The leaf maple smell speech can't help but toward thousand color bee a shrug a way, "you this question ask of don't feel very silly?"

Thousand color bee smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkly looking at leaf maple way, "where silly?"? Well, I'm just stupid, nothing is better than Dixie

Then he snorted, turned around and stopped talking.

Ye Feng see thousand color bee seems really a little angry, at this time can't help but smile, "this problem is not silly? What's more important than that? "

He said, seeing that qianse bee still kept his back to himself and didn't speak, he was probably still angry. He immediately said, "if I feel that you are very bad, I won't even talk to you more. Since I can talk to you and have said so much, what do you think?"

Thousand color bee a listen to Ye Feng so say, can't help but turn around, toward Ye Feng a smile way, "why do you explain so much with me?"

Ye Feng smell speech one color, see thousand color bee is a pair of treacherous and successful face, know just now her anger is pretended.

He couldn't help but look at the thousand color bee and said, "naive!"

Qianse Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm just childish. I'm certainly not as mature, steady, reserved, reserved and noble as Dixie..."

Ye Feng is looking at the thousand color bee, also don't speak, just looking at her continue to say, is to see how many adjectives she can use to describe Dixie.

However, qianse bee soon became poor, and then hummed coldly, "I said so much, but you didn't plan. It seems that she is like this in your mind?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "although it's not so exaggerated, it's not far away from ten."

Thousand color bee said, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Is it as good as you think?"

Ye Feng didn't speak any more, and the thousand color bee asked Ye Feng, "what about me, what am I like in your heart?"

Ye Feng lit a cigarette and said, "well "Childish, incompetent, dissolute, lowly..."

A bunch of words are just the antonyms of qianse bee when it used to describe Dixie. After listening to them, qianse bee's face turned white.

Finally, Ye Feng can't help but smile and say, "look at your anger. If there are such women in the world, they are also the best. I'm afraid you're not as good as that!"

Thousand color bee then turned and looked at Ye Feng, but there was no angry look on his face. He just said to Ye Feng faintly, "I like you!"

Ye Feng can't help but be surprised. If qianse bee talks to herself as before, and even says that she wants to sleep, she seems indifferent. Ye Feng will continue to tease her and make fun of her.

But now thousand color bee is with this kind of light tone, say such words with oneself, let leaf maple feel weight very heavy instead.

but looking at as like as two peas of a bee, the leaf of his face is so similar that Ye Feng can't help laughing.

Seeing this, qianse bee frowned and said, "I say I like you. Is that ridiculous?"

But Ye Feng waved his hand again and again, "it's not that I like funny, it's that I look at your face and feel like I'm confessed by myself. It's funny!"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, can't help a surprised, she just that moment didn't think of these problems, listen to Ye Feng so a say, touched his face, can't help but also faint smile.

But after a while, the thousand color bee said faintly, "I like you!"

At this time, Ye Feng restrained his smile, looked at the thousand color bee and said, "like is just a feeling. Sometimes it comes suddenly, but it goes suddenly. We have known each other for a long time, and it's normal to have this feeling!"

The thousand color bee can't help looking at Ye Feng and then asks, "do you and Dixie like this suddenly?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, you should know that Dixie and I grew up together. We have experienced a lot of things, even things that you can't imagine. Therefore, the relationship between us can be said to be cultivated over ten years!"

At this time, the thousand color bee immediately asked, "so you before the name of lust, Dixie clearly know, there is no other reaction?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "what's her reaction? But I told her that if one day I get tired of playing and she wants to get married, we'll be together and go to a place where no one knows us! "

Thousand color bee is cold hum a way, "can't see you also very selfish, what call you play tired?"? Is it enough for Dixie to wait here for you? "

Ye Feng also sighed and said, "you're right. I used to be selfish. I only thought about myself. Although I like Dixie, I never thought about her! But this time, we decided to live together, always together, will not be separated, and I also want to realize my promise, it's time to take heart! "

Listen to Ye Feng so a say, thousand color bee can't help staring at Ye Feng to see after a long time way, "Prodigal Son turn head gold don't change?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "you can say that, so you like me and don't like me. For me, it's meaningless. Now I only care about Dixie's idea!"Hearing the words, the thousand color bee sighed, "that is to say, no matter how much I like you and how I express myself to you, it's all in vain. Should your heart have been put away and given to Dixie alone?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and took a puff of cigarette. "I can say that, so I thank you for your love. I can also do all the things that can be done between friends for you, but if you want me to be distracted, I'm sorry, I can't do it any more!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, qianse Feng took a deep breath and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just saying it casually. As you said, it's a sudden feeling to come here, and now it's a sudden to go, so don't think much about it!"

Ye Feng smoking cigarettes, a shrug, but did not say anything.

At this time, but listen to the voice of the shadow of the moon came from behind, "what are you two talking about here, talking about so involved?"

Ye Feng and thousand color bee listen to this, heart is a move, two people looked at each other, this just look back to the moon.

At this time, moon shadow is standing not far away from them, with a smile on her face, staring at them.

Ye Feng throws away the cigarette end, looks at the moon shadow, also does not know whether she knows in front of her Satan is someone else?

The moon shadow's eyes were hard to understand. She took a look at Ye Feng and the thousand color bee. Then she quickly returned to her calm face and said, "you talk about you. Why do you look at me when I come here?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "just a few words!"

The thousand color bee also says to the moon shadow, "yes, just chat!"

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