Ye Feng at this time motionless, eyes looking at the co driver's seat of Dixie, although did not look at the back of Hades, already can feel this guy's murderous.

People in TSL don't have a regular name. They usually use a number code. 055 is called Hades because it's a killer. Every time it performs a task, it kills people. Over time, the industry has given him such a name.

Dixie is the name of the goddess of sunset in Western mythology. That's because 018 has always been very mysterious. Even if someone saw her, it was already after sunset. Except for the people in the organization, few of them had seen her, so they called her Dixie.

Although Ye Feng's former nickname Satan is similar to Hades, it's not because ye Feng and Hades are as bloodthirsty as Hades. It's just because others are afraid of him, which means that some people will have nightmares when he appears.

Ye Feng knows too much about the personalities of Dixie and Hades. He knows that Hardy is not a bluff if he says he will shoot on the count of three if he doesn't give something.

If he counts to three and doesn't hand over anything, he will never be soft handed.

Just thinking about it, Hades had already counted, "one!"

Dixie advised Ye Feng to say, "I hope you don't challenge his patience, and don't take chances. He said that if he killed you, he would certainly kill you!"

Ye Feng of course knows and knows what they want, but he still pretends not to know and says, "I'm afraid of death, but you have to tell me what you want me to hand over!"

Hades continued to count, "two!"

Dixi Si continued to persuade Ye Feng said, "you don't have to hide, in fact, what we want, your heart is very clear, I advise you obediently take out things, I promise he won't kill you!"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "if I take out something and he kills me, where can I find you to judge?"

But Dixie said, "I mean what I say. If I say no, I will not! I can promise you! Though you may not trust my promise

At this time, Hades pushed the muzzle of the gun toward Ye Feng's head, "can't you take it out? Don't blame me for being rude

Ye Feng immediately raised his hand and said in a loud voice, "don't shoot. I'll take it. I'll take it now!"

Speaking, Ye Feng slowly extends his hand to his pocket, and Dixie stares at Ye Feng's hand.

And behind the Hades issued a sneer, if ye Feng does not take out, he will really shoot, absolutely not with him in this nonsense.

But at this time, Ye Feng took out his mobile phone and a wallet from his pocket, handed it to Dixie and said, "all my belongings are here!"

Dixie's face suddenly moved. He looked at the things in Ye Feng's hand. He sighed and said to Ye Feng, "I wanted to save your life. It seems you don't appreciate it!"

"Falk!" Hades in the back seat had a feeling that his IQ was insulted. He immediately said to Dixie, "Dixie, put away your pity. This boy doesn't shed tears when he doesn't see the coffin!"

Speaking, Hades immediately raised the pistol, immediately pulled the trigger towards Ye Feng.

But listen to a "bang" sound, originally Dixie Si has already begun to pray for Ye Feng, "Almighty Lord, take this poor soul!"

Unexpectedly, with the sound of the gunshot, the sound of the broken glass came in an instant, and both Dixie and Hades looked at the windshield in front of the car.

But I saw that there was such a big hole on it. Although it was not completely broken, it was cracked and couldn't see the front.

They both realized that Ye Feng had just dodged Hades' shot in a few seconds.

Hades is known as the God of the gun in TSL. He has failed several times in front of Satan, but there is no other case.

Such a nameless boy can avoid his own shot. Hades looks at Ye Feng in front of him in surprise.

Dixie is also surprised. She has no doubt about Hades' shooting. She knows that once Hades pulls the trigger, it will be a human life, otherwise Hades would not have called such a name.

But Ye Feng actually avoided Hades' lethal shot at such a close distance. Before that, only Satan had done it. For a moment, she even had the illusion that Satan was not dead. Is Ye Feng Satan in front of her?

However, when she saw Ye Feng's face, she knew clearly that Satan was dead. In front of her, this guy's face was not as long as Satan's imagination, and even his body shape was too different.

It's fair to say that you can change your face, but you can't disguise your figure at all. The guy in front of you is definitely not Satan. What's more, the death of Satan is confirmed by yourself.

And at this time, Ye Feng in their surprise moment, has shot, he a hand moment to behind Hades in front of.

Hades immediately ready to pull the trigger, but in this moment, Ye Feng's hand has grasped his hand, his hand forced back, the muzzle of the gun immediately aimed at Hades.And Hades has pulled the trigger, in this critical moment, Hades immediately a side head, the glass behind the car was also cracked.

At the same time, Hades called out to Dixie, "Dixie, when did you start to be a vegetarian? Are you here to see the excitement? "

Dixie this just returned to God, in the hand instantaneous many a dagger, immediately toward the leaf maple pierced in the past.

Ye Feng saw immediately one side of the body, the other hand instant hand, a grasp of the hand of Dixie Si, forced a press, Dixie Si instantly feel a pain in the wrist, the hand of the dagger immediately off the hand.

At the same time, Ye Feng grabs the gun in Hades' hand, and immediately faces the Dixie in front of him, "don't move!"

Dixie stares at Ye Feng, and his face is full of surprise. He looks at Ye Feng in surprise. He can take away the gun from Hades, and instantly unload the dagger in his hand. How can this be possible?

and as like as two peas, Disis's surprise is that Ye Feng has unloaded his dagger, and is exactly the same as Satan. She can't help staring at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng a smile, shrugged, "I am me, Ye Feng!"

Hades at this time immediately want to pull his second gun, but did not start, Ye Feng's muzzle on him, "give your second gun!"

In fact, Hades didn't move at all, but with this idea, he saw that Ye Feng had aimed at himself. His face couldn't help but move. His eyes were round, surprised, angry and dissatisfied.

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