Hearing what Charlie said, Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's right. I went as your subordinate. I told Shi Kefei that you should see the living flamencourt, or you will take revenge for flamencourt!"

As soon as Charlie heard this, his face suddenly moved. He immediately stared at Ye Feng and said, "I want to revenge for flamencourt? How dare you say that! Aren't you afraid that schleffer will kill you on the spot? "

However, when he said this, he took a look at his two hands and immediately hummed, "you're a good artist. You're the only one who dares to do this!"

But Ye Feng said to Charlie, "I'm not going to show my skill. If that's the case, I would have done it earlier. The purpose of my going is to let Shi Kefei know your position!"

As soon as Charlie heard this, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "you want to kill me..."

Ye Feng looked at Charlie and said, "it's only you who can kill you. Do you think that if you are a wall rider, you will not offend both sides, and both sides will fall well in the end?"

Levis then said to Charlie, "he's right. You don't offend either side now, but once cruise comes to power, the first one will deal with you, because you didn't help him at the beginning, but if flamencourt takes charge of the group again, the first one will deal with you, and the reason is the same! So, Charlie, don't you see the reality? As long as you want both sides to be good, you'll end up with neither

As soon as Charlie heard this, his heart suddenly moved, staring at Ye Feng and Li Weisi.

Reeves then meaningfully said to Charlie, "do you know who he is?"

Of course, Charlie knew that Levis was talking about Ye Feng. After staring at Ye Feng for a while, he said, "isn't that Domingo, the famous Playboy in Michoacan?"

Li Weisi sighs slightly at this time, then looks at Ye Feng way, "can you say your identity?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I don't care. I just don't want to scare people with my identity!"

Levis then immediately said to Charlie, "he's Satan, the ace agent in the world's top secret service organization TSL, Satan!"

As soon as Charlie heard this, his face could not help but move. Although he had never heard of the name Satan, he was shocked to hear that the world's top class was still an agent.

Charlie then came to his senses. Yes, if the guy in front of him was just a dandy and Playboy in Michoacan, how could he waste his hands with chopsticks.

At this time, Li Weisi saw Charlie staring at Ye Feng in a daze, and immediately said to Charlie, "don't you understand? It's only a matter of time before flamencourt gets out of the world, because Satan will go to save him, and you have no choice. You can only choose flamencourt! "

At this time, Charlie looked at Levis, then at Ye Feng, and then said, "since he is so capable, just go to save flamencourt himself, why do you still look for me?"

Levis then sighed, "it's because I, my age, still have an old relationship with you, so please Satan give you a chance to make a great contribution to flamenco. After the removal of cruise, the group will be short of manpower. When you come back, no one will talk about it!"

Charlie listened to what Levis said and looked at him in amazement.

Ye Feng smell speech also can't help but look at Li Weisi, in fact, Li Weisi didn't say these words with himself, but he now see Charlie's look, seems to have been completely said by Li Weisi.

This shows that Levis, as one of flamencourt's think tanks, has some skills.

Levis then stood up and said, "now is your last chance. If you don't want to grasp and cherish it, I will not force it. If flamencourt doesn't ask you to settle it, I'll just let it go. But if I ask you to settle it, I can't change flamencourt's mind. I believe you should know that flamencourt is a must You are not protecting yourself, but digging your own grave

With that, Levis said to Ye Feng, "Satan, let's go!"

Ye Feng shrugged, then stood up and followed Li Weisi to the door of the private room.

At this time, Charlie pondered, and the thoughts in his mind kept flashing, and everything was filtered in his brain consciousness.

When Ye Feng and Li Weisi came to the door, he immediately called, "wait a minute..."

At this time, Li Weisi nodded to Ye Feng with a smile, then turned around and said, "what's the matter?"

Charlie immediately said, "you want me to go with you to save flamencourt. You have to tell me how to save it?"

As soon as Levis heard this, he immediately took Ye Feng and sat down again. Then he said to Charlie, "you have to ask Satan about this, and the rescue plan will all listen to him!"

Charlie smell speech immediately and looked at Ye Feng way, "you say how to do?"

At this time, Ye Feng stretched out his hand toward Charlie's injured hand. Seeing this, Charlie instinctively stepped back and looked at Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng said to Charlie, "don't you think the chopsticks are stuck in your hand all the time?"After listening to Ye Feng's words, Charlie was relieved and stretched out his hands towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng said to Li Weisi, "look for some anti-inflammatory drugs!"

Levis nodded, then went out of the private room and called the waiter to ask him to buy some anti-inflammatory drugs and gauze from the nearby drugstore.

At this time, Ye Feng pulled out the chopsticks on Li Weisi's second hand. There was no puncture on the back of his hand. The degree of his hand was not too deep.

Even so, when he pulled out his chopsticks, Charlie couldn't help snorting, and the sweat came down from his forehead.

Ye Feng is holding a napkin on Li Weisi's hand, then let Li Weisi himself press the way, "wait a moment for anti-inflammatory drugs and gauze to come again!"

Charlie pressed the napkin with the finger of his injured hand. In a moment, the napkin was red with blood, and then he changed another one.

Li Wei Si at this time saw one eye, can't help asking leaf Feng way, "this need not go to the hospital?"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "it's just skin trauma. What's the fuss?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Li Weisi immediately stopped talking.

While covering his wound, Charlie looked at Ye Feng and said, "how do you need me to cooperate with you?"

Ye Feng said, "it's very simple. You just need to get in touch with Shi Kefei and spit out his territory again!"

As soon as Charlie heard this, his face suddenly moved and said, "it's impossible!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "in my opinion, there is nothing impossible in this world!"

Charlie immediately said, "you may not know that I have a feud with this Shike. Now you want me to contact him and spit out the territory? Dream

However, Levis said to Charlie, "Charlie, don't forget that if you can make contributions this time, you will become a clique in the future, and what you get will be as simple as the site of schleffer? You're so smart that you can't even count the bill, can you

When Charlie heard what Levis said, he immediately pondered for a long time, but he didn't speak again. After a long time, he said, "I don't want the territory, but if you want me to contact him, don't even think about it!"

Reeves could not help but frown at Charlie and said, "what's the grudge between you and schleffer in the final analysis? Now, of course, the most important thing is to save flamencourt. If you are willing to let go of the past, what will flamencourt think of you then? "

Charlie immediately snorted coldly, "what else can you think of me? I must think I'm a softie! "

However, Levis shook his head and said, "no, he will think that you are generous and can take the overall situation into consideration."

Charlie's heart moved when he heard what Reeves said. He looked at Reeves in a dazed way and said, "do you think flamencourt would think that about me?"

Levis said to Charlie, "after all these years and knowing you for so long, which time have I cheated you?"

Charlie looked at Levis thoughtfully for a while. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "OK, I'll do whatever you want me to do!"

Just then, the waiter came with anti-inflammatory drugs and gauze. After Li Weisi took them, he handed them to Ye Feng and asked the waiter to go out.

Ye Feng then took out the anti-inflammatory drugs, poured out the powder in the capsule, and then asked Charlie to stretch out his other hand.

Charlie's hand, which was not seriously injured just now, was pulled out by Ye Feng. His chopsticks were all in a cold sweat. This hand was so seriously injured that it's really a little weak now.

But in the end, Charlie still stretched out his hand, and Ye Feng let Li Weisi walk behind him, holding his body and not letting him move.

Levis walks up to Charlie's back, hugs him and tightens.

Charlie couldn't help saying, "don't hold it so tightly I'm still holding on.... "

Before Charlie finished, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his hand and cried out. His body began to want to get up, but he was hugged by Levis.

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