After Ye Feng said this, the performance of qianse bee surprised Ye Feng. She just shrugged her shoulders and said, "I'm only responsible for supervising you to kill Rizhao. As for who to kill after you kill Rizhao, it has nothing to do with me!"

Ye Feng listen to thousand color bee so a say, can't help but a large number of thousand color bee a few eyes way, "I kill your boss, also have nothing to do with you?"

Thousand color bee shrugged, "of course, it has nothing to do with me. Of course, if he wants us to stop you at that time, we will naturally stop you, but I know it's definitely not your opponent! I'm afraid that's the symbolic meaning! "

Ye Feng listen to thousand color bee so a say, can't help immediately say, "you can think of the truth, your boss behind the scenes should also know it!"

Thousand color bee shrugs a way again however, "he is clear I don't know, I don't care about these anyway!"

Ye Feng smell speech facial expression tiny move, no longer say what, this thousand color bee is simply don't take brain representative.

However, qianse bee doesn't have a brain. You can't do without a brain. If the boss behind qianse bee knows that he will find him to clear up afterwards, then anyone with a little brain knows that you must have a handle on yourself when dealing with people like yourself.

In other words, even if you kill Rizhao, the behind the scenes master of thousand color bee will not easily release Dixie. If it's more serious, once you kill Rizhao, you and Dixie will be the next ones to die.

Although Ye Feng thought of this, he didn't show anything on the surface. He just nodded at the thousand color bee and said, "it's a miracle that you can live to the present in this field!"

Don't want to thousand color bee but sneer a way, "you really think I didn't see anything?"? Are you looking down on me? "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help eyebrow move a way, "I despise you what?"

But qianse bee continued to sneer, "I've been silent, it doesn't mean I don't know anything, I can't see anything, I can't hear anything!"

Ye Feng couldn't help laughing, "Oh? So what do you know? What do you see and what do you hear? "

The thousand color bee immediately said, "that big belly, do you think I can't see that he's from the island? Although I may not be able to see his true identity, I have long seen that his relationship with the island is unusual. Moreover, how can people like Rizhao give this opportunity to transport goods to an outsider to take me

Ye Feng listen to thousand color bee so a say, can't help but also really to thousand color bee some special look at, "really didn't see out, can you know these?"

Thousand color bee way, "I just don't like to say it, but see you look at me with that kind of look like a fool, I can't bear it!"

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "did I treat you as a fool?"

Thousand color bee is immediately again a sneer way, "you that kind of look at me disdainfully, don't say I'm not a fool, even if really a fool, also can see!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "what do you see and what do you hear?"

Qianse bee immediately hummed coldly, "are you worried that my boss behind the scenes will not let you go after you kill Rizhao?"

Ye Feng listens to thousand color bee so a say, can't help staring at thousand color bee to see for a long time, also didn't say what.

But the thousand color bee was a little uncomfortable, and immediately said, "what are you looking at? I'm wrong? "

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "that's right, and that's right! I'm just a little curious! "

Thousand color bee says immediately, "you are in curiosity, I know these clearly, why want to act silly in front of you?"

Ye Feng looked at the thousand color bee noncommittally and said nothing.

The thousand color bee immediately said, "to be smart in our business is the biggest taboo. The more you know something, the shorter your life will be. The muddleheaded people will live a long life!"

Ye Feng smell speech suddenly place nod a way, "I can understand you, you do so just for self-protection, hard to get confused is really the best way!"

Qianse Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not just for self-protection, but for many things. Even if I know it, I can't help it. It's better to pretend that I don't know anything than to struggle between helping and not helping."

After listening to the thousand color bee, Ye Feng immediately said, "don't worry about this. I didn't expect you to help me from the beginning to the end!"

Thousand color bee sneers a way, "be? If you don't expect me to help you, do you think you have the ability to save Dixie? If I judge correctly, you and Rizhao's duel, whether you die or Rizhao dies, Dixie will probably not be released! "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I have expected this for a long time!"

Thousand color bee immediately said, "so you have expected this result, you still promise to keep your promise?"

But Ye Feng said to qianse Feng, "to find Rizhao is not because I want to keep my promise, but because I want to find Rizhao myself!"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, she couldn't help looking for sunshineThen, before Ye Feng could speak, qianse bee suddenly said, "I understand. You were looking for Rizhao? But you can't find the whereabouts of Rizhao at all, so when we told you to come to find Rizhao, you didn't show any refusal? "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "you can guess!"

But the thousand color bee immediately said, "it's not a guess, but a fact..." Then his face moved again. "Dixie shouldn't be subdued so easily!"

Speaking of this, his face changed greatly and he looked at Ye Feng and said, "you're just pushing the boat with the current. What's your plan?"

Ye Feng looked at the thousand color bee and said, "it's not easy for you to guess the identity of big belly, and it's not easy for you to guess that neither Rizhao nor I will have a good ending. But what really makes me look at you differently is that you can see through these, which are really beyond my expectation!"

At this time, qianse bee immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed a number to verify the situation of Dixie, but the phone couldn't get out. It was only then that she found that her mobile phone had already lost its signal after going out to sea.

Ye Feng looked at the thousand color bee and said, "you don't have to prove it. You can guess this step. It's not easy..."

Thousand color bee but Zheng Zheng ground looks at Ye Feng, immediately heart next move, make a bold guess way again, "if I guess not wrong, even the boss behind me, you should know who it is?"

But Ye Feng shrugged at the thousand color bee and said, "I'm not sure, but I'm still ten!"

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