Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders slightly and said, "if I had been cheated by you old fox before, I would have let your father and son go as soon as my heart was soft. But I have learned your power, and I dare not take it lightly again!"

Cruise immediately toward Ye Feng way, "I this is also for self-protection, there is no way to do, who to the occasion of life and death, will try every means to survive, you should understand!"

Ye Feng shrugged, "of course I understand, but your father and son are trying every means to kill me now. It's reasonable for me to kill your father and son. You should understand, too?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, cruise suddenly looks at Ye Feng speechless. He seems to realize that he has broken his promise first, and it seems that it's useless to say anything to Ye Feng now.

Ye Feng took a look at cruise and said, "you have wasted a lot of my time. My patience is limited. Since you have always doubted whether Shi Kefei is loyal to you, now I'll gamble with you. I'll give you to Shi Kefei to see whether he is saving you or harming you."

Upon hearing this, cruise's face suddenly changed, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "you can't do this. Under the condition that I'm not injured at all, I can at least suppress Shi Kefei with my own courage. Even if he has a heart against me, at least he has to do it superficially. But once he sees me like this, he doesn't need to hide at all. He must do it Harm me, I won't gamble with you! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but toward cruise a smile way, "you pour is still a little self-knowledge!"

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, cruise asked, "I don't think I will live to tomorrow. Before I die, can I ask you if you are from flamencourt? If not, who are you? Who are you working for? "

Ye Feng then looked at cruise and said, "you don't need to know. I can tell you that I don't work for anyone. I only do what I want to do! I'm not from flamencourt. The internal strife of your group has nothing to do with me! I have no interest at all

But cruise looked at Ye Feng and said, "why do you have to save flamencourt? Aren't you not interested? Doesn't that mean it has nothing to do with you? "

Ye Feng frowned, while smoking cigarettes, while looking at cruise Road, "I don't think I need to explain so much to you?"

But speaking of this, after a long puff of smoke, he said to cruise, "but it's OK to tell you! I'm helping Diana. She told me to take her father away safely... "

Upon hearing this, cruise's face suddenly moved and said, "I see. It's for women! I understand that! "

He said with a long sigh, "I only hate that I only have a few sons, and I don't have the blessing of a daughter!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile to cruise, "you must have done it because I was fascinated by Diana's beauty?"

Cruise shrugged his shoulders and said, "even if it's normal, Diana is a pretty girl. She's a pretty girl among Asians. If I were 15 or 16 years younger, I would be greedy for her I once thought about marrying flamencourt and asking him to marry Diana to my son. Unfortunately, flamencourt doesn't seem to like our family and doesn't agree at all... "

At this point, cruise was unconvinced and angry.

Ye Feng couldn't help but say, "it seems that the enmity between you and flamencourt didn't exist in the beginning..."

Cruise smell speech immediately sneer a way, "who have nothing to like and other people against to do?"? To tell you the truth, I don't want to live under flamencourt for a long time, but I have to admit that flamencourt does have some brushes, and the group will be better in his hands. I didn't want to overthrow him completely, but it's because he refused my request for marriage that I know that none of us are worthy of name in his eyes No one can see it! So from that day on, I've been planning all this! "

At this point, after taking a deep breath, Cruz continued, "but it's not easy to deal with flamencourt. It's not until these days that mahanda mistakenly injured flamencourt that I seize the opportunity! Otherwise I don't think I have any chance in my life! But now it seems that it's better to have no chance. Who ever thought that you would be killed on the way? "

Ye Feng then frowned at cruise and said, "since you have suspected me for a long time, why didn't you start when I came last night?"

But cruise said, "to tell you the truth, I had this idea last night, but I gave it up!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown, "why?"

Cruise immediately said, "you say you are Charlie's man. I know Charlie is a dog raised by flamencourt outside the group. Although he has been in free range for so many years, his influence can't be underestimated. I can't risk killing you, offending Charlie and causing trouble to myself!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "but if you knew yesterday that there would be today's situation, you would regret it. Why didn't you do it last night?"But cruise said to Ye Feng, "originally there was a little, but now I don't regret it. If I did that last night, last night might be my death. What's to regret?"

But Ye Feng looked at cruise for a long time and then said, "in fact, you already know something about me in your heart, don't you? It's just that you don't want to believe it! "

Cruise smell speech can't help a surprised, staring at Ye Feng after a moment, this just said, "I don't know who you are!"

Ye Feng frowned and stared at cruise. After a long time, he said, "well, I ask you, where did your black metal come from?"

Cruise heard the words, but he pondered for a long time.

But Ye Feng frowned, "can't you say that? What secret is more important than your life? "

Cruise said, "now there's nothing I can't say. I'm dying. What's to be afraid of?"

Speaking of this, cruise and Ye Feng asked for a cigarette to light up, and then they said, "that thing was given to me by a guy from Brazil!"

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "the guy from Brazil?"

Cruise nodded and said, "originally, he had sent me a lot of money, but it couldn't be paid. So I asked him to take something to offset it, and he took this thing. Although I don't know what it is, it seems that the look of the goods is very nervous, so she was allowed to mortgage his debt with this thing for the time being. Originally, after he left, I was a little sorry, After all, such a rotten stone can offset millions of debts? I must have suffered... "

At this point, cruise looked at Ye Feng and said, "but I know that the value of that thing may not be as simple as it seems!"

Ye Feng then said, "so you don't know the origin of this thing?"

Cruise shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know the origin of it. I feel very special when I touch it, but I can't say what it is. How to say, it just feels a little strange!"

Ye Feng listen to cruise so a say, can't help but sink a way, "this is the last chance you can save yourself, you want to clear answer me, I can wait!"

Upon hearing this, cruise looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you mean that as long as I can tell the origin of that thing, you won't kill me?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "not necessarily, but it can definitely be considered!"

After hearing his face move again, cruise took a puff of his cigarette and said to Ye Feng, "in fact, I don't know much about it, and it's all from the Brazilian!"

At this point, cruise said, "he said that this thing is originally from Mexico. It's something left by the Mayan civilization. It should be something sacred! At that time, I doubted it, but now it seems that if it is really something left by the Maya civilization, at least it is an antique, it should be worth a lot of money... "

Ye Feng is smoking cigarettes, continue to wait for cruise to continue to say, but see him smoking cigarettes, completely did not continue to say the meaning.

Ye Feng can't help but frown at Cruz and say, "no? That's it? "

Cruise nodded and said, "yes, that's all I've heard, so I can only tell you that. If you want to know more about it, I can take you to the Brazilian. He should know more than I do!"

Ye Feng hears speech but is a burst of ponder, finally toward cruise way, "or forget it, since you don't know, then when I didn't say anything!"

But cruise said hastily, "I've told you what I know. I can't help but know. Make it up here! You can't do that! "

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