Ye Feng didn't say much. He knew that even if he let qianse bee go, she would try to come again.

What's more, if the thousand color bee is around you, you can control it. If the thousand color bee is not around you, you can't control it.

Standing on the edge of the port and waiting for about 20 minutes, all the warships stopped in the deep water area not far away, only one warship went all the way to the port.

Soon both sides of the ship's deck were full of armed soldiers, all of whom aimed their guns at Ye Feng and Qian se Feng in the port.

Ye Feng is still standing there, and the thousand color bee is a little nervous. Instinctively, he approaches Ye Feng.

At this time, a man appeared beside the boat. It was zhuomus, who had not been seen for a long time, but he was dressed in casual clothes with a glass of red wine in his hand.

Seeing Ye Feng, he immediately raised his red wine glass and said, "Satan, are you interested in coming up for a drink?"

After Ye Feng took a look, he went up the stairs on one side, and the thousand color bee quickly followed.

Thousand color bee still reminds Ye Feng behind Ye Feng, "those guys above all have guns, be careful!"

But Ye Feng didn't say anything. He went all the way to the deck, only to see a table on the deck. There was plenty of food on the table.

Zhuomus at this time has been sitting on the side of the table, see Ye Feng come up, immediately motioned Ye Feng to sit.

After Ye Feng walked over and sat down, zhuomus picked up the wine glass and said, "remember, we haven't sat together for a long time!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "your goal is just me. Now I'm sitting opposite you. You can leave here by boat. The people on the island are innocent!"

But zhuomus stared at Ye Feng for a long time and did not speak. Then he stood up with his glass and took a drink. After taking a look at the island in front of him, he said, "when has Satan become so pathetic? When do you care whether people on the island live or die? "

Ye Feng also stood up, went to the side of zhuomus and said, "the world is changing, so will the heart of the people!"

Zhuomus looked at Ye Feng and said, "yes, the world is changing, but the more it is, the less people should change!"

At this point, dromus walked towards the dining table step by step, and said, "I remember the first time I saw you, when you were only a few years old, all the children were crying, only you didn't!"

After dromus sat down, he continued, "at that time, although I didn't know who you were, I knew from your eyes that you were destined to be extraordinary!"

Ye Feng also walked back and sat on the opposite side of zhuomus, "don't mention the past"

zhuomus frowned and said, "why don't you mention the past? What's so shady? "

Ye Feng sighed, "before, I wanted to retire without consulting with you. It's not right for me. In short, I promise to help you do ten cases that you think are the most difficult. Then I will retire again. In this way, I will repay all your kindness!"

After a sip of red wine, dromus said, "have you ever thought about how much time and energy I spent building TSL, from penniless to the top in the industry? Others may not know that you have become one of the best roles in the industry, but you should be most aware that your name of Satan is not due to you alone. Every time you become famous, it is undeniable that you have your own ability and courage, but how many people behind you pay for it? "

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nod a way, "I don't deny!"

Dromus immediately sneered, "don't you deny it? You don't have to deny it! Everything you have now is TSL, or I give you the operation mode of the whole TSL. It can also be said that the whole organization is running around you. You say you quit. Do you think there is any significance for the existence of TSL? "

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, zhuomus immediately continued to say, "it took me nearly 20 years to prepare for the TSL, to select and train people, to receive orders, to become famous with you, Dixie and Hades. You won't tell me that after you retire, let me spend another 20 years to train a group of new people, will you? Even if cultivated, at that time I was already 70 years old and 80 years old! When you retired, did you ever think about it for me? "

Ye Feng then immediately nodded and said, "I really thought about it for you. Although I didn't formally inform you before, I told you more than once that I wanted to retire. Every time you said next time, next time. At that time, I hinted that if you want to finish this business soon, let go in time! But you never listen to me

Dromus immediately sneered and said, "you want me to let go. You know that most of my life's energy and time have been spent on TSL. This is the kingdom I've only built up in my life. Now you want me to give it up? If you were me, what would you choose? "

Ye Feng took a sip of red wine, and the thousand color bee immediately stepped forward to stop it, but it was too late.Ye Feng looked at the thousand color bee and said, "why? You're afraid of dromus poisoning me? There are many ways for him to kill me, but he will never poison me! "

Zhuo Mu Si looked at Ye Feng, but did not speak.

At this time, Ye Feng looked at zhuomus and said, "I don't mention the past. Everyone has their own aspirations. I can understand your feelings for TSL. As for what you will do next, I'm not willing to. We'll talk about it later. I said that ten cases will change my free body!"

Zhuomus frowned slightly, shook his glass slightly, looked at Ye Feng and said, "in fact, I can completely promise, but I will try my best to control these ten cases. It takes ten years to give you one every year. If it's three or five years, you will be in TSL all your life! But I don't want to do that. I'm sorry for my relationship with you in the past 20 years! "

Ye Feng frowned slightly at zhuomus and said, "you want me to be the same as before, it's almost impossible! Unless you kill me

Zhuomus sighed, "you don't need ten pieces. You just need to do another case for me. In the future, you and I will not default on each other, and I will not organize you to retire!"

Ye Feng eyebrows a wrinkly way, "you so big formation, for is a case?" Said the facial expression to move a way, "you said or Brazil's case?"

Dromus immediately said, "yes, this case is not over, and we TSL have taken it, so we have to fulfill our promise! And only you can do it. I don't think you'll refuse? "

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