Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help staring at guterska for a long time. Then he reached out and patted guterska on the shoulder and said, "don't think too much, or even have any illusions about Hu Dion!"

Guterska did not speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "if you really do that, they kill your sister is just a matter of hand, do you think it is more convenient for them to let your sister go or kill her directly?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, guterska's face suddenly moves. He feels that Ye Feng's words are very reasonable. He has been serving the opposition for so long, so he should know their urine better than Ye Feng.

Thinking of this, guterska couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "what should I do now?"

Ye Feng said immediately, "go back to hudion! Although it may be very risky, houdion may have known what happened today, but you have no choice now. You must come back to him as if there is no such thing today, for your sister's sake! "

Guterska listened to Ye Feng and took a deep breath. It seems that the present form can only be like this.

Thinking of this, guterska nodded to Ye Feng and said, "OK, I'll continue to go back to him, but I can take today's event as if it didn't happen. They may not, you didn't obey the order, you killed each other by yourself, and you'll pay a lot of money. Hudion must know and will investigate!"

But Ye Feng shrugged to guterska and said, "he loves to pursue, even if he doesn't come to me, I will go to him!"

Then he immediately said to guterska, "don't talk nonsense, you can go quickly, if you have the ability to leave the Han Ding palace!"

After taking a deep breath, guterska nodded to Ye Feng and said nothing more. He turned around and ran away. After a while, he disappeared.

After seeing guterska go, Ye Feng also takes a deep breath, and then thinks of the person guterska said, hesitating in his heart.

He has a premonition that he and this guy will meet again soon, and the next meeting may not be like last time, but the result of life and death.

Ye Feng didn't stay in the Han Ding palace or return to the Department. He left the Han Ding palace and went to the long arsenic Castle Hotel, ringing the bell at the front desk.

Soon Ye Feng was taken to the roof of longarsenbao hotel. This time, there were no two blondes who accompanied him last time. Only Ye Feng stood alone at the landing window and looked at the distant longarsenbao.

There are too many problems in this world, but all the people here either muddle along or do whatever they want for their own interests.

Just thinking about it, the door opened, and Ye Feng recovered, but Hu Dion came in with a dignified face.

After entering the door, Hu diong just took a look at Ye Feng standing in the window, then went to the sofa and sat down.

Ye Feng is still standing in the window, his mouth said, "how do I feel that even without me, Fei Wuliang is going to die, you just want to kill him with my hand!"

Hu Di Weng can't help sneering and said, "that's right! It's a pity that your hand is too expensive to borrow! "

Ye Feng walked from the window to the sofa and sat opposite Hu Dion. "From the moment I took away the moon shadow, don't you know what I promised you at that time was expedient?"

Hudion shrugged his shoulders and said, "so I've left a backup plan and let someone else do it for you!"

Ye Feng looked at Hu diong and said, "the message you gave me is to kill Fei Wuliang within today. Is it over today? How do you know I won't do it before it's over, so after all, you don't trust me! "

Hu diong continued with a sneer, "you don't have to do these sophistry. You just said that you promised to complete the unfinished task for Yueying Wuxiu. It was just a matter of rights and interests. Now you want to leave the problem to me?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not going to throw the pot. After all, I'm not a professional killer. It's normal for me to kill a person I'm very familiar with. It's necessary for me to experience a mental struggle at the bottom of my heart? I can't guarantee that I will do it before the end of this evening, but you can't guarantee that I won't do it, so I'm curious. How do you judge that I won't do it before the end of this evening? "

Hu Di Weng sneered and said, "is it necessary to judge? Let me tell you the truth, even if the information I give you is within this year, they will start to prepare for the action as soon as they receive the information. I have given you such a long time, and I have done my utmost! "

Speaking of this, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Hu diong immediately said, "what's more, even if I give you a year, you won't do it until the end of the year. I know you very well Satan

Although Ye Feng had already known that Hu Dion had already known his identity, he could not help but feel a move now when he heard Hu Dion suddenly call himself the name of eisf.

Hu Di Weng shrugged at Ye Feng and said, "in fact, you don't have to look at me like this. In fact, you know very well. I know you are really who you are, don't you?"

Ye Feng shrugged at this time and said to Hu diong, "yes, I already know!"Hudion shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's it

But Ye Feng still looked at Hu diong curiously and said, "I'm just strange. After you know my true identity, you're not surprised at all. You don't want to know what happened to me. You didn't want to know at all. Did you ever want to take revenge on me after I was dealt with by you?"

Hu then picked up a cigar on the tea table, lit it and took a sip. Then he said to Ye Feng, "Satan and you are not Satan at all! So I don't worry at all, because there is no hatred for me in you! "

Ye Feng can't help but feel a sense of awe. It turns out that Hu diong knows more than he imagined. He not only knows his identity as a Satan, but also knows that he is not the Satan of their world?

However, when you think about it, it's not surprising that you know you're from another world because hudion supported the micro universe project.

Seeing Ye Feng staring at him, Hu Di Weng frowned and said, "what? Are you surprised that I know this? "

Ye Feng then looked at Hu diong and said, "now is Dante Emma and Jock Emma also in longarsenic castle?"

Hu Di Weng smoked a cigar and looked at Ye Feng. He didn't speak for a long time, and there was no answer in his eyes.

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