And there is a faint scar on the man's face, from the forehead across the eyes to the mouth, making the man look a little chilly.

At this time, those who followed Ye Feng and Sun Li all the time also came. The leader stepped forward and said to Sun Li, "Sister Li, Viagra, let's take you back!"

Sun Li looked back at the man, then toward the two humanitarian, "Peng brother, city brother, what does my brother mean?"

Cheng Ge didn't say a word all the time. The man named Zhou Peng behind continued to say, "Sister Li, we didn't ask much about the meaning of Viagra. If you want to know, just ask Viagra in person. Don't embarrass me and Cheng Zi!"

Sun Li glared at Zhou Peng and brother Cheng, then nