That person doesn't understand Ye Feng's meaning. Naturally, he doesn't know Ye Feng and Libo Zhihui know each other. He just looks at Ye Feng in surprise.

Ye Feng naturally knows that the other party doesn't know that he and Libo Zhihui know each other. He just ponders in his heart. Libo Zhihui comes to longarsenic castle, so does he ask to shoot because he knows it's him?

But when I think about it, I don't think it's like that when I came here, people below me didn't know who I was, and even Libo Zhihui couldn't know that I would come.

So it should be Libo Zhihui's order that all the suspects who break into the basement without permission will shoot, and then everything will happen.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately pointed at one of them with the muzzle of a gun and said, "you, go and open the entrance below. Then you go down and tell Libo Zhihui that Ye Feng is waiting for him on the top!"

That person smell speech for a while hesitant looking at leaf maple, see leaf maple and shake the gun in the hand, immediately heart next a Lin.

Before the people as long as some hesitation, Li Ye Feng immediately shot, he is also afraid, so immediately yelled, "I go, I go now!"

Then the man went to one side, lifted a floor, and jumped down.

Ye Feng continued to carry the laser machine gun, looking at these people in front of him, and then saw a few people sneaking behind him, as if they were rushing towards his two sides.

Ye Feng is not ambiguous, immediately to their legs is a gun, then cold hum a way, "if you play tricks again, I next time aim at is not legs, but your head."

Other people who had other thoughts were all quiet and stood in the same place one by one. They didn't dare to move any more.

Wait for don't know how long, also didn't see underground three layers someone come up, leaf maple can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly, toward that underground entrance direction looked.

And wait a moment, still did not see the following people up, Ye Feng immediately and the muzzle to another person, "you go down to have a look!"

The man walked over without hesitation and jumped down at the entrance.

After this person went down, Ye Feng waited for more than ten minutes. He frowned and said, "what's going on down here? Do you want to go down and get out of the nest, and then you won't come up?"

All the people didn't say a word. Ye Feng looked at them for a moment, and didn't find any abnormality in their looks.

Ye Feng looked at the underground entrance, then walked to the entrance. He glanced down the entrance, but saw that it was bright, but no one was seen.

Ye Feng shouts directly to the entrance, "Libo Zhihui, old friend, why don't you inform us when we come to longarsenic castle? Let's get together! "

Originally, Ye Feng thought it was still as quiet as before, but he didn't want to hear the voice of Li Bo Zhihui saying, "yes, I've been here for a long time. I haven't had a chance to find you. I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Ye Feng listened to Li Bo's voice and said with a smile, "yes, I didn't expect to meet you here. I almost died in your hands!"

Libo Zhihui immediately said with a smile, "don't be kidding. Who can kill your skill?"

Ye Feng shrugged, then said, "come up to chat?"

Then, seeing that Libo Zhihui didn't speak, he immediately said, "if you don't come up, I can go down!"

Don't want to just finish saying this words, below immediately spread the voice of Li Bo Zhi Hui way, "OK, come down, I wait for you!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath, glanced at the entrance, pondered for less than three seconds, or immediately jumped down.

Ye Feng just landed, but he saw countless laser machine guns facing him.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately smiles and raises his hand. After looking around, he sees Li Bo Zhihui sitting and looking at himself.

Ye Feng immediately looked at Libo Zhihui and said, "I said old friend, is that how you welcome old friends?"

At this time, Libo Zhihui stood up and went to Ye Feng. He waved his hand and motioned to everyone to put down the gun. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you want to do here?"

Ye Feng did not answer, but asked Libo Zhihui, "what's the purpose of your coming to longarsenic castle? Is Jock Emma here? "

Libo Zhihui immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "do you see any teachers here?"

Ye Feng takes a look. The basement is not big, but Qiao Huiying said that the three underground floors here are bigger one by one, which means that there must be passages leading to other basements around, but he didn't see them.

Libo Zhihui took a look at Ye Feng and said, "now the enemy that eisf is facing should be from outside. Can we let go of our grudges first?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said to Li Bo Zhihui, "I'm not here to seek revenge. I'm here to save people!"

Libo Zhihui immediately said, "save people? Save who? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "since longarsene Fort became ruins, many basements in the basement of longarsene Fort have been sealed. There are many people hidden in each basement. I have saved many people. Your basement is the last one I found. But you don't seem to welcome outsiders. You can't help shooting. And I heard that this is your order?"Libo Zhihui immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, it's my order. At this time, anyone may be dangerous, and anyone's appearance may be a threat. If I want to ensure that all people here will live, I have to worry more!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "do you think I'm in danger now?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Li Bo Zhihui said, "I heard that you are now with your Excellency the president, and you are going to be his son-in-law?"

Ye Feng did not answer immediately, but looked at Libo Zhihui and said, "you and Jock Emma came to longarsene castle. Did you come by yourself, or did you follow someone's orders?"

Libo Zhihui looked at Ye Feng and shrugged, "I don't know who you are talking about, but you should know me. I only listen to my teacher's orders. If the teacher asks me to come, I will come! As for whether he came at the command of others, I don't know! When you see him, just ask him yourself! "

Ye Feng immediately nodded, and then asked Libo Zhihui, "OK! What about the jock Emma? "

Libo Zhihui did not answer Ye Feng immediately, but stared at Ye Feng and said, "do you think I will let you see the teacher? The enmity between us has been spread out. You and the teacher are in the same boat. May I let you take the teacher away? "

Ye Feng stares at Li Bo Zhihui for a moment, then takes a deep breath and says, "then you can tell me, what are you going to do next when you hide here?"

Libo Zhihui said immediately, "I don't know what I'm going to do next. I said, I listen to the teacher! What a teacher says is what he says! I'll just do what I'm honest with you! "

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