Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkling, toward two big men way, "what VIP card?"

The fat man sneered at the two men and said, "do you know who we are? Miss Diana invited us up in person! We are VIP. What kind of card do you need? "

Two big men smell speech facial expression immediately move, stare at four people to see after a while, immediately look at each other smile.

One of them snorted coldly, "Miss Diana asked you to go up in person? Yesterday, Miss Diana, I invited me to her bed

On hearing this, the fat man immediately sneered and said, "you dare to talk like this. I'll tell him when I see Miss Diana later."

But the big man came up and pushed the fat man, "you can see it again!"

The fat man immediately grabbed the man, and the two men behind him rushed up to fight with the security guard. The other security guard also rushed up.

Just as Ye Feng was standing in front of him, he smashed at Ye Feng's face with one punch. For them, they would encounter the possibility of making trouble every day. They were never soft handed. They just took one move to deal with it, and then dragged it to the back alley and threw it to the garbage heap.

With his fists alone, I don't know how many troublemakers he's ever had, and this is absolutely nothing in front of me.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as his fist came out, he smashed a void. Ye Feng had already avoided to one side, and then he had a pain in his abdomen. Look again, Ye Feng's fist had hit his abdomen.

At this time, many people have noticed the situation here. There are security guards on the first floor and the second floor converging here.

Soon will Ye Feng they four people blocked in the corridor, other security also no matter what the situation, go up to want to fat they a few dozen to lie on the ground.

And to catch Ye Feng, to a was Ye Feng down a, forcing those security guards one by one away from Ye Feng dare not close.

At this time, a security guard immediately took the fat man and the three of them, and threatened Ye Feng, "if you want your friend to die tonight, you can do it!"

When Ye Feng looks at the fat people, he sees that the three of them are black and blue, and they are cleaned up by the security guards.

The fat man looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "Domingo, how can you fight? I can't see that... "

At this time, a security guard approached Ye Feng tentatively. He felt that they had hostages in their hands. Ye Feng should not dare to do anything.

But he just waved the baton in his hand to hit Ye Feng's head, and he felt that his head was covered, and Ye Feng's fist had hit each other's face, even his front teeth fell off.

Security people see Ye Feng actually dare to fight back, immediately began to torture a few of them, hit them Wai Wai.

The fat man yelled at Ye Feng, "Domingo, you want to kill us Don't fight back Oh, it hurts me so much... "

Ye Feng knows that once he doesn't fight back, the security guards won't be polite to him. He's not so stupid. He won't fight back at all.

What's more, they are three friends of Domingo, and they are not Domingo. They are not blackmailed at all.

Another security guard tried to rush towards Ye Feng, but still fell to the ground before he could fight.

The security guards could not threaten Ye Feng. At this time, someone stepped forward and immediately took out a pistol and said to Ye Feng, "boy, you are good at fighting. You can fight again. Can you pass the bullet faster?"

And at the same time, several security guards have pulled out the gun, in an instant, the muzzle of several guns are aimed at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng this just slowly raised his hand, a public security see Ye Feng finally subdued, gas roar in a crowd, one by one are waving the baton in the hand.

And at this time, a woman's voice came from upstairs and said, "stop it!"

Everyone recognized that it was Diana's voice. They all stopped and looked up at Diana.

A security guard immediately went over and reported, "Miss Diana, these four guys are pretending to be VIPs and have to go upstairs! And hurt our brother! "

Diana took a look at the situation here, slowly came down from upstairs, went to Ye Feng's side, took a look at him, and then looked at the fat man who had been beaten into a pig's head.

When the fat man saw Diana, he immediately yelled, "Miss Diana, you tell them if you invited us upstairs, and they didn't let us go up, and you told them to go to your bed!"

On hearing this, the security guard's face suddenly moved, and immediately said to Diana, "Miss Diana, no one of us has ever said such a thing. It's their frame up!"

Diana pondered for a while, looked around, then walked to Ye Feng's side and said, "don't you come? Why did you suddenly change your mind? "

Ye Feng shrugged, "no way, three friends have to go up to see it!"

Diana said with a faint smile, "I think you want to go up, but you can't get in the way of face, so you take your friends as an excuse?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged, "you can think what you want, I don't care!"Diana glanced at Ye Feng, turned around, went to a security guard, took the pistol in his hand, and then said to a security guard, "when you said that, I didn't hear you upstairs? What happened here, I can see and hear clearly. They have already given my name, but you still stop me and say that I want you to go to my bed? Well, my bed is waiting for you

With these words, Diana immediately fired a shot at the man's legs. The man fell to the ground and rolled down from the building. She didn't even have a chance to beg for mercy.

The other security guards were silly, but Diana said with a cold smile, "I'll have my bed sent to your house today. You can stay in bed in the future!"

Ye Feng can't help sighing that she is the daughter of a drug lord. She is bold and vicious in her way of life.

Fat man, they were all in a daze, staring at Diana.

Diana looked at Ye Feng and said, "what? Do you want to go upstairs now? "

Ye Feng did not answer, the fat man immediately said, "go, we have been hit like this, if not, is not very deficit?"

Ye Feng can't help but white a fat man, in order to go upstairs, their three brothers almost put their lives in this, unexpectedly still want to go upstairs.

Thinking of Ye Feng, she can't help sighing, but listening to Diana's security guard saying, "listen, Mr. Domingo is my VIP. If he comes in the future, he doesn't need a VIP card!"

All the security guards immediately said, "yes, Miss Diana!"

But Diana looked at Ye Feng and said, "let's go? What are you doing? "

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