After Rizhao pulls the moon shadow over, he immediately pinches her neck and twists it. Suddenly, the moon shadow's neck makes a click, and her eyes are round. It's obvious that she doesn't believe she's going to die.

Ye Feng and qianse Feng can't help sighing. They can't help looking at the sunshine. They don't want to kill the goods. They are really vicious. They say they will kill them immediately.

But think of what moon shadow has done to sunshine these years, we can understand why sunshine has become so vicious.

And at this time, sunshine released his hand, moon shadow's body immediately fell to the ground, and sunshine is a mouthful of blood spray out.

Leaf maple and thousand color bee all can't help a Leng, leaf maple a brisk step forward, immediately a helped sunshine, "how to return a responsibility?"

Sunshine at this time slowly sitting on the ground, after a few breaths, this just toward Ye Feng shook his head way, "nothing, just poisoning!"

The thousand color bee immediately asked Rizhao, "haven't you found it? How can you still be poisoned? "

Rizhao shook his head and said, "it's too late to find out. The poison has gone deep into the viscera. That's why I ask Xinghui to change face to face each other at this time. I know I'm dying. If I don't take revenge before I die, I won't die in peace!"

While speaking, the corner of Rizhao's mouth is still overflowing with blood. The blood is black. It is obvious that the poisoning is deep and there is no way to return to the sky.

Ye Feng looked at the sunshine, speechless for a moment, if not their own landing on the island, perhaps there will not be all this happened.

Rizhao took a look at Ye Feng at this time, and then said, "I have only one request!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "just say it, as long as I can do it, I will help you finish it!"

Rizhao smiles at the corner of his mouth, "bury my body at the sunrise on the top of the mountain! My name is Rizhao. I want to get sunshine every day after I die! "

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, agreed.

Rizhao then showed a satisfied look. After a few breaths, he said, "zhuomus was informed by the moon shadow that they were coming. The purpose is to force you to follow her!"

Ye Feng heard the moon shadow say that it was zhuomus called by Rizhao before, but now it is called by the moon shadow.

But judging from the results, maybe Rizhao's statement is more credible. After all, people's words are good when they are dying.

Rizhao continued to say to Yefeng, "Yueying didn't catch Dixie. She lied to you!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help eyebrow move a way, "that di Xi Si where?"

Rizhao shook his head and said, "I don't know. I only know that Yueying didn't catch Dixie. I'm not very clear about the rest."

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, the heart is still hesitating, that Dixie where?

Looking at the smell of sunshine getting weaker and weaker, he immediately called the thousand color bee to help sunshine out of the castle and help him to the platform.

Rizhao looked up at the sky and said with a smile, "I'm dead too..." With that, another mouthful of blood spurted out, and then fell to the ground.

Seeing this, qianse bee couldn't help but say, "what should I do now? Sunshine, moon shadow and starlight are all dead

Ye Feng said in his heart, yes, now the three main characters on the island are dead. What should we do next?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he couldn't help looking at the thousand color bee. He wondered if he could make the thousand color bee look like a moon shadow. I didn't know if he could cheat zhuomus.

But if you think about it carefully, the probability is not high. How can dromus take the whole fleet to blockade the island easily?

Just thinking about it, suddenly heard a ship's siren sound, Ye Feng immediately stood up to look toward the sea, but saw that the fleet in the fog has been looming.

The thousand color bee's face suddenly moves a way, "it seems that zhuomus has already been unable to restrain, this is to start attacking the island?"

Ye Feng heart is also a burst of sigh, this from three days time has not arrived, Zhuo Mu Si so quickly can't bear?

But if you think about it carefully, these three days are not the time limit given by zhuomus himself, but the guess they made by virtue of their familiarity with zhuomus.

Thousand color bee asks leaf maple way at this time, "how to do now?"

Ye Feng pondered for a while and then said, "it seems that they are not going to attack, but to forcibly land on the island!"

Thousand color bee smell speech also can't help nodding, if you want to attack, that distance is completely in the attack range, no need to open close.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately picked up the Rizhao body on the ground and said to qianse bee, "let's take Rizhao's body up the mountain first, and then go to the monitoring room to see the situation!"

Thousand color bee a listen to this, immediately nodded, and then help the body of sunshine, let Ye Feng back in the back, two people go to the elevator side of the mountain.

After arriving at the mountain, Ye Feng first finds an open space to put down Rizhao's body. For the time being, he has no time to bury Rizhao. First, he has to go to the monitoring room to see the situation.

When they got to the monitoring room, they thought it was sunshine when they saw Ye Feng and qianse Feng coming in. Immediately someone said to Ye Feng, "we wanted to call you just now, but we couldn't get through. Zhuomus's fleet is approaching the island!"Ye Feng nodded and said, "the naked eye can see it. Now how many weapons are there on the island?"

The leader sighed, "in fact, there are no weapons on the island, don't you know? We only have the monitoring system, and it's just fooling dromus to say how many missile equipment there are! "

Ye Feng and Qian se Feng can't help but move when they hear this. It turns out that sunshine fooled zhuomus?

The thousand color bee immediately asked, "even if there are no missiles, are there no offensive weapons?"

The man said immediately, "there are some, but those weapons can't be the opponents of the whole warship fleet."

Ye Feng at this time under the heart of a while ponder, zhuomus suddenly want to log in, because know the island has no weapons to defend?

Thousand color bee asks leaf maple way however, "how to do now?"

Ye Feng did not speak, it seems that zhuomus landing is inevitable.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to all the people, "in that case, everyone will surrender soon! Don't make unnecessary resistance to avoid unnecessary casualties! "

The thousand color bee looked at Ye Feng and said, "surrender? Are you crazy

But Ye Feng looked at the thousand color bee and said, "besides, we have no other choice. Only by surrendering can we avoid the sacrifice of others. What he wants is only me!"

After hearing the words, the thousand color bee could not help pondering for a while, and immediately said, "you are wrong, he wants me, I am Satan!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, heart bottom a ground to look at thousand color bee, he saw thousand color bee is to want to replace oneself to look for Zhuo Mu Si!

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