Diana and Levis can't help staring at Ye Feng for a moment when they listen to Ye Feng's words. No one says anything. It seems that their hearts are thinking about the credibility of Ye Feng's words.

Li Weisi takes the lead to say to Ye Feng, "I believe! Then I can't guess at all, and I don't want to guess any more! "

Just then, a message came from Levi's mobile phone. He took it up and looked at it. He immediately said to Ye Feng and Diana, "Charlie's message!"

Ye Feng smell speech to see one eye, then picked up the mobile phone to see the time, already 12:40 or so, then picked up the telescope to look toward the villa.

And Levis at this time point opened Charlie's voice information, Ye Feng at this time while looking at the villa in the distance, while listening to Charlie's voice.

But Charlie's voice said, "what's going on over there? I've taken several fields of Shi Kefei. How can I not react at all? "

Levis then pressed the voice button and said to Charlie, "if you can't, you'll take the field of Scofield and start now!"

As soon as Charlie heard this, he immediately said with a smile, "I mean it. Since you don't object, I'll do it!"

After Li Weisi returned a positive expression, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "does the other party also know that we want to attract them out?"

Ye Feng is looking at the villa with a telescope at this time. The deployment of the villa has not changed so far.

Hearing what Li Weisi said, Ye Feng put down his telescope and said, "the biggest advantage of this strategy is that he knows it's a plan to divert the tiger from the mountain, so he can only leave here. If there is no problem with Charlie, I believe it should be fast!"

Li Weisi listened to Ye Feng's words. He didn't speak any more. Instead, he looked at the watch on his wrist and reminded Ye Feng, "it's 12:45, and there are still 15 minutes left. If Shi Kefei and cruise haven't touched yet, according to what you said, are they ready to start?"

Ye Feng smell speech toward Li Weisi a little way, "one o'clock sharp, no matter Charlie there is no news, no matter whether Shi Kefei and cruise have left the villa, my side on time action!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Li Weisi reminds Ye Feng, "it's only 15 minutes now. Do you mean that no matter what the result is, you're going to pass in 15 minutes. What are you going to order?"

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "what should I prepare?"

Reeves can't help but frown and say, "are you going to go there barehanded?"

Ye Feng looked at Li Weisi and said, "otherwise? Are you going to equip me? "

At this time, Levis didn't say anything. Instead, he went directly to the trunk of the car, opened the trunk, took out a suitcase from inside, and didn't open it until he came to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng saw that there were all kinds of pistols and bullets in Levis' suitcase. His face couldn't help moving, "are you ready to have guns in the car at any time?"

Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's normal for us to have some weapons in the car!"

Ye Feng a pistol, then from the suitcase to take out a pistol and a few clips way, "this is enough!"

Levi reminded Ye Feng, "don't forget, I told you before that the men of Shi Kefei and cruise were all soldiers. You don't have enough bullets, do you?"

Ye Feng said to Li Weisi, "it's spare. You don't have to use a gun to kill people, and the main purpose is to save people, not to kill people!"

Levi's face is difficult to understand. After looking at Ye Feng, he shrugs his shoulders and says, "you can do it yourself. I hope we can see you come back!"

After Ye Feng put away the pistol, he shrugged. Then he took a look at the time and said to Li Weisi, "time is almost up. I'm ready to start all the time!"

As soon as Diana heard this, she walked over to Ye Feng and said, "my father depends on you!"

Ye Feng nodded to Diana and said, "don't worry!"

Diana nodded and then said to Ye Feng, "but my father's gunshot wound is still on his body. He may not be able to move easily at that time. You should bear with him more and try to slow down as much as possible on the premise of saving him..."

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look at Diana, in the end is a daughter, this time, think of or father body injury?

But Ye Feng didn't say much, just nodded and said, "I'll try my best!"

In fact, he can only try his best to say, if at that time, who is still in the mood to consider the gunshot wound on flamencourt?

At that time, it was acceptable to save flamencourt, even if he was disabled in the end.

But Ye Feng didn't say that to Diana, and he didn't have to explain it.

What's more, the purpose of Ye Feng's visit is not to save flamencourt.

At this time, Levis reminded Ye Feng, "there are five minutes left!"

At this time, Ye Feng lit a cigarette, smoking a cigarette in one hand and looking towards the villa under the hillside with a telescope in the other.It seems that there is still no movement on the other side of the villa, which shows that Shi Kefei and cruise still have no plan to leave the villa.

When Ye Feng finished smoking a cigarette, it was just one o'clock. Ye Feng directly threw away the cigarette end, handed the telescope to Diana, and then said, "I'm going!"

Diana quickly said take care, words have not finished, but see Ye Feng has gone towards the hillside.

Levis called out, "Hello!"

Ye Feng heard speech stopped, looked back at Li Weisi, frowned and said, "what else to ask?"

Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's nothing to ask. I just want to remind you that cruise has a mini pistol on his body. Generally, he won't take it out. He's used to attacking people with it!"

Leaf maple listen to Li Weisi so a say, can't help but toward him nodded, said a thank you, head also don't return of walk.

Looking at Ye Feng walking towards the front, Diana prayed silently for Ye Feng. After all, in her eyes, Ye Feng took risks just to save her father.

Levis also silently watched Ye Feng's back disappear in the night, and then said to Diana, "Diana, he's gone, I have something to say to you!"

When Diana heard this, her face could not help but move. She looked sideways at Levis and said, "don't tell me. Are you still doubting him?"

Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's no way. He won't reveal his own information, which has to be suspected!"

Diana could not help frowning and said, "since you have never believed him from the beginning to the end, why do you want to come with him?"

Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "if he wants us to go with him, I may not come with him! But he just wants to go by himself. I have no reason to stop him! "

Diana couldn't help looking at the words and said, "do you want to use him?"

Levis then lit a cigarette and said to Diana, "Diana, I know you have a lot of trust in him, but your trust is blind. How much do you know about him?"

At this point, Levis said to Diana in a deep voice, "don't question my words. First of all, you should know that your father is in danger. In front of your father's safety, anyone should doubt anything and can't believe it 100%!"

Diana couldn't help looking at Levis and said, "what about you? Can't I trust you 100%

Levis nodded and said, "that's right. You can't trust anyone 100 percent. Of course, everyone includes me and Charlie!"

Then Levis took a cigarette and said to Diana in a deep voice, "I can tell you clearly that in order to promise to save your father, it's not because of how good your father is to me that I want to repay him. It's because I know through calculation that the outcome after saving your father is the best for me..."

Diana immediately interrupted Levis and said to him, "what you said, he has analyzed with me before. We are looking for you not because you are the most trustworthy, but because he has calculated, you will only choose to agree to us, because your interest calculation result, as you said, is the best for you!"

Levis took a deep puff of his cigarette and nodded at Diana. "That's why you don't think he's seen through everything? Don't you think it's terrible for such a man who can see through everything but doesn't know where he came from? "

After hearing this, Diana pondered for a long time, but finally sighed, "I don't believe him 100 percent, but I have no choice. I can only choose to believe him. What else can I do?"

At this time, Levis threw away his cigarette end and walked toward the car. "Get in the car. We have to rely on ourselves. When he gets into the villa and attracts everyone's attention, it's time for us to do it."

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