As soon as mahanda heard this, his face suddenly moved and said, "you don't know what's going on here, do you? Now this place has been controlled by Cruise. Many people, including flamencourt, are under house arrest. Besides, cruise's men are all veterans with weapons. How can you save them by yourself

Ye Feng then toward Ma anda way, "these you don't need to care, I have a few questions to ask you now!"

Ma anda can't help but frown and say, "what's the problem?"

Ye Feng said, "after you were detained here, how many people were detained under house arrest? Are these people imprisoned with you?"

Ma anda immediately said, "they are all in the dining room on the ground floor. There are more than a dozen soldiers guarding there. There are several right-hand assistants of flamencourt, and several people who are also big men. They are all detained here!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion slightly move, immediately say, "can you talk with them?"

Ma anda looked at Ye Feng and said, "what's the meaning of speaking? We can talk everywhere, but we can't talk too long, because some soldiers will come in and stop us. "

Ye Feng said to Ma anda, "what I mean is not whether you can speak, but how is your relationship with them? Do you mean what you say to them? "

Ma anda understood Ye Feng's meaning, and then sighed, "originally it was a little heavy, but this time I shot and hurt flamencourt by mistake, and they didn't trust me any more. Moreover, some people thought that if I didn't hurt flamencourt, it would not have happened that cruise suddenly came to control the situation and put them under house arrest! So to tell you the truth, they all reject me, and if it wasn't for the current situation, I believe that some of them would come up directly to avenge flamencourt

Ye Feng hears Ma anda say so, immediately a burst of sob, a tiny sigh way, "so say, is to count on them!"

Ma anda frowned at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean? What do you expect them to do? "

Ye Feng then said to Ma anda, "the purpose of my coming here is to save you and flamencourt, but I need some internal help. Originally, I expected you to be locked up with them and help me talk to them. When I save people, they will create some confusion. When it comes time, I will act. However, it seems that these people will not listen to you Well, that is to say, we can't count on them at all! "

After pondering for a while, Ma anda took a deep breath. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you want to save flamencourt?"

Ye Feng looked at Ma anda and said, "what? You don't want to save him? "

But Ma anda said to Ye Feng, "don't forget that your father was asked to be killed by flamenco..."

But Ye Feng looked at Ma anda and said, "don't you know? I'm not Domingo! "

Ma anda's face suddenly moved when he heard this. He had suspected that Ye Feng was not Domingo before, but at this time, he could not help but move when he heard Ye Feng admit it.

However, because I did doubt it, now I heard it again, although it was a bit unexpected, but it was also reasonable, so I just had no other expression after my face moved.

Thinking of this, Ma anda said to Ye Feng, "so your main purpose this time is to save flamencourt?"

Ye Feng then toward Ma anda way, "these are not the scope of your consideration, you just need to know that I also save you on the line!"

Ma anda looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a moment, then took a deep breath, "I can try to communicate with those people!"

Ye Feng slightly sighed and shook his head. "It's useless. In their eyes, you are the culprit who put them in prison. They won't believe what you say!"

At this point, Ye Feng continued, "and even if they can listen to your advice in the end, it's too time-consuming. I don't have so much time to spend on this aspect!"

Ma anda listened to Ye Feng's words and sighed, "if you are in a hurry, I really can't persuade these people in a short time!"

Speaking of this, Ma anda looked at Ye Feng and said, "I think Shi Kefei has a good relationship with you. Since you can't count on the people here, why don't you let Shi Kefei be your internal agent? Is it more convenient for you to work in coordination with each other? "

But Ye Feng said to Ma anda, "he was originally my inner man, but you know, each of these people in flamencourt has his own thoughts and considers his own interests. Even if Shi Kefei agrees to be an inner man, he can't completely believe him. He still depends on himself!"

Ma anda can't help nodding and said, "you're right. These people have their own inner feelings. Even if they want to save flamencourt, or they want to harm flamencourt, it's all their interests. It's not just to save or to harm so cheap!"

Speaking of this, Ma anda took a deep breath and said to Ye Feng, "I don't think I can help you any more. It seems that you can only rely on yourself!"Ye Feng nodded to Ma anda and said, "fortunately, at least I know you are still alive, and I also know you are on the underground floor. It's enough to know that!"

Ma anda then asked Ye Feng, "then how can I cooperate with you next?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no need to cooperate! At that time, I will go down to find you. You try to keep yourself safe and try not to have any more conflicts with them! "

Then he lowered his voice and said, "don't tell them what I said just now. If you say it, it will cause more trouble. On the contrary, it will cause unnecessary things and slow down the rhythm of saving you!"

Ma anda listened to Ye Feng say so, can't help nodding, said a clear.

At this time, Shi Kefei opened the door and said to Ye Feng and Ma anda, "it's almost time. If it's too long, it will cause others to doubt!"

Ye Feng nodded to Shi Kefei and Ma anda, indicating that he could go with Shi Kefei.

Ma anda also nodded slightly, and then went out of the door. Shi Kefei turned back and said to Ye Feng, "I'll send him there and come back later!"

After that, Schiffer went out of the door, closed the door and escorted Ma anda downstairs. When he got to the first floor where there was no one, Ma anda, who was walking in front of him, immediately said, "don't let him save flamencourt!"

Shi Kefei's face moved slightly. He stepped forward quickly and approached Ma anda's back. Then he said, "he can't save flamencourt alone. Cruise won't agree!"

After taking a deep breath, mahanda said, "this is the best chance to get rid of flamencourt and cruise, kill two birds with one stone! You shouldn't refuse him to see cruise, you should let him see him! "

Shi Kefei said, "the guy named cruise has been suspicious of me for a long time. If he meets cruise, if cruise and Levis really get in touch with each other, we will be isolated."

But Ma anda took a deep breath and asked for a cigarette. Shi Kefei touched his pocket and said, "give it to the boy!"

Mahanda frowned, then waved his hand and said, "there's nothing to say for the time being. Go and arrange for him to meet cruise!"

Shi Kefei frowned and said, "but I've already refused him, and suddenly agreed to let him go. Doesn't it make him suspect?"

Ma anda just took a look at Shi Kefei and said, "this guy is very adventurous. Even if he knows you have a problem, he will definitely go to see cruise!"

Shi Kefei looked at Ma anda and said, "what's the purpose of meeting them?"

Ma anda immediately said, "just to see if the boy has brought something to Charlie and Levis and cruise. If he has, it shows that Levis and Charlie are not good friends. If not, it shows that the boy is acting alone!"

Shi Kefei looked at Ma anda with a puzzled face and said, "even if we prove these, what's the use for us?"

But mahanda immediately said, "don't forget, this guy is not an ordinary person. How could he come here to save flamenco? There must be some other secret in it. Maybe it's worth more than flamencourt's life

When Shi Kefei heard this, he could not help but be surprised. He looked at Ma anda and said, "is it a secret worth more than flamencourt's life? What's this? "

Mahanda immediately said in a deep voice, "so I want you to arrange for him to meet cruise. You shouldn't have stopped him, fool!"

On hearing this, Shi Kefei's face suddenly sank, but he could not resist his anger. He just nodded and said, "I'll try to arrange it!"

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