiying and said, "is it true that the greater the power, the lower the level of trust in people? You are like this, so is hudion. Like you, is there anyone in the world you can trust? "

When Qiao Huiying and Ye Feng said this, he immediately fell into a deep meditation. Although he married Hu Dion's daughter, Hu Dion never really trusted himself.

After he married hudion's daughter, he never really trusted him. The trust between his son-in-law and his son-in-law seemed to never appear.

Ye Feng saw Qiao Huiying staring at himself. He couldn't help but stand up and say, "I can't play the game of suspicions of high-ranking people like you. If it's too big, I'll quit!"

Qiao Huiying frowned at Ye Feng and said, "you quit? You mean, you don't even marry Joanna? "

Ye Feng stares at Qiao Huiying and says, "if I marry Joanna, I will live a life of intrigue. I have to think about it seriously!"

Qiao Huiying hummed coldly, "come on! You can deceive houdion, but you can't deceive me. Your purpose can't be pure. Although you try every means to explain, I know and I'm sure! "

Listening to Qiao Huiying's words, Ye Feng sighed, "since you don't trust me so much, why do you want to marry Joanna to me?"

Qiao Huiying stares at Ye Feng for a long time, then asks Ye Feng, "do you trust me?"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "half of it!"

Qiao Huiying said with a smile, "you are too reserved. In fact, you have a lot of doubts about me in your heart, right?"

Said, didn't wait for Ye Feng to speak, immediately a hand a way, "you don't have to refute!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "since you say so, I can only admit that I have always doubted your real purpose of marrying Joanna to me! I'm even thinking, you don't want me to be your son-in-law at all, you just want to use me! "

Qiao Huiying said with a smile, "using you, you who come to longarsene castle are useless. Do you have the value of being used by me?"

But Ye Feng looked at Qiao Huiying and said, "let me be discovered by Hu Dion, isn't that my value?"

Qiao Huiying a listen to this words, complexion suddenly a change ground looking at leaf maple.

But Ye Feng said, "Fei Wuliang is Hu Dion's person. You can't be unaware that you deliberately arranged me in his department. Isn't that so?"Qiao Huiying stares at Ye Feng and says, "even so, it's hard for you to attract Hu Dion's attention, isn't it?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I still have this self-confidence, just like you begin to pay attention to me. You should also believe in your own judgment. As long as I am by Fei Wuliang's side, sooner or later they will come up with their ideas, and your goal will be achieved!"

Qiao Huiying listened to what Ye Feng said, and after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she asked, "even so, why should I let Hu Dion notice you?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "you want Hu Dion to reuse me, and then you will use me to make Hu Dion think that he has found a person who is more like you when you were young, and he has the intention to replace you. But you and I are more like this when you were young, because you have seen it from the first time you met me."

Qiao Huiying can't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. Then he said, "you are really smart. You are as smart as I was when I was young, but you are also stupid. Since you have already seen everything, you shouldn't tell me and let me know that you know everything!"

Ye Feng said to Qiao Huiying, "I let you know that I know what you think, not to expose you, but to tell you that I have no malice towards you. After all, you are Joanna's father. Although I really look like you when you were young, I will never hurt Joanna for anything. I won't make her sad! That's the difference between you and me! "

Qiao Huiying listened to Ye Feng's words and looked at Ye Feng for a long time. Then she said, "so, you've already noticed that I know a lot about you, but you haven't exposed it all the time, just for Joanna? In order not to make her sad? "

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