Ye Feng shrugged at this time and said that he didn't care about these now. Instead, he looked at the shadow of the moon and waved to her.

After looking at Ye Feng, Yueying without sleeves doesn't move. She still stands in the same place and doesn't look at Ye Feng any more. She looks at Hu Dion instead.

Ye Feng can't help but move when he sees this. Then he moves and says to the moon shadow, "don't tell me, you are the shadow?"

The moon shadow's sleeveless face moved slightly, but he didn't speak. Hu diong said with a smile to Ye Feng, "I have to say, your imagination is really wonderful!"

Ye Feng frowned and looked at Hu Dion, but heard Hu Dion say at this time, "if she is a shadow, isn't my move too advanced? I knew you were in Huck Bay? So arrange for her to come to you? I'm not that good at it

Ye Feng is relieved to hear Hu diong say that if the moon shadow without sleeve is really a shadow, she knows that she has too many things, which is really beyond her expectation.

But Hu Di Weng looked at Ye Feng and said, "but you didn't come to save her in vain. She is still very central to you. I want to ask her something about you. She didn't say a word!"

Ye Feng smell speech, at this time took a look at the shadow of the moon sleeveless, but see the shadow of the moon sleeveless head, still a word did not say.

Hu diong continued to look at Ye Feng and said, "but she has never been so loyal to me. Seeing her loyalty to you, to tell you the truth, I really have a trace of jealousy in my heart!"

Ye Feng said to Hu diong at this time, "she may not even know who you are. How can she be loyal to you?"

Hu Di Weng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you're right, so I don't blame her!"

Ye Feng then stood up and said to Hu diong, "can I take her away?"

When saying this, Ye Feng has already gone to the side of the moon shadow with no sleeves. He takes her hand and walks towards the door.

I don't want Hu Dion to say at this time, "I have never had a person who is not loyal to me to leave alive. You are forcing me to break the rules!"

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng immediately stopped, looked back at Hu diong and said, "well, in order not to let you break the rules, let her go, I'll stay!"

But Hu Di Weng frowned at Ye Feng and said, "you know I won't kill you. What do I leave you to do?"

But Ye Feng said to Hu diong, "you know that my purpose is to take her away, and I will take her away!"

Hu Di Weng shrugged his shoulders and said, "so it's hard to talk?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I could have talked about it, but you don't seem to like it very much!"

Hu Di Weng looked at Ye Feng for a long time, but he didn't speak. Finally he put out his cigar and stood up and said, "OK, I'll make an exception for you! She can go! "

Ye Feng immediately nodded to Hu diong, "thank you very much!" Say to pull the moon shadow to have no sleeve to walk toward the door, don't want the person in black of the door immediately blocked the leaf maple and the moon shadow have no sleeve of go.

At this time, Hu said, "I haven't finished what I said. Listen to me, you can decide whether to go out in such a swagger or fight for a while!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown at Hu diong and say, "what else do you want to say?"

Houdion said at once, "you may not know the rules of my servants!"

Ye Feng brow is a wrinkly way again, "what rules?"

Hu did not speak, but toward the shadow of the moon sleeveless way, "you have done so long, you should be very clear, you tell Mr. Ye!"

After listening to Hu diong's words, Yueying Wuxiu's face moved slightly. After pondering for a moment, she said to Ye Feng, "as a dead waiter, you must complete the rated number of tasks before you can leave!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "you haven't finished the rated quantity?"

The shadow of the moon nodded and said, "just two!"

Hu Di Weng then said with a smile to Ye Feng, "in fact, you can see that I am generous. I give them the chance to leave! After leaving, I will never do anything to them! Of course, the precondition is that they can't tell what they have done. Once that happens, my good attitude will change and death will come to me soon! "

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, immediately toward Hu Di Weng way, "she difference of two I come to fill!"

Hu diweng listened to Ye Feng's words, and immediately said to him, "I have never had such a precedent here!"

But Ye Feng said to Hu diong, "precedents are used to break, otherwise what else is called precedents?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Hu Di Weng said with a smile, "it can be broken, but it depends on whether it is worth breaking!"

Ye Feng asked Hu diong, "do you think I'm not worth it?"

Hu Dion shrugged his shoulders and said, "you are not unworthy. It's just that I can't figure out who you are. Besides, you have your own goals. There are some disagreements between us!"

Ye Feng sneered at Hu diong and said, "last time I sighed with you, I thought I thought I had figured you out. But now I know that you were the leader of the opposition. That is to say, if you are not interested in rights, you cheat me. We are even!"Hu Dion sighed, "I'm not interested in power. All I do is to revenge Qiao Huiying. Unfortunately, no one believes that. Now I doubt myself a little bit."

Ye Feng said impatiently to Hu diong, "I'm not interested in whether you are interested in rights. I just want to know that I will complete the last two tasks instead of Yueying sleeveless. Do you agree or not?"

Hu Di Weng frowned at Ye Feng and said, "are you always so domineering? Do you think I will agree?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't force you to agree. I just want you to know that you agree that I will take the shadow of the moon without sleeves. If you don't agree, I will take her too. It's just the difference between peace and non peace."

Hu Di Weng said to Ye Feng, "OK, I can promise you, but the two tasks she owes will be upgraded!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "upgrade?"

Hu Dion immediately said, "originally, the two remaining tasks of moon shadow sleeveless may be just simple killing tasks. I know it's too easy for her or you, so unless you want to help me with two difficult tasks, I can consider them!"

Ye Feng didn't want to think about it. He immediately said to Hu diong, "no matter how hard it is, I promise you, so we can go?"

Houdion immediately shrugged his shoulders, reached out and said, "you can go at any time, but don't forget your promise today!"

Ye Feng did not say anything, directly pulled the shadow out of the door, this time, the door of the black man did not stop him and shadow sleeve.

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