Maria listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately a burst of silence, face is not very good-looking.

Ye Feng can't help looking at Maria in surprise. Just now, she is still well. How can she suddenly change her face? Is she worried about her own safety?

But before Ye Feng spoke, she heard Maria say, "you're going to work in flamencourt. Do you want to find an excuse to get close to his mistress?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately stunned, this is what brain circuit, oneself come to the door to hook up other people's woman, this is to seek death?

Thinking of Ye Feng, she said to Maria, "are you afraid that I will live too long? Will I die myself? "

After a while of pondering, Maria felt that it was the same. Even if Domingo was a coward, he did not dare to go to the door to hook up with other women.

Thinking about it, he frowned and said, "you said the same thing, but I'm still worried about going to flamencourt!"

Ye Feng took Maria's hand and said, "you know, I'm so grown-up, and I've accomplished nothing. Besides being drunk all day, what else have I done? I also want to think about our future! "

Maria said, "I still don't agree. I've already agreed with my father that I will arrange you to work in the state government. It's the government's iron rice bowl. And with my father, you can make progress there."

But Ye Feng let go of Maria's hand and said, "I don't want to rely on my father and your father all my life! What can I do if I live under their shelter forever

But Maria said, "it's not negotiable. I can promise you anything, but it's impossible. You don't know what flamencourt does, do you? He's the biggest drug dealer in Michoacan and even in Mexico. Do you want to go to work for him? "

Hearing what Maria said, Ye Feng quickly said, "although he is a drug dealer, he also has many regular industries. I just go to work in those industries, not to help him make drugs and sell drugs!"

Maria said, "you don't have to tell me. I won't agree. Even if you can find it yourself, I'll let my father interfere with you. If you want to work in those industries, it's better to work in your father's company."

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to say anything more, he immediately said, "you have only two choices. One is to go to work in your father's company. The other is to listen to my father's arrangement and go to work in the state government. There is no third choice!"

Ye Fengxin next sigh, it seems that in Maria's side is not feasible, can only think of their own way.

But then I thought that if I went to work with Maria's father, I might have a chance to get in touch with flamencourt. After all, her father and flamencourt are also involved in a lot. Would you like to become a confidant of maanda first?

Ye Feng didn't think about this road before, but it's faster to get close to flamencourt directly. But it seems that this road doesn't work, so he can only retreat first and then for the time being.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Maria, "well, I won't go. Let's go!"

Maria was completely relieved, and then asked Ye Feng, "do you choose to go to your father's company or my father's office?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "of course, it's you who go to Dad's state government. Is it not enough for me to be managed by my dad at home? He's going to watch me at work? I won't do it

On hearing this, Maria immediately laughs. This is exactly the way that Maria wants Ye Feng to choose. With the help of her father, Domingo will become a new political star in Michoacan.

The most important thing is to have his own father to help him watch Domingo, he will not go anywhere.

Thinking of this, Maria immediately said to Ye Feng, "OK, I'll call my father now to see if I can find a good place for you!"

While she was talking, Maria took out her cell phone and called her father, Ma anda. After several rings, the other party got through.

As soon as mahanda answered, he immediately said with a smile, "what's the matter? Baby, did that dormingo bastard coax you? "

Maria immediately said with a smile, "there was nothing wrong between Domingo and me!"

Ma anda said with a sneer, "Dad, I really don't understand you. There are so many talented young people in michoken state. You don't like any of them, but you like this second generation ancestor, the black sheep of his family. Besides his Laozi, he has some property. I really don't know what's good about him!"

Maria said, "actually, Domingo is very good, but he is short of opportunities. Dad, you don't mean that as long as Domingo is willing, you can send him to work in the state government. I told him just now, and he agreed. Do you want to make arrangements for him?"

"He agreed?" Ma anda was stunned, then sneered, "can this boy stand the nine to five life of the government? It's boring

Maria said immediately, "don't worry, he can take it! I also believe that my father will help me to train him to be as successful as your father! "

When saying this, Maria also looked at Ye Feng sitting on one side.

Ye Feng listen in the ear, actually in the heart is quite for Domingo thanks Maria, if Domingo did not die, married such a wife, it is sooner or later.In China, there has always been a saying that a man's career depends on his ability and pattern, and whether he has a good wife, which is commonly known as Wangfu.

And this Maria, in Ye Feng's view, is the absolute wife of Wangfu.

But mahanda said on the phone, "it seems that you want him to be my successor!"

But Maria said with a smile, "I don't dare to expect that. As long as he can achieve half of your achievements, I will be satisfied!"

Mahanda sighed and asked Maria, "if dad wants you to cancel your engagement with Domingo, can you do it?"

On hearing this, Maria suddenly changed her face and said, "I'll only marry Domingo in my life. If I can't, I'll die..."

Ma anda immediately said, "don't think too much, dad is the last question. Since you are so sure, Dad can't help him. Don't worry, I will see what position is suitable for him!"

As soon as Maria heard this, she immediately said with a smile, "thank you, Dad. I'll wait for your news!"

But Ma anda said, "you warn that boy, if you dare to make you unhappy again, dad will break his dogleg!" Then he hung up.

Maria then looked at Ye Feng and said, "my father has agreed. There will be news soon!"

Ye Feng looks at Maria and says thank you. He thanks her for Domingo.

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