Thousand color bee smell speech for a while to ponder toward Ye Feng nodded, then also a shrug way, "I said, mainly to save my mother, if can save andali, easy thing, if can't, that also don't force!"

Yefeng listen to the thousand color bee so a say, immediately also a ponder, did not speak, although the thousand color bee said is very casual, but Yefeng also heard the thousand color bee tone helpless and unwilling.

Ye Feng thought in his heart, no matter what, he is also qianse bee's half brother. At that time, let's see. If you can help me, just try to help me.

But Ye Feng didn't say anything. After all, what would happen when he got there? No one could say clearly. If he agreed now, the situation would change and he couldn't do it.

So didn't you first give hope to qianse bee, and then destroy it yourself? Instead of that, it's better not to give hope directly. In the end, hope is a surprise.

The car quickly drove to the front. Ye Feng took a look at the navigation on the mobile phone and found that it was very close to the target, but at this time, the car had already left the city and arrived in the suburbs.

At this time, Ye Feng doesn't need to look at the navigation. He can see a shabby factory on the waste land in the distance. It's almost the same as the navigation. The destination should be the factory.

Ye Feng immediately drove the car toward the factory, but before the car arrived, Ye Feng stopped the car and drove it to the side of the woods to hide.

After waiting for the car to hide, Ye Feng said to qianse Feng, "let's get out of the car and walk there. The car is too noisy!"

Qianse bee nodded to Ye Feng, and then got off the car and looked in the direction of the factory.

After getting off the bus, Ye Feng said to qianse Feng, "although we have found a place, no one knows what's going on inside. I'm afraid I won't take care of you. Are you sure you want to go?"

Thousand color bee smell speech to see a leaf maple, after taking a deep breath way, "people are coming, this time you let me back?"

While talking, qianse bee goes to the back of the car, opens the car, takes out two pistols and some clips from inside, and hands them to Ye Feng.

After taking the pistol, Ye Feng took two plates of ammunition clips and put them away. He nodded to the thousand color bee, and then they immediately went to the factory.

The road was deserted, with only some weeds and some withered and yellow trees. There was no one on the road.

Even in the vicinity of the factory, we can't see a ghost. We only occasionally see a weasel running after a group of mice.

After thousand color bee sees, scared immediately covered mouth, poured to suck a cold air, hide behind leaf maple.

Ye Feng can see that the thousand color bee is afraid of mice and weasels, but fortunately the Weasels chase the rats and run quickly.

Ye Feng just patted the hand way of thousand color bee, "go, it's OK!"

The thousand color bee just poked out its head to have a look. After seeing that it had indeed run away, it took a long sigh of relief, but there was still some fear on its face.

At this time, Ye Feng took a look at the thousand color bee. He could not help shaking his head. Then he continued to walk forward.

Thousand color bee took a deep breath again, this just followed the last period, also red face toward Ye Feng way, "afraid of mice and nothing, does not mean that I do other things not OK!"

Ye Feng shrugged at the thousand color bee and said, "but I didn't say anything!"

The thousand color bee said immediately, "you didn't say anything, but your eyes and expression said everything!"

Ye Feng shrugs helplessly. At this time, he hears the engine sound of a car in the distance. He immediately pulls the thousand color bee to hide in the grass on one side.

As soon as the two of them hid, they saw an SUV coming, passing by them and driving directly to the gate of the abandoned factory.

Several people came down from the car. They were all Mexican natives. They were all young. They looked like they were in their twenties or thirties. After standing in the same place and looking around, they immediately entered the factory.

After Ye Feng and qianse bee look at each other, Ye Feng gets up and looks around. Finally, he stares at the factory.

At this time, he noticed that in addition to the SUV that had just driven over, there were several other cars parked on one side of the factory.

This position is the direction of their car when they just drove over. They can't see it. Now this position is just visible!

Ye Feng saw a circle, did not find anyone, this just called a thousand color bee, immediately toward the factory there.

They soon got outside the factory, but they didn't go to the front door, they went to the other side.

