Ye Feng went back to Passat and saw that the front and rear windshields of the car were broken, but there was a distance from the city. He simply went in and pedaled the front and rear windshields with his feet.

Then Passat drove slowly into the city. When he got to the noble underground garage, Ye Feng found that there was another one besides the one he was driving now. Then he remembered that he had got one from Zhang Meng before.

Ye Feng opened another car and sat in. He called Qin Sufen, his cousin, and asked what was going on there.

After Qin Sufen got on the phone, he said to Ye Feng, "Xiao Feng, recently your uncle and I have been looking at the renovation of the new house in turn. We thought that after the renovation, we asked you to come and have a look. Your uncle has also left a room for you."

Ye Feng laughs and doesn't say anything. Then she asks Biao Gu about Lin Aoxue's recent situation. Biao Gu says that recently, Aoxue seems to have changed a person. She goes home from school every day and reads books when she comes home. It's until 11 or 12 o'clock at night.

Listening to what Qin Sufen said, Ye Feng said with a smile that it was very good. Then he told Qin Sufen about his internship. Qin Sufen was very happy for Ye Feng when he heard that Ye Feng was working in Gaoxing, and he also said that he knew that he must be promising.

He exchanged greetings with Qin Sufen again and promised Qin Sufen that he would go to see the new house when he was free. Then he hung up the phone. Then he thought about what Lin Aoxue had promised himself before and couldn't help smiling.

Ye Feng also thinks that he has given Li Xuan's ring to Dixi, and believes that Hades doesn't need to trouble himself again. As long as they go back, the cousins will be safe for the time being.

After he smoked a cigarette, he went upstairs. When he got to the lobby of the security department, he saw Zhao Dequan was also there. He immediately went over and asked, "didn't the minister say you would come back in a few days?"

Zhao Dequan was surprised, "ah? How many days will it take me to send brother Qiang to the railway station instead of going back to the northeast with him? "

Ye Feng said with a smile that he might have heard wrong, and then asked Zhao Dequan, "did you send Jiqiang to the railway station?"

Zhao Dequan nodded and said, "yes, I don't know what brother Qiang is up to. He did a good job, but suddenly resigned and said that he would go back to his hometown in Northeast China. I thought he was good to me before him, so I sent him away!"

Ye Feng nodded and thought to himself that maybe Ji Qiang had figured it out himself. He thought what he had done was immoral. In addition, after fighting with him, he knew that he would find them sooner or later, so it was good to look back in advance.

He didn't say anything more. He walked directly to Wu Yanhui's office. Seeing this, Zhao Dequan said to Ye Feng, "are you looking for the minister? He's out! "

Ye Feng was shocked and asked Zhao Dequan, "where have you been?"

Zhao Dequan shook his head and said, "I don't know. Anyway, as soon as I came back, I saw him leave in a hurry!"

Ye Feng nodded and didn't say a word. He thought that the goods wouldn't be the same as Ji Qiang. Did they run away?

Did not think much, Ye Feng immediately and Zhao Dequan said leave for him, school something, go first.

After driving away from noble group, Ye Feng calls Li Xuan and asks where Li Xuan is.

Li Xuan said in a special tone, "I'm at home!"

Ye Feng hears that Li Xuan's voice seems to be a little trembling. His heart is awe inspiring, but the phone hangs up again quickly. He drives directly towards Li Xuan's villa.

Ye Feng drives Passat to the door of the villa. This time, the security guard sees Ye Feng and opens the door for him. After all, Li Xuan made it very clear last time.

Ye Feng drives to Li Xuan's villa. After parking the car, he takes out the key and opens the iron door. When he gets to the villa gate, he finds that the door is hidden.

Ye Feng crept over, slowly pushed the door open, and glanced inside. Seeing that Li Xuan was not in the living room, he immediately went in and walked towards the corridor on the second floor.

Soon on the second floor, Ye Feng first went to Li Xuan's bedroom to have a look, found that Li Xuan was not in it, immediately looked back to Li Xuan's collection room.

The door of the collection room was also hidden. Ye Feng immediately walked towards it. As soon as he stood at the door, he saw Li Xuan sitting in it. He immediately pushed the door open.

But see at this time Li Xuan eyes toward Ye Feng blink, also at the same time, his ear side wind, he subconsciously step back, but see a stick just and his head brush by.

After Ye Feng just exited the door, the stick immediately came up again and hit Ye Feng's crotch from the bottom up.

Ye Feng stepped back a few steps, only to see that the one standing at the door of Li Xuan's collection room was not others, but Zhang Meng.

Ye Feng originally thought that it was Hades who came to Li Xuan's house, but he didn't expect that it was Zhang Meng who hadn't appeared for a long time.

Zhang Meng's clothes were ragged, his hair was fluffy, and his eyes were bleary. He looked like a beggar under the overpass.

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "brother Meng? How did you do that? "

Zhang Meng a sneer, "how to do so, is not your boy harm?" Said immediately and waved the stick in the hand, toward the leaf maple rushed up.

Ye Feng didn't move at all. When he came to the front with a stick, he just grabbed it with his hand and pulled it hard. Zhang Mengli fell a piece of shit.Did not wait for Zhang Meng to get up, Ye Feng had already snatched the stick in his hand into his own hand, and then put it against Zhang Meng's neck and said harshly to him, "do you think you are my opponent?"

Zhang Meng stares at Ye Feng and says angrily, "I know I can't beat you, but I want to kill you as well!"

But Ye Feng frowned at him, "can you kill me?"

Zhang Meng said angrily, "if I can't kill it, I'll kill it. It's a big deal to be killed by you. Anyway, there's no difference between living and dead now!"

After staring at Zhang Meng for a moment, Ye Feng threw the stick aside and said to Zhang Meng, "aren't you missing? Why are you still in Guyang? What the hell happened to you? "

Zhang Meng's eyes staring at Ye Feng were very weak. Originally, his body still wanted to struggle to get up. At this time, he simply lay on the ground, "don't say anything, you all want me to die, don't you..."

But Ye Feng frowned, "you? Who else but me? "

Zhang Meng gave a wry smile, and then said with a trace of crying, "I didn't expect that I, Zhang Meng, could get to this point today!"

At this time, Ye Feng squatted down, took out his cigarette, lit two and put one into Zhang Meng's mouth. Then he asked, "is Liang Banghui going to kill him?"

Zhang menggang took a puff of his cigarette. When he heard Ye Feng say that, he choked and coughed. He looked at Ye Feng in a dazed way. There were tears in the corner of his eyes. I don't know if it was the cigarette that choked him just now.

Li Xuan then came out and stood at the door of the collection room and said to Ye Feng, "Xiao Ye, do you know him? Shall I call the police? "

As soon as Zhang Meng heard this, he immediately stood up and ran downstairs. Ye Feng immediately caught up with Zhang Meng, grabbed him and pulled him down to the ground. Then he said in a deep voice, "do you want to die or live? If you want to die, I will give you to Liang Banghui now! "

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