Xinghui's eyes stare at Yueying and Yefeng for a long time. It seems that he can't see any clue at all. He frowns and says, "what do you mean?"

Thousand color bee know Ye Feng meaning, immediately also toward star way, "moon shadow is false, she is someone else disguised as your hostess!"

Star Hui side head looked one eye, in his eyes is Satan's thousand color bee, eyebrows can't help a wrinkle, then look to the moon shadow.

The moon shadow immediately said to the star, "he and Satan are both fake. They killed your master!"

Xinghui looked at several people with a deep thought, and finally sighed, "excuse me, I really can't tell who is true and who is false!"

The moon shadow immediately said to Xinghui, "your master has skin disease. It's impossible for him to always go out to the platform. How many times has your master been there?"

Xinghui smell speech face slightly move to see Ye Feng, but Ye Feng is a shrug way, "in fact, my skin disease has long been good, just pretended to be sick, the purpose is to see your hostess in the end is true or false!"

Moon shadow smell speech immediately sneer a way, "I am false?"? Don't talk big, I just need to ask you a few questions about the details, and you'll show your true colors! "

But Ye Feng immediately said to Xinghui, "Xinghui, no matter whether the moon shadow is disguised or not, even if he is real, I now order you to catch her! Don't forget who you are

Xinghui listen to Ye Feng say, can't help heart next move, then a face sorry to see to the shadow.

What Ye Feng said is right. In fact, Xinghui's identity is the same from the beginning to the end. That is Rizhao's servant. He will always obey Rizhao alone.

The moon shadow suddenly moved and said to the star, "if he is Rizhao, he's right. It's an order to you, but he's not Rizhao. You obey him and kill your hostess. If Rizhao is still there, can he forgive you?"

But Ye Feng said to Xinghui, "Xinghui, what are you waiting for? Is it that if everyone comes up and accuses me of my authenticity, you can disobey my orders? "

Xinghui smell speech no longer hesitated, immediately toward the shadow of the moon rushed up.

Seeing this, the moon shadow pushed the thousand color bee towards Xinghui, ran away, scolded Xinghui and said, "you idiot!"

Thousand color bee just out of trouble, immediately toward the leaf maple there, don't want to Xinghui and she intersect, suddenly toward thousand color bee hand, a and grabbed thousand color bee.

Qianse bee's face suddenly moved. Ye Feng didn't expect that Xinghui would attack qianse bee. He couldn't help yelling at him, "what are you doing?"

At this time, Xinghui sneered at Ye Feng, "I'm not a fool. If she is Satan, may she be held by the hostess? Also, the host has no skin disease at all! Then there is no good! He doesn't go out, just doesn't like the sun! "

Ye Feng a listen to this, heart can't help a Lin, the original shadow said skin disease is also in deceive himself, in the end he is really don't understand sunshine, so this is no way to do.

At this time, Yueying came back from the route she had just run, and said to Xinghui, "well done, Xinghui!"

At this time, the thousand color bee immediately said, "no wonder you are so anxious to help Yueying burn the body. You are already Yueying's person?"

Xinghui did not speak, but Yueying sneered, "if Xinghui is not my person, how dare I kill Rizhao? If there is no one who poisons Rizhao day and night, how can I be Rizhao's opponent? Even the sneak attack can't succeed! "

Ye Feng and thousand color bee can't help but move. Ye Feng looks at Xinghui and says, "what she said is true?"

Xinghui still did not speak, just calmly looking at Ye Feng, it seems that now there is no need to explain.

Seeing this, Ye Feng can't help but sneer at Xinghui and say, "it seems that the story of moon shadow has moved you?"

Xinghui's face is moving at this time. He looks at Ye Feng in surprise. It is obvious that he feels a lot about the "story" in Ye Feng's mouth.

But the moon shadow immediately said to Xinghui, "Xinghui, don't listen to their nonsense. Kill the thousand color bee in your hand first!"

Xinghui smell speech, complexion is a move again, the hand that holds thousand color bee neck began to exert oneself.

The thousand color bee immediately said to the star, "don't be silly, the moon shadow is just using you..."

Ye Feng also immediately said to Xinghui, "you must be very surprised, why do I know the story of moon shadow? Looking at your eyes, I know that the moon shadow must have said it in front of you, which won your sympathy and even entrusted her body to you. But do you know what happened when he told me all this? "

Star Hui smell speech complexion can't help but is a move, Zheng Zheng ground saw a leaf maple.

The moon shadow said to Xinghui immediately, "Xinghui, what are you still hesitating about? Don't you know what I'm doing to you?"

Ye Feng also immediately said to Xinghui, "in the moon shadow plan, she just wants to leave this island with me. All other people are funeral objects, including you and qianse bee!"

The moon shadow immediately walked behind Xinghui and said harshly, "Xinghui, don't be tempted by him any more. Kill qianse bee at once!"Ye Feng sneered and said, "all the tricks you used on Xinghui have been used on me. I still remember the innocent scars on you."

He said this for his part. Xinghui's face suddenly changed. Can you know what the countless scars on the shadow of the moon mean? It means that the moon shadow must have taken off her clothes in front of Ye Feng at least.

The moon shadow immediately says to Xinghui, "don't listen to his nonsense..."

But Xinghui immediately pushed away the thousand color bee, at the same time, he grabbed the neck of Yueying, and hummed coldly, "at this time, are you still cheating me?"

But the moon shadow's face changed greatly. She was not only because Xinghui would fight against her. In fact, when Ye Feng rebelled against him, the moon shadow was already on guard.

But Xinghui's hand is so fast that it doesn't look like Xinghui's skill. This is what surprised her most.

In fact, the surprise is more than the shadow of the moon. Ye Feng saw Xinghui's skill just now. If he was this skill, he might still succeed in trying to hold him on the freighter, but it would never be as easy as last time.

Ye Feng sees Star Hui so, the facial expression moves ground looking at Star Hui way, "you have been hiding strength intentionally before?"

Thousand color bee did not see what, surprised to see to Ye Feng way, "he hide strength?"? Why? "

Ye Feng shrugged and looked at Xinghui and said, "you are either deliberately hiding your strength, or you may be hiding more than just your strength..."

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