Ye Feng smell speech this just nodded, immediately let Li Weisi open the address sharing, oneself then press the sharing position to continue to drive.

Along the way, Ye Feng didn't say anything, and Li Weisi didn't say much. He was thinking about Ye Feng's words all the time.

Soon the car arrived at the shared address, and Ye Feng found that it was less than a mile away from where he went to see Charlie last time.

Last time it was a western restaurant, this time it was a Japanese restaurant. Ye Feng and Li Weisi got off the bus and went directly into the restaurant.

As soon as he entered the door, a waiter came to ask Li Weisi and Ye Feng. Li Weisi said that he was looking for Charlie. The waiter immediately led them to the second floor.

After opening a private room, the waiter immediately said to Ye Feng and Li Weisi, "Mr. Charlie asked you to wait here for a while. What would you like to eat?"

Levis frowned. "We're not here to eat. We're here to see Charlie. Where's Charlie?"

The waiter said, "Mr. Charlie is meeting in another private room. He will come to you after the meeting. Mr. Charlie has told us to treat you well."

At this time, Li Weisi frowned and did not speak. Instead, he looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng went in and sat down, and said, "have some sake and sushi, and sashimi..."

The waiter immediately answered and walked out of the private room. Just as he was about to close the door, he heard Ye Feng say again, "I don't like places that are not airtight. The private room door doesn't need to be closed!"

The waiter immediately nodded and left.

Li Wei Si at this time but toward leaf Feng way, "this kid does what, this time can meet what guest?"? Now that breakfast time is over and lunch time is still early, he's here to meet the guests? "

Ye Feng didn't speak. He sat cross legged and smoked cigarettes. After waiting for the waiter to take what he ordered, he poured wine for Li Weisi with a Japanese wine bottle and said, "since you're here, don't be impatient!"

Levis pondered for a while. He sat down and looked at the things on the table. He frowned and said, "these things are raw. How can I eat them?"

Ye Feng picked up a piece of sashimi, took a little mustard and put it in his mouth. Suddenly he felt refreshed. Then he said to Li Weisi, "it's good to eat this kind of thing once in a while! You should have tasted it

Levis is still not interested. The most important thing is that he just ate a little in the morning, and he also ate a lot. Moreover, they came here to look for Charlie, but they didn't come here to mess around.

Ye Feng saw that Li Weisi didn't move his chopsticks or force him to do so. He slammed his wine glass and the glass in front of Li Weisi. He took a sip of it and then said to Li Weisi, "you sit next to me!"

Li Wei Si hears speech to be unable to help a surprised way, "the table altogether is so big, sit over there not to squeeze?"

Ye Feng moved to one side and made way for himself to face the door of the private room. Li Weisi said, "you will pay attention to everyone passing by the door later!"

Li Weisi instantly understood the meaning of Ye Feng, and immediately sat down in Ye Feng's original position, facing the door of the private room.

He knew that Ye Feng wanted to let himself have a look for a while. He was afraid that he would know who came out of Charlie's private room.

At this time, Ye Feng continued to eat sashimi and drink sake. One table was for two people, but they were all eaten by Ye Feng.

Although the portions of food in Japanese restaurants are "exquisite", as a person who has had breakfast, he has eaten them all, and Levis has to admire Ye Feng's stomach.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a sound of footwork and conversation outside the private room. Levi's heart moved and immediately stared at the door.

Just a moment later, I saw several people passing by the door. One of them was Charlie. Charlie didn't notice that the door of a private room on one side was not closed. He was talking with a middle-aged Oriental man.

After waiting for Charlie and the crowd to leave, Ye Feng looks at Li Weisi, but Li Weisi's brow is frowning and he is in a trance.

Ye Feng then immediately asked Li Weisi, "do you recognize who Charlie met?"

Levis immediately nodded and said, "just now, the Oriental named Goro Ono is one of Cruise's subordinates. He used to live in Brazil. A few years ago, he was recruited by Cruise and became one of his capable men!"

