Fei Wuliang listens to Ye Feng's words, and his face suddenly changes. He looks at Ye Feng and says, "do you want to be the first one?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "of course, if everyone only cares about self-protection and no one is the first, what hope is there in the world?"

Then, without waiting for Fei Wuliang to speak, Ye Feng immediately continued to say to Fei Wuliang, "you are not afraid to die, and you are ready to sacrifice your wife and children. I don't understand. What are you afraid of? I'd rather wait to die than fight hard. I really can't understand your mode of thinking! "

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Fei Wuliang didn't speak for a long time. He looked at Ye Feng blankly. For a long time, he murmured, "yes, what am I afraid of?"

At this time, Ye Feng continued to say to Fei Wuliang, "there is still time for me to get off work. I will kill you according to your meaning after work. I think it's meaningless for you to live!"

With these words, Ye Feng immediately got up and left Fei Wuliang's office. Fei Wuliang didn't retain Ye Feng this time, but just sat in front of his desk, his mind full of what Ye Feng had just said to himself.

I'd rather wait to die than fight. Why do I have this idea? What in the end made him form such a submissive character?

As Ye Feng said, he would rather let Ye Feng kill himself, but also know that his wife and children are doomed, so do not dare to resist?

After thinking for a long time, Fei Wuliang slapped the table hard, then stood up and quickly walked to the door of the office. Opening the door, Ye Feng yelled, "I want to be the first one!"

When other people listen to Fei Wuliang's words, they all move. They look at Fei Wuliang in surprise. They think Fei Wuliang is nervous. What's the first one?

Ye Feng sat with his back to the door of the office. When he heard this, he didn't look back. He just stretched out an arm and gave a thumbs up.

Fei Wuliang felt that after he said this, his whole body seemed to be completely relaxed, which was an unprecedented feeling.

Relaxed oneself, only then knew originally before oneself all was the load but the line, already pressed fast breathless, that kind of life is not oneself wants, now life is.

Ye Feng can't help but be happy for Fei Wuliang. However, for the whole long arsenic castle, Fei Wuliang is just a miniature, and there are thousands of people who dare not rise up and fight like Fei Wuliang.

Fei Wuliang got up. In fact, the effect is not big. After all, he is only a man, but the effect is not small. After all, he must be the first to alert the world.

On the contrary, the first one is the most difficult. Without the same kind of premise, as a pioneer, he is often lonely. I hope Fei Wuliang can endure this kind of loneliness.

Just thinking about it, I suddenly heard a "bang", and then a light flashed over the office area.

All the people in the office area saw it, and their hearts were filled with awe. Ye Feng immediately turned to see it, but Fei Wuliang was still standing at the door of the office.

But there was a hole in the center of his skull. The flesh around the hole was burnt and still smoking.

Fei Wuliang's eyes had completely lost the color of his excitement. His body slowly began to fall back, until he fell to the ground with a bang, but never got up again.

All of a sudden, the whole office exploded. In the cabinet department, someone actually shot their secretary and killed him under their eyelids?

Ye Feng's first reaction was to rush out towards the door of the Department. From the perspective of light just now, this gun should be fired from the door.

But when Ye Feng chased out, he didn't find anything. He even looked inside and outside, but still didn't find anything.

Ye Feng can't help but feel depressed. If it wasn't for him to be a rebel, maybe he didn't have to die so early.

"Brother ye?" At this time, guterska came over with a big sweat on his face, looking at Ye Feng squatting at the door of the Department in surprise, "what are you squatting here?"

Ye Feng didn't speak. At this time, he smashed his fist on the wall of the door. Guterska looked at Ye Feng with a puzzled face. Seeing Ye Feng's angry appearance, he didn't dare to ask any more.

However, after hearing the noise in the Department, guterska looked inside and found that many people were standing at the door of Fei Wuliang's office.

Guterska can't help but walk towards the inside in surprise, "what's the matter?"

He went all the way to the back of the crowd. He saw Fei Wuliang lying on the ground motionless in the crevice of the crowd. His face suddenly moved and said, "secretary?"

Others are talking about who Fei Wuliang has offended and killed.

At this time, guterska went to the side of Fei Wuliang's body, squatted on the ground, staring at Fei Wuliang's body, but said, "who dares to shoot and kill in the Han Ding palace? Is this guy too brave? "Someone immediately said, "this guy must be an internal member of the Han Ding palace. I guess he has muddled through?"

Ye Feng came in at this time, pushed aside the crowd in front of him, went to Fei Wuliang's body, and stared at Fei Wuliang's body without saying a word.

Guterska then looked back at Ye Feng and said, "brother ye, what's going on?"

Ye Feng still didn't answer. After a long time, he said in a deep voice, "no matter who killed Fei Wuliang, I will surely rescue him and avenge him!"

At this time, there was a humanitarian, "just before the Secretary died, he suddenly stood at the door of the office like crazy and said that he wanted to be the first one? What does that mean? "

Some people nodded and said, "yes, I thought he was crazy just now? Will his death have something to do with what he said? "

"Don't talk about it. We are little clerks and not detective. We'd better report it and let it be dealt with by the top."

Someone has already gone over and dialed with a special line telephone. After telling the situation over here, he came back and said, "the guard of the central hall will send someone to come soon. Let's keep the scene still!"

At this time, Ye Feng sat on one side of the chair, staring at Fei Wuliang's body, without saying a word.

Guterska stood on Ye Feng's side and asked Ye Feng, "brother ye, what's going on? How could such a thing happen? "

Ye Feng immediately said to guterska, "this is the price he will pay to be the first one!"

Guterska looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what's the price of the first one? What do you mean

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