That person still stares at Ye Feng to see after five or six seconds, this just turns around, take of a bottle of wine, open with the wine opener, put in front of Ye Feng.

After taking a sip of the beer, Ye Feng turned his back and looked down the aisle. At this moment, a beautiful woman came over and sat on Ye Feng's side

Ye Feng glanced at the beauty. The beauty's chest was almost hollowed out, and there was almost no difference between not wearing it. Moreover, the beauty's eyes were particularly charming, staring at Ye Feng up and down.

Ye Feng didn't say anything. He turned back and said to the bartender that he would have another bottle of beer. Then he looked down the aisle. However, the lights of the bar were dim, so he couldn't see the situation clearly.

The bartender opened a bottle of beer and put it on the bar. The beauty took it up and touched the bottle in Ye Feng's hand. After a big drink, she asked Ye Feng, "is it my first time here? Why haven't I seen you before? "

Ye Feng nodded, "the first time I came here, I heard someone say it's good here, so I'll come and have a look!"

The beauty asked Ye Feng again, "look, you don't seem very old? Isn't it less than twenty? "

Ye Feng's eyes have been staring at the aisle, but his mouth said, "anyway, if you go to bed with me, no one will accuse you of indecent young men!"

Beauty a listen to this words immediately a dismay, immediately cover mouth a smile, stretched out a hand to push leaf Feng's shoulder, "hate, you are really bad! If I don't know you, I'll talk about sleeping with someone else! "

Ye Feng drank a mouthful of beer, said nothing, eyes continue to stare at the aisle.

The beauty saw that Ye Feng seemed to be indifferent to herself, and never looked at herself. At this time, she followed Ye Feng's eyes and was surprised, "what are you looking at? I've seen you stare over there for a long time! "

Ye Feng this just returned to God, looked at the beauty in front of one eye, a shrug, "nothing!"

Beauty is a smile way, "should not be to catch your girlfriend?"

Ye Feng a smile didn't speak, beauty but staring at Ye Feng see, the body also actively toward Ye Feng side close.

She saw that Ye Feng would be able to make a joke about sleeping with herself, and would be indifferent to herself, which made her unable to understand the man in front of her.

When the beauty leans on Ye Feng's body, she finds that Ye Feng doesn't deliberately dodge like those serious men. At this time, she reaches out her hand and delimits on his chest, "is there any activity in the evening?"

Ye Feng shook his head, then said to the beauty in front of him, "I'm not suitable for you!"

Beauty smell speech is again a dismay, immediately a smile way, "you have never tried, how know not to suit?"

Ye Feng shrugged, "maybe what I said is too implicit. In other words, you are not suitable for me!"

Beauty or a smile, "I do not have to change, or that sentence, you try not to try, how do you know is not suitable? Maybe you'll find that we're made for each other after you try? "

Ye Feng just wanted to talk, but saw a man coming out of the corridor. The man looked like he was in his thirties. When he came to the crossing, he stopped to light a cigarette.

On both sides of the corridor, two young people immediately stood up and nodded to the man. They didn't know what to say.

The man stood there, nodded, did not speak, continued to smoke cigarettes, and then looked around the bar.

Just see Ye Feng this side, see Ye Feng seems to be staring at his side to see, eyebrows can't help but move.

Ye Feng see, immediately take advantage of the beauty in front of the body into the arms, directly in the woman's face a kiss.

The beauty did not expect that Ye Feng would suddenly kiss herself. First, she was stunned. Then she felt happy and immediately put her hand around Ye Feng's neck.

Ye Feng glanced at not far away at this time, but saw that the man over there had already walked away. His heart suddenly moved, and immediately pushed away the beauty in front of him.

Beauty completely a pair of endless appearance, took Ye Feng's arm, put her head on Ye Feng's shoulder, directly asked, "to your home or my home, or open a room?"

Ye Feng is anxious to find the man's whereabouts. He breaks away from the beauty's arm and says, "next time..." Then he put down the bottle and left.

Seeing this, the beauty immediately chased up, still holding Ye Feng's arm, "why next time, this time is not very good..."

Ye Feng is too lazy to explain anything to the beauty. He looks around and sighs when he doesn't find the man. Even if the man is not Sun Wei, he should be Sun Wei's subordinate.

At this time, Ye Feng found a familiar figure again. When her eyes began to pass her, she just thought that she was an empty woman hunting in the bar, just like the beauties here and even around her.

At this time, however, when I look at it carefully, I find that the face is long Xinran, who I am familiar with. However, I see that long Xinran is also very exposed in his clothes. His short hair seems to be colorful under the light. I don't know whether it is dyed or the effect of light.

Long Xinran is holding a glass of wine, standing in a corner, his eyes are wandering around, as if looking for someone.

But soon, long Xinran also found Ye Feng's presence. His face suddenly moved, and he began to dodge deliberately. However, seeing that a gorgeous and exposed beauty around Ye Feng was hugging him, he suddenly showed a look of disgust.But Ye Feng smiles at long Xinran, and even reaches for his hand and waves it, as if to tell long Xinran that he is here.

But long Xinran pretended he didn't know him. He soon took his eyes away from him. His eyes were fixed on the other side of the corridor.

The beauty beside Ye Feng sees that Ye Feng stares at the other side and soon sees long Xinran. She can't help frowning. There is a natural hostile relationship between beauties.

Ye Feng shrugs to the beauty, "sorry, I found the person I'm looking for!"

But the beauty didn't let go of the hand that took Ye Feng's arm, "is that your girlfriend?"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to reply, he immediately took Ye Feng and walked over to long Xinran. Looking at long Xinran's eyes, it was very provocative. What's wrong with your boyfriend? Your boyfriend just kissed me.

Long Xinran saw Ye Feng and the beauty around him coming towards him. He frowned and was about to leave with a wine glass.

But the beauty pulls the leaf maple to arrive in front of her very quickly, toward her in front of a block.

Ye Feng immediately waved his hand to the dragon, "Dragon..."

Long Xinran immediately interrupted, "Why are you here?"

Ye Feng shrugged and asked me, "can't I be like this? Aren't you there, too? "

Long Xinran stares at Ye Feng immediately, "you go first. I have something to do. I'll talk about it later!"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to reply, the beauty beside Ye Feng sneered, "what's the matter? What's the matter? The woman who comes here is just fishing for a hero. Your boyfriends are here, and you still won't go? What a lack of love you have to have

On hearing this, long Xinran frowned, "what do you mean? What, my boyfriend? What's the catch? "

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