After sailing, zhuomus took a look at Queen qianse and said to Ye Feng, "since Dixie didn't come, you can let qianse bee be your assistant. Although she is not as good as Dixie, she is also very good in many aspects, such as making up, which can help you do half the work!"

Ye Feng nodded, then took a look at the thousand color bee, and said to zhuomus, "I've seen her before. The Dixie she dressed up is also subtle and slightly warped. I almost got cheated!"

Thousand color bee smell speech face slightly move, don't say much.

But Ye Feng looked at zhuomus and said, "but is qianse bee also your person?"

Zhuomus took a look at the thousand color bee, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "no, but money can make the ghost push the mill these days! As long as the price is right, nothing is impossible, thousand color bee, don't you think? "

Thousand color bee shrugged and said to dromus, "of course, as long as I have money, I can work for anyone!"

Zhuomus nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "such an assistant, I believe you should have no opinion?"

Ye Feng is also a shrug, "you know me, for me, who is the assistant is not important, the important thing is whether the task is challenging!"

After that, without waiting for dromus to speak, he immediately said, "I think this task is so complicated. It's the first time in my life that I haven't finished it. It seems that it's very challenging. That's what attracts me!"

Zhuomus nodded and said, "you're right. The task this time is really complicated. After the failure last time, the other party must be more careful and the difficulty is definitely higher than last time!"

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's no difficult thing. I don't think you'll make such a big move. You've come to me!"

Zhuomus took a look at Ye Feng and patted Ye Feng with his hand. "Satan, I'm watching you grow up. You should be in love with father and son. If you have any ideas, you can tell me frankly!"

Ye Feng took a look at zhuomus and said, "I've already said that I just want to retire. If we are like father and son, I believe you will respect my choice!"

But dromus said immediately, "I just said that. I respect you! I respect all your choices, but should you also respect me? Respect should be mutual! I said, as long as you successfully complete this task, you can go where you love, and I will never stop you! "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "with your words, I'm relieved!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, zhuomus said, "there is still a little time to Brazil. Take advantage of this time to have a good rest! You can come to me for anything. Don't make any more assertions! "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said nothing more. Then he looked at zhuomus and said, "don't waste the things on the table. You new partners should have a deeper understanding and deepen the tacit understanding. I'll prepare new materials for you!"

After waiting for zhuomus to leave, qianse bee immediately said to Ye Feng, "do you really want to help him continue this mission?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath and sat there lighting a cigarette. He knew the end of the mission. Zhuomus could not let himself leave alive.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't say a word, qianse Feng immediately took a stool to his side and said, "I always feel that zhuomus won't let you go easily. He also said that TSL is totally supported by you alone. Now that Hades is dead, Dixie will stay on the island. You are the only one left. If you go, what is left of TSL?"

Ye Feng sighed a little. After a long puff of cigarette, he said, "I know that whether I can finish this task or not, it's a dead end!"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, complexion suddenly big change way, "since you know, you still promise him?"

Ye Feng then looks to thousand color bee way, "now this situation, what can I say?"

Thousand color bee smell speech is also a burst of silence, this just toward Ye Feng way, "so you are to pacify zhuomus, wait until after Brazil, and then try to escape?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, I didn't want to go. This task must continue!"

After hearing this, the thousand color bee was surprised and said, "do you want to continue? What do you mean

But Ye Feng said, "zhuomus has no other skills, but his ability to find people is first-class. Even if we are lucky to escape this time, we will be found by him one day. It's better to solve this problem at one time than to be so worried all day long!"

Thousand color bee complexion is again a ground to looking at leaf maple way, "do you want to kill him?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "killing him is only a temporary cure, not a permanent cure. It can't solve the root of the problem!"

Thousand color bee a face don't understand ground looking at leaf maple way, "that how do you plan to do?"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng looked at the thousand color bee and said, "why do you ask so many questions?"

Thousand color bee hears speech, facial expression moves a way, "are you afraid I divulge a secret?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've told you enough. The next thing concerns my life for the rest of my life. I don't believe anyone!"As soon as qianse bee heard this, she was silent and said, "you don't believe anyone, but you only believe in Dixie, do you?"

Ye Feng shrugged, noncommittal, he really has a preliminary plan in mind, but has not fully thought about it.

Moreover, going to Brazil this time may be totally different from the situation last time. Many plans have to be adjusted according to the actual situation at that time.

Don't say Ye Feng really doesn't believe anyone. Even if he trusts qianse bee 100%, now he can't say his complete plan.

At this time, the thousand color bee saw that Ye Feng didn't speak any more, just nodded and said, "it seems that it's not easy for any woman to replace your Dixie!"

Ye Feng smell speech then toward thousand color bee way, "should say of I all said with you! I'll tell you for the last time, if you're still from dromus, I advise you to log in and leave. I don't want to kill you myself. If you're not, I also advise you to leave, because I won't do anything sorry to Dixie. You are doomed not to get what you want! "

But the thousand color bee looked at Ye Feng with a bitter smile and said, "you are not me. How do you know what I want?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but see a thousand color bee, then slightly a sigh way, "why bother?"

Thousand color bee shrugs a way, "the woman and your man are not the same, once the woman identifies a person, will not care whether he also identifies himself!"

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