Zhuomus immediately asked Yefeng to find qianse bee. He would soon send Domingo's information to qianse bee, and let qianse bee quickly change her face to Yefeng.

Ye Feng did not say much, directly left zhuomus room, let people take him to find the room of thousand color bee.

After knocking on the door of qianse bee, qianse bee opens the door and asks Ye Feng to go in.

After Ye Feng sat down, he showed the photo of Domingo to qianse bee. Qianse bee had just finished reading it, but he didn't ask, so his mobile phone rang.

Thousand color bee picked up the mobile phone to have a look, this just looked to Ye Feng way, "Domingo?"

Ye Feng smell speech nodded a way, "good, start to make it!"

Qianse Fengze shrugged his shoulders and said, "this Domingo is a famous Playboy in Michoacan. The beauties around him change every day. Moreover, his father has business relations with drug lord Franco MINDO!"

Ye Feng listen to thousand color bee so a say, mouth said, "I'm not interested in his identity, I just think, a dead person, how can live again!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng sighed, "before these things are Dixie in help me prepare! I don't need to worry at all

The thousand color bee can't help but say to Ye Feng, "I can also help you prepare. I can do what Dixie can do! Isn't it just to make up some reasons for you? I can do it

Ye Feng took a look at the thousand color bee, and then said with a smile, "do you think Dixie's logistics is to help me make up stories? Then you are wrong! "

Qianse bee immediately said to Ye Feng, "anyway, there are still one or two days left before landing. After I wait for Yirong, I will go to zhuomus and ask him to tell me what is necessary for logistics work. I will do logistics for you in this operation!"

Ye Feng took a look at the thousand color bee, and pondered in his heart. He neither agreed nor refused.

If that's the case, I can't finish it alone. I have to have a logistic support.

Of course, if you let Ye Feng choose, Ye Feng certainly hopes that Dixie will do his own logistics, but after all, Dixie has disappeared, and he does not dare to expect.

However, it's helpless to let qianse bee take the second place. It's better than nothing. I hope she can know more about it after training with zhuomus.

I don't want the thousand color bee to reach the level of Dixie. As long as it can reach one third, I don't need to worry about it. If it's a big deal, I can work harder. I have to bear with many things I didn't ask before.

The thousand color bee immediately takes out the tools and starts to make up for Ye Feng. When Ye Feng sees that the tools on her desk are more complete than when she was on the island, she frowns.

And thousand color bee also seems to see Ye Feng's doubts, immediately explained to Ye Feng, "these tools are all prepared for me by zhuomus, it seems that he is already ready to let you pretend to be that playboy."

Ye Feng didn't say a word, lying on the bed, completely relaxed and gave himself to qianse bee.

The thousand color bee asked Ye Feng to take off his coat and explained, "there's no way. These western human bodies are hairy. This Mr. Domingo also has chest hair! And get some tattoos. "

Ye Feng helpless, take off the coat after the way, "then I'll squint for a while, you need my cooperation, wake me up!"

Thousand color bee nodded, didn't say much, began to prepare color, film.

Ye Feng slept for a long time, and felt that someone called him in his ear. Then he slowly opened his eyes and had a look, but saw that the thousand color bee was sitting on his side and looking at himself.

He immediately sat up and asked the thousand color bee, "OK?"

The thousand color bee shook his head and said, "the front one is OK, but the back one needs to be painted. This guy also has a tattoo on the back. I need to get one for you!"

Ye Feng turned around and said, "you won't really give me a tattoo, will you?"

The thousand color bee says with a smile, "how? Don't you like tattoos? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I don't hate tattoos. It's just a large area of tattoos!"

Thousand color bee said, "don't worry, these tattoos are only mixed up with special pigments, unless they can be removed after soaking in special liquid medicine, otherwise they are no different from real ones!"

Ye Feng nodded, did not speak, but also did not sleep.

Thousand color bee then toward leaf maple way, "if you are sleepy, continue to sleep, good I call you!"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no sleepiness!"

But the thousand color bee says to Ye Feng, "can you sleep here? Are you not afraid that I will attack you

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if I even had a sleep here, I was worried that you would harm me. I would have killed you long ago. Would I have given you this opportunity to approach me?"

Thousand color bee smell speech heart next one Lin, at the same time with pigment in Ye Feng's back painting tattoo, at the same time asked Ye Feng way, "if one day, you find that I cheated you, how will you do?"

But Ye Feng said, "what can I do? Kill you? "Thousand color bee heart is a move to see a leaf maple, but did not speak.

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "are you nervous? Don't be silly. If you want to cheat me, what do you want to do one day? I don't know how many lies you have told from the first time you met me to now. If a lie dies once, you have died hundreds of times! "

Thousand color bee smell speech complexion to look at leaf maple way movingly, "do you know I am lying? When did you know that? I told those lies? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there are many kinds of lies. Some of them have nothing to do with elegance, some are even white lies, and some of them don't have any influence on me. In this case, I just go in my left ear and out my right ear. What should I care about doing?"

After taking a deep breath, qianse bee continued to ask, "if this lie may affect you?"

At this time, Ye Feng looked at the thousand color bee and said, "do you have any lies that have affected me? Otherwise, I'll give you a chance, you can confess now, I can let bygones be bygones! "

Thousand color bee immediately shrugs a way, "no, I have what lie to affect you! It just occurred to me, so I asked casually! "

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's OK, but don't worry. I think you are a good person. Even if there is a day when I don't care about you, I won't do anything to you!"

Thousand color bee nodded, staring at Ye Feng for a moment, but didn't say anything more. She continued to use pigment to fill Ye Feng's back and get the tattoo that should have been on Domingo's back.

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