The walls of this factory are all fenced with barbed wire, but many places have been dilapidated for a long time, so it's easy to step in.

After entering the factory yard, Ye Feng and qianse Feng walked towards the side of the factory building. Some of the walls there were also dilapidated. They could see the situation inside from the outside.

Two people to a collapsed wall, Ye Feng probe looked inside, this just found that although there is no one outside, it is estimated that they are all concentrated here.

There were at least ten or twenty people inside, but no one was andali.Although Ye Feng doesn't know andali, he can see who is being held hostage. None of them looks like him.

Ye Feng side head looked at the back of the factory, at least dozens of meters away, that there should be a lot of space behind.

He immediately left here, continued to walk along the wall of the factory towards the back, found a broken wall, and looked inside along the hole.

Ye Feng noticed that there was a man sitting on the ground with his back against an old machine. His hands were tied behind him and a piece of adhesive tape was pasted on his mouth.

Ye Feng see immediately get out of the way, and then let the thousand color bee come to have a look, to see if the man is andali.

Qianse bee went to the cave, looked inside, and immediately nodded to Ye Feng, indicating that the man was andali.

Ye Feng also nodded at this time, and then continued to look inside along the hole for a while. He found that there were few people here, only three or five people, and they were all sitting there smoking cigarettes. What was the first thing to talk about? They were too far away to hear clearly.

Ye Feng judged from the appearance of these people that they should all be subordinates. The main brain here did not appear in his sight.

At this time, I heard a cry from someone inside, but a man on the side of andali got up and looked up. Then he said something to the top, as if he was responding to something.

Ye Feng knew that the factory had a second floor, but he couldn't see it from his point of view. He immediately squatted down and looked up.

But I saw that there was still a floor above. On the other side of the corridor, a guy with a beard was talking to the downstairs.

After a while, the man's mobile phone rang. He immediately connected and went up. When he got to the door of a room, he opened the door and went in.

Ye Feng stares at the vicinity of the door for a long time. Then he says to qianse bee, "the main brain should be upstairs. We'll go in later. You go to save andali. I'll go upstairs to find the main brain directly!"

Thousand color bee smell speech to nod, immediately take out gun to load to hold in the hand, toward leaf Feng way, "no problem!"

Ye Feng smell speech to stare at thousand color bee to see after one eye, this just way, "really no problem?"

Thousand color bee took a deep breath, then shook his head, said no problem.

Ye Feng just nodded, then stepped back and took a look. The hole in front of him was too small to enter from here. He had to find another way.

Ye Feng continues to walk back along the wall of the factory building. There must be many people in front of him. Ye Feng is not worried that he is not their opponent. He is just afraid that he will be entangled by them.

Therefore, there should be no guards at the rear of the factory. Even if there are guards, the manpower will never be the same as in the front. It should be a weak point.

Ye Feng around the wall of the factory to see a circle, it is indeed a lot of places are broken and collapsed, but the gap is not very big.

Even some places as long as a hand push can pour a piece, but this will still scare the snake, so Ye Feng decided to go directly to the back there to start.

Ye Feng makes a look at the thousand color bee. The thousand color bee immediately understands and follows Ye Feng to the back door.

To the side of the back door, Ye Feng reached out and motioned to qianse bee not to move. He first looked at the front door and saw that there was no one in the back door. Then he waved to qianse bee to follow.

After entering through the back door, as Ye Feng expected, there was no one here. After entering, he smelled a rotten sour smell.

They covered their noses and continued to walk towards the front. The workshop was separated from each other. Every time they went far, there would be a wall and a door.

Ye Feng and qianse Feng have already bypassed several walls and doors. At this time, they suddenly hear someone talking in front of them.

Ye Feng knows that they are about to reach their destination. At this time, he reaches out his hand to signal qianse bee to slow down.

At this time, qianse bee immediately slowed down and followed Ye Feng, but accidentally bumped into the steel pipe on one side of the wall.

"Bang when" a sound, Ye Feng immediately turned back, suddenly took a deep breath.

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