Li Wenfeng looked up and said, "you look down on me too much. Although this website is the work of Jack, it's an entry-level difficulty. I've been black once three months ago!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn't help feeling that he didn't know anything about hackers. However, there was a department in TSL before. I heard that they had said that there was such a website to test hackers' ability, so I kept it in mind.

He thought that what the senior technicians in their TSL technology department were talking about must be something of high difficulty. Unexpectedly, Li Wenfeng had already cracked it? It seems that this boy has some ability?

When Li Wenfeng saw that Ye Feng didn't speak, he thought that Ye Feng didn't believe what he said. He immediately logged in to his QQ, and then downloaded a set of software from QQ, opened it and started to operate.

Ye Feng also only saw the characters on the computer monitor scurrying, and he didn't understand anything at all. Without waiting for him to recover, Li Wenfeng knocked on the Enter key, "done!"

Ye Feng saw that after Li Wenfeng typed the carriage return, the messy characters on the desktop disappeared instantly. After Li Wenfeng clicked on the page to refresh, it was originally a picture website, leaving only a string of Chinese characters, "how about? Now believe me? "

See so, Ye Feng can't help but sigh, this boy from the beginning of the operation, even including his login QQ and download software event, add together also just two minutes up and down.

Black Jack, the so-called great hacker, is a bit of a dish. Li Wenfeng finished designing such a website in two minutes?

After deleting the desktop software, Li Wenfeng sighed, "don't look at me with exaggerated eyes. I've been hacked once. I know where the vulnerability is, so I'm so fast!"

Ye Feng can't help asking Li Wenfeng, "how long did you use it last time?"

Li Wenfeng sighed, "it took more than an hour! There's a ranking here. Take a look! "

Said Li Wenfeng immediately refreshed the page, Ye Feng actually restored to the original state.

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "how to recover?"

Li Wenfeng couldn't help but look at Ye Feng, "you are really a rookie. This is just a password set by black jack. No matter how the page is changed by us challengers, it will automatically recover in 30 seconds!"

While speaking, Li Wenfeng right-click on the page and click a button. A window pops up on the right side of the page, with the IP address on it and a time after the name.

Li Wenfeng then said to Ye Feng, "look, I'm the 57th. It takes one hour, sixteen minutes and fifty-two seconds!"

Ye Feng took a look, and then asked Li Wenfeng, "you just used two minutes, have not been recorded?"

Li Wenfeng shook his head and said, "the whole Internet bar is a total IP, an IP will only be recorded once, and the one in front of me can also use the new IP to re record the time, but I don't think this record is meaningful! I didn't do it! "

Ye Feng then nodded and asked Li Wenfeng, "does Ji Kun have this level with you?"

Li Wenfeng said with an eyebrow, "Jikun? You mean the fat guy in your college? He doesn't have this level, but he is very interested in hackers. I've recruited him into our organization. The tutorial I showed him is faster than other people's watching and learning! Although it's not as good as me now, it will soon surpass my current level! But it's hard to surpass me. He's making progress and I'm making progress at the same time! "

Ye Feng nodded when he heard the speech. At this time, he saw Li Wenfeng stand up and stretch out his hand, "a million dollars?"

See Li Wenfeng so, leaf Feng Dynasty Li Wenfeng a smile way, "owe first, these two days give you!"

Li Wenfeng said with disdain, "cut, you really think you are Wang Sicong. If you say one million, you will get one million!" Then he went to the door immediately.

Ye Feng didn't explain anything to Li Wenfeng. He just said to him, "Jikun will come here later, let him come directly to this private room!"

Li Wenfeng answered and went out. Ye Feng lit a cigarette and sat down. Looking at a string of IP addresses on the screen, he thought that Li Wenfeng really had two brushes.

After a while, there was a knock on the door in the private room, but it was not Ji Kun, but Li Wenfeng. He pushed the door open and said to Ye Feng, "handsome guy, I'm off work. I told my sister to let the fat man come directly to you! Goodbye

Li Wenfeng waved his hand and turned to leave. Ye Feng laughed. If you want to deal with TSL, in addition to some skilled people, you also need to have a technical department of logistics like all secret service organizations. Li Wenfeng himself has to take in.

Just thinking about it, the knock on the door rings again. Ye Feng comes in, but Ji Kun comes in. As soon as he comes in, he says to Ye Feng, "what's the matter with me? I'll wipe it. What are you doing with such a big compartment? "

Ye Feng asked Ji Kun to sit down, handed him a cigarette, and then asked him, "what's the level of Li Wenfeng's hacking skills?"

Ji Kun lit a cigarette and said, "that's definitely the level of the top 100 in the world!"Ye Feng then pointed to the monitor in front of him, "this is called the page made by black jack, isn't he more than 50? Is it just the top 100

Ji Kun took a puff of his cigarette and said, "do you know this website? I tried to be in the dark, but I didn't succeed once

Then he vomited a cigarette and then continued, "in fact, this website is just a portal for Black Jack. Besides, many hackers disdain to do these tests! So the ranking is not so accurate! It can only be regarded as some grade AIDS! "

Ye Feng nodded just now, thinking that he was too. For example, when he was in TSL before, someone showed him this website, and other people in the Department also said that they disdained it and were not willing to try it.

Ji Kun was smoking a cigarette and looking at Ye Feng, he said, "what do you want to do? Don't tell me, you are also interested in hacking technology and want to join us? "

But Ye Feng said with a smile to Ji Kun, "I really have some interests, but I don't want to join you, but I want to help you!"

On hearing this, Ji Kun's face moved and said, "aid?" Then he said with a smile, "are you kidding, and you can't settle the matter of your own campus loan. Do you still have money to support us?"

But Ye Feng said faintly, "I'll give you a million yuan first, and then I'll decide according to your situation!"

Jikun saw that Ye Feng didn't speak like a joke. He couldn't help looking at him in surprise, "is it true or not? You won't win the lottery, will you

Ye Feng said with a smile, "almost. I'll cash the prize tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I'll give it to you then!"

Jikun immediately stood up and said, "I'll go. Are you kidding me? Did you really win? How much did you win? "

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