Outside the door soon came the voice of why Huan, "running dog? What's wrong with running dogs? What else do you think is impossible in this world? "

Hanks can't help frowning when he hears the words. Ye Feng says to Hanks, "it's meaningless to talk to them now!"

At this time, he looked at Hanks and Ye Feng and said, "now the three of us have guns in our hands. We rush out together. We don't believe they can have such great ability to trap the three of us here?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look at brekos, he can't help feeling in front of brekos and his previous understanding of brekos completely like a different person.

In the past, brecos framed himself and Hanks for his own personal interests. Unexpectedly, he now stands on the same front with himself and Hanks, and his performance is beyond his expectation several times.

Hanks can't help but look at blicos a few more at this time. Now he seems to have some improvement on blicos. He can't help nodding to blicos and fully agrees with his point of view.

In the end, Hanks and blicos both looked at Ye Feng, who nodded to them. He also agreed with this method.

The reason why he didn't rush before was that he and Hanks had only one laser pistol, and they were Mini.

Now the situation is different. All three of them have laser machine guns in their hands. The firepower is not the same as before.

Ye Feng then said, "if you want to rush out, it's not blind rush. That will only make you a living target. You still have to think of a way!"

Hanks pondered for a while and said, "I'll rush out to attract fire. You shoot and cover!"

When he heard Hanks say this, he couldn't help holding out his thumb and said, "I can't see you're a tough guy. Why didn't you find out before?"

But Ye Feng said to Hanks, "I'd better rush. You cover me. After I attract fire, you rush out immediately!"

As soon as Hanks heard this, he immediately said, "if you're shot, we're all finished..."

Brix also knew that Hanks' skill was not as good as Ye Feng's, so he could not help nodding and echoing, "that's right!"

Ye Feng has Hanks way toward blicos, "don't argue any more, it's so decided!"

Finish saying Ye Feng walked toward the door in the past, Hanks and blicos see, know can't beat Ye Feng, also had to agree.

The muzzle of the guns in their hands has been pressing in the direction of the door. As soon as Ye Feng opened the door, they immediately shot out.

Ye Feng then looked back at them, nodded to them, and immediately opened the door.

The people outside the door were all in a daze. He Weihuan was also a little surprised. He even dared to open the door at this time. He immediately yelled and fired.

And at the same time that those people opened fire, Ye Feng immediately made a full effort and rushed to the distance. A laser machine gun swept all the way along the place Ye Feng ran.

At the same time, blicos and Hanks rushed out of the door with their laser machine guns in their hands.

He Weihuan has realized that something is wrong, because he only sees Ye Feng running out alone. He immediately turns the muzzle of the gun and faces the door.

But at this time, brecos and Hanks have rushed out. They each have a laser machine gun. They design when they see people.

As he strafed, he looked for the position of Huan. When he saw Huan, he immediately pulled the trigger on his side.

Why Huan didn't respond? Before he could shoot, he saw that blicos had already shot at him, and immediately jumped away to escape.

And those bodyguards who went to chase Ye Feng seemed to have recovered. They immediately gave up chasing Ye Feng, and turned the muzzle of the gun to shoot at brecos and Hanks who just rushed out of the door.

At the same time, Ye Feng see behind the people also don't chase, immediately also stopped, turn the muzzle of the gun to chase their own people for a while.

After a while of shooting, all the people on the scene fell to the ground, and finally Ye Feng and Hanks and brecos will meet again.

Brecos immediately checked the bodies on the ground one by one, but he didn't find the body of he Weihuan. He immediately said, "why is Huan running away?"

Just then, Ye Feng noticed that there was a figure in the corner, who seemed to be hiding behind. He immediately made a look at blicos and Hanks.

Briggs and Hanks see this, will come over, immediately with Ye Feng carefully toward the other side, three people scattered, formed a encirclement of the corner.

Hanks saw that he was about to arrive, and immediately stepped forward, but before he could pull the trigger, he was immediately pressed down by Ye Feng, and shot at he Weihuan in the corner.

Why is the face that Huan frightens all white, after waiting for strafe to finish immediately crouch down body to embrace a head, "don't shoot, I surrender!"

Brecos also came forward with a laser machine gun, the muzzle of which was against he Weihuan's head.Ye Feng saw this, immediately went up and kicked away Brix's gun, "kill him, who will take us to find the president and princess?"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, blicos and Hanks can't help but be surprised, the secret way fortunately he didn't kill why Huan.

Ye Feng pulls he Weihuan up and says to him, "take us to the president and princess, and we won't kill you!"

He Weihuan even said, "I don't know where they are being held!"

Ye Feng immediately a mouth son jilted past, immediately holding laser machine gun in he Weihuan's foot a burst of random sweep.

He jumped up in fright and said in a loud voice, "they are no longer in the Han Ding palace..."

Ye Feng a listen to this words, this just stopped shooting, looking at what is happy way, "where did they go?"

He Weihuan said immediately, "Hu Dion sent someone to take them away. I don't know where they were taken!"

Brecos immediately put the muzzle of the laser machine gun against he Weihuan's face and said, "he won't tell the truth if he doesn't get a shot!"

He Weihuan immediately yelled, "I don't know. They didn't say anything when they took the president and princess!"

Ye Feng saw why Huan looked like this. He was so scared that he almost peed. He could not help shaking his head and looking at blicos and Hanks.

At present, these three people are the bodyguard captains of the inner and outer middle three halls of the Han Ding palace. I didn't expect why Huan counseled so much? I don't know how to sit in this position.

Hanks then said to Ye Feng, "will this boy deliberately cheat us and bet that we dare not kill him?"

He Weihuan immediately said, "absolutely not. I know so much. Even if you really kill me, I don't know!"

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