Ye Feng then lit a cigarette again, slowly smoking, but did not say anything.

Levis then looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "so, Charlie is already close to cruise?"

Then he added, "maybe cruise is approaching Charlie on purpose!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it doesn't matter whether Charlie is close to cruise or cruise is close to Charlie!"

Levis frowned and said, "what's the point?"

Ye Feng took a hard puff of smoke, and then said faintly, "after Charlie comes, his attitude is very important!"

Li Weisi looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you going to..."

Ye Feng flicked the ash and said, "if he doesn't have the right attitude, there will be one less Charlie in the world!"Li Weisi a listen to this, the heart can't help a Lin, obviously he knows that Ye Feng to Charlie has moved the murderer.

At this time, there was a sound of footwork outside the private room. In a moment, Charlie appeared at the door of the private room.

Seeing that the door of the private room was open, Charlie's forehead was wrinkled, but he didn't care much. When he came in, he turned around and closed the door of the private room. Then he asked Levis and Ye Feng, "how long have you been here?"

Li Weisi stares at Charlie at this time, while Ye Feng continues to smoke cigarettes, but his eyes seem to stare at the table.

Charlie felt something wrong and thought that the door of the private room was open just now. Maybe Levis and Ye Feng saw who they had sent away just now.

Thinking of this, Charlie immediately sat down and said with a smile, "cruise, I know that I won several fields of schkeffe last night, so I sent this guy Ono to negotiate with me early this morning!"

Reeves said, "negotiation? What are you talking about? "

Charlie shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, I hope I can be on the same front with him. The most important thing is to ask me to remain neutral and promise my benefits after the event!"

When Li Weisi saw that Charlie had said this, he could not help glancing at Ye Feng, who had never spoken. He saw that Ye Feng was still in a state of apathy. It was obvious that Charlie's explanation didn't pass the test.

He wanted to say to Charlie immediately, "how did you answer that?"

Charlie then took the sake jug on the table and poured himself a glass. After drinking it, he said, "what else can I say? Of course, it's false and false! "

Levis frowned. "What do you mean? It's a Japanese idiom taught me by Goro Ono

Ye Feng didn't speak all the time. At this time, he corrected, "this is a Chinese idiom!"

Charlie was stunned, then shrugged, "no matter where he is, in short, it means to deal with the matter first!"

Levis was relieved. "So you didn't promise cruise?"

Charlie pondered for a while, poured a cup of sake and drank it. This time, he drank slowly. When he drank, he also glanced at Levis and Ye Feng to observe their expressions.

After a glass of wine, he put down his glass and said, "the situation is complicated. Of course, I have to plan for myself!"

Then he looked at Levis and said, "don't blame me. I didn't promise anything to cruise, but I didn't refuse either!"

Reeves smell speech facial expression to move a way, "do you want two ends to pour?"

Charlie shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, the current situation is good for us. Now flamencourt has lost his freedom, and the group is dead in name. Of course, he still has some influence, but it is very little..."

Levi took a look at Yefeng and said to Charlie immediately, "but once flamencourt can be free again..."

Charlie sighed, "let's not lie to ourselves. In this situation, it's not that there's no chance, but it's very slim!"

Levis immediately slapped the table and said, "so you chose cruise!"

Charlie shrugged his shoulders and said, "I know that flamencourt is kind to me. I'm not that ungrateful person. I don't have such a choice. I just choose to be neutral."

Li Weisi hears speech facial expression to move a way immediately, "you are neutral? What's the difference between this and not saving the dead? "

Charlie shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, there's a difference. It's to see someone dying but not saving him. I can't see flamencourt now, and I don't know whether he will die or not. How can I save him?"

When he said this, Charlie immediately reached for the glass to pour the wine. However, as soon as he held the bottle in his hand, Levis saw a chopstick coming out of the bottle, and there was blood mixed with sake on it. Then he heard Charlie's scream.

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