Ye Feng stood up at this time, snuffed out the cigarette and said to the moon shadow, "you are tired too. Go to have a rest early!"

A Nan asked Yueying and Ye Feng, "are you hungry? I'll cook something for you? "

Ye Feng nodded to a Nan and said, "good!"

After a Nan goes to the kitchen to do something, Ye Feng says to the moon shadow, "don't think about it any more. Even if you don't get caught, I'll meet you sooner or later. It doesn't matter much to you!"

After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, she nodded and said, "anyway, thank you for saving me today!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'll tell you the truth. If you don't know me, maybe you'll run away. Maybe you're caught because you know me!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to listen to Ye Feng say so, can't help but frown, surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "you mean, Hu Di Weng deliberately want to expose to you?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "it's not enough to expose intentionally, but I know that I can use it to force me to do a lot of things. If I don't know that he is the leader of the opposition, he can use you to make me like a headless fly all the time!"

At this time, the moon shadow took a deep breath and sighed, "anyway, it's true that you saved me. I won't forget it!"

But Ye Feng said to the shadow of the moon, "I don't need to But after this, you should be in no danger. They won't do anything to you any more! "

At this time, the shadow of the moon has no sleeves yet to speak, a Nan immediately came out and asked them to eat.

At dinner, the girl looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "they didn't abuse you, did they?"

Moon shadow no sleeve shook his head and said, "just shut me up, didn't ask me anything, didn't torture me, until Ye Feng saved me!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders to the moon shadow and said, "this confirms what I said. They just want to blackmail me for you. After all, they have so many dead attendants under their hands. They are not the same thing about the two things you delayed. So in the final analysis, it's actually me who hurt you!"

The shadow of the moon without sleeves said hastily, "where is it?"

Ah Nan immediately said to them, "don't blame each other here! Eat quickly

After Ye Feng and Yueying finished eating, a Nan said to Ye Feng, "by the way, today the Academy of Sciences is a little unusual!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and look at a Nan, "what's unusual?"

A Nan shrugged her shoulders and said, "I can't say it. Maybe it's a feeling. After today, everyone is very nervous and busy!"

Ye Feng is surprised to see a Nan way, "busy what you don't know?"

A Nan shrugged her shoulders and sighed, "I really don't know. The novice I've just entered is not even an assistant. I can't get in touch with them at all. I'm a busboy now. I'll go where I need to find anything and give anything away!"

Ye Feng couldn't help laughing and said, "it seems that our destiny is the same. I work in the cabinet every day and do the same thing!"

A Nan smiles, then looks at Ye Feng with a straight face and says, "I don't know what they are studying and what they are busy with, but I find that there are protoliths of europium and sodium chloride in the laboratory today!"

Ye Feng and the moon shadow can't help frowning and saying, "what's that? Never heard of it

A Nan immediately said, "this is a kind of elemental ore, only the specialty of the planet of essf, which is a necessity for the production of laser cannons! And at present, it is only found that this element is needed in laser guns. "

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately frowned at ah Nan and said, "do you mean that the scientific research institute is studying laser weapons?"

Ah Nan nodded and said, "that's right! As far as I know, although the scientific research institute has a wide range of research, including weapons research and other aspects, research and doing are two different things. If it's just research, just a little element is enough. A large piece of europium and sodium silicate can produce enough energy to destroy one third of the ESF! "

Ye Feng and moon shadow have no sleeve a listen to this words, complexion is a change, all quite surprised to look at a Nan way, "so big power?"

Ah Nan shrugged her shoulders and said, "that's right, so this kind of raw stone only appears in military factories and scientific research institutes. It's a bit unusual and intriguing!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while, but did not speak for a long time. The Academy of Sciences is under the management of the federal government and the president of Zhili.

In other words, it is impossible to do this behind Qiao Huiying's back. If the scientific research institute really starts to study weapons or even manufacture weapons, Qiao Huiying will know.

In other words, the direction of development of the Academy of Sciences is sometimes based on scientific conclusions, but everything, whether science, medicine or any other discipline, ends up serving politics.

In other words, if Qiao Huiying knows all about it, then Qiao Huiying may have some big action or conspiracy.Seeing that Ye Feng didn't say a word, a Nan couldn't help saying, "what are you thinking?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "don't think about anything. Just pay more attention to it. If you have any new progress, just tell me, but don't be deliberate. The premise is to protect yourself!"

Hearing this, she nodded to Ye Feng and said, "I know! Don't worry about that. If I'm too aggressive, I may know more than that. I'm careful everywhere, so I don't have a clue! "

Moon shadow has no sleeves and says to Ye Feng and a-nan, "if this is produced, it can destroy one-third of the planet, what's the difference between this and suicide?"

A Nan also nodded and said, "to destroy one third of Esme is essentially the same as to completely destroy Esme. Once this kind of power really becomes a weapon, it will be a disaster for all Esme!"

The moon shadow shrugged her shoulders and said, "fortunately, aesf is the federal system of the whole planet. There is no large-scale war! If it is still the case in the past that each country has its own way of fighting, which country will not show off every day when it has this weapon? "

But Ye Feng said to the moon shadow, "whether it is a federation or not, or various countries, this kind of weapon should not appear. Even if it is the system of the whole planet, once someone has this kind of weapon, we can only pray that this person is not a madman at that time, but who can completely rule out this possibility?"

Moon shadow sleeveless and a Nan hear Ye Feng say so, can't help a burst of sigh, yes, who dares to guarantee? No one can guarantee it!

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