Later, Ye Feng asked Li Xuan to help him. After he got Hua Zi on the sofa and lay down, he sat smoking.

Li Xuan stood on one side, staring at Ye Feng for a long time, and Ye Feng said, "it seems that I want to take back what I said to you last time!"

Ye Feng heard that he didn't come out of such a sentence suddenly. He couldn't help looking at Li Xuan in amazement and said, "what words?"

Li xuanchao said to Ye Feng, "Xiao La is my only blood now. I told you last time that I didn't object to you being with her, but after these days, I found that I was wrong!"

Ye Feng immediately understands Li Xuan's meaning. Li Xuan recently saw his accident every other time and began to worry about his granddaughter's safety.

At this time, he could not help but tease Li xuandao, "what? Now I regret it. Is it too late? "

On hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in amazement and said, "why is it so late? What did you do to Lara? "

Ye Feng looked at the old man's nervous appearance and said with a smile, "old Li, you think too much. I haven't seen her recently. What can I do to her?"

On hearing this, Li Xuan was relieved and said to Ye Feng, "I want you to promise that you will never have any idea about her!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "please, my vision is also very high, OK?"

Li Xuan immediately said, "what do you mean by that? You don't think my little girl is worthy of you..."

Before he finished, Hua Zi, who was lying on the sofa, moved for a moment, slowly stretched out his hand and muttered something.

Ye Feng walked over and put his ear close to Hua Zi's mouth to hear that he wanted to drink water. He immediately poured a glass of water, lifted Hua Zi's body and fed him to drink.

After Hua Zi finished drinking, his face seemed a little better, and his dry lips looked moist.

Ye Feng took a look at Hua Zi and finished smoking his last cigarette. He didn't know when Hua Zi's situation would be better.

Huazi obviously lost too much blood and collapsed. This situation is already good. If the wound infection causes fever or something, it may really kill him if he doesn't go to the hospital.

Anyway, Ye Feng and Li Xuan are familiar with each other. He plans to stay here for the night tonight. Maybe Hua Zi will wake up at night and tell some secrets.

Li Xuan knew that Ye Feng was going to stay for the night, so he went to prepare dinner and specially cooked a pot of porridge for huazi in case he woke up.

However, when Li Xuan went to the kitchen, huazi opened his eyes. Ye Feng saw this and immediately approached to prevent huazi from saying anything.

See China son didn't speak, leaf maple asked him at this time, want to drink water again.

Hua Zi shook his head, then looked at Ye Feng, said feebly, "thank you for saving me!"

Although the voice is very small, it is obviously better than before. At least Ye Feng can hear it without pressing his ear to his mouth.

Ye Feng said to huazi, "if you don't meet me, you can find my car. If I meet you, you can't help me! Even though you once wanted my life

Hua Zi's face showed a little embarrassment, and he said to Ye Feng, "I'm sorry, I was also ordered to act! I have nothing against you personally! "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I just know this. I know that you and I have no grudge, and I have no grudge with you, so I will save you!"

After Hua Zi said thank you again, he said to Ye Feng, "brother Qiang is dead!"

Ye Feng nodded, "I know!"

Huazi's eyes turned red instantly, and his chest began to rise and fall. Obviously, his mood began to be a little excited.

Ye Feng immediately said to Hua Zi, "don't be excited. People can't come back to life after death. You should take care of your wounds first."

Huazi then said to Yefeng, "brother Qiang died miserably!"

Ye Feng nodded. In fact, he hoped huazi would say more useful information, but he didn't ask urgently on the surface.

Hua Zi's tears came down at this time. "Don't blame brother Qiang. Brother Qiang also uses money to help others to eliminate disasters. He and I have no hatred for you, mainly because someone wants your life!"

Ye Feng stares at Hua Zi, "who?"

Hua Zi shook his head. "I don't know. I just listen to brother Qiang. He can do whatever he asks me to do. As for who asked him to do it, I'm not very clear."

Ye Feng asked Hua Zi, "do you know who killed brother Qiang?"

Hua Zi shook his head. "I don't know. At that time, I went to the railway station with my brother Qiang to wait for the train and prepare to go back to my hometown in Northeast China. However, when the car was coming, brother Qiang answered a phone call and asked me to wait for him on the platform. He wanted to go to the bathroom!"

At this point, Hua Zi took a little breath and continued to say, "I waited on the platform until the station staff reminded me to get on the train. I didn't wait for brother Qiang, so I called brother Qiang, but the phone was still on, but no one answered. I was surprised, so I went to the toilet of the station to find brother Qiang!"

Hua Zi took a few more breaths and continued, "but when I got to the toilet, I saw a lot of people around there. I felt that it was wrong. When I went to the toilet, I saw that brother Qiang and Wu Yanhui were dead there! I was going to recognize brother Qiang. At that time, I suddenly noticed a person in the crowd looking around. I didn't feel right. I immediately turned around and left, and the guy was staring at me. I got out of the railway station and took a bus to noble group. I was going to tell other colleagues about it, but as soon as I got out of the car, I was attacked by someoneWhen he said that, huazi's mood was a little excited again. "I didn't react, so I was cut several times. Finally, I fell to the ground and was cut in the chest. If you hadn't come out of the elevator at that time, those people would have run away. I think I would have died there today!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, originally is oneself go to the underground garage to pick up the car, inadvertently saved huazi a life.

The next thing does not need huazi to say, Ye Feng can also guess, definitely lose, huazi while those people go away, began to climb towards his side, until his car was found.

Ye Feng then asked Hua Zi, "do you know the man who is chasing you?"

Hua Zi shook his head. "I don't know, but I can remember the appearance of the man in the railway station. He has a mole on his neck and a tattoo, but it's blocked by his collar. I can't see what the tattoo is!"

Ye Feng's heart ponders for a while. It seems that this huazi doesn't know anything. It's useless to ask him. Thinking of this, Ye Feng says to huazi, "you should take good care of your injury here first, and everything will wait for you to take good care of your injury!"

But Hua Zi held Ye Feng's hand, "brother Qiang must have been killed by that man. I know it must be him!"

Ye Feng nodded and patted Hua Zi's hand, "I know!" Nothing else.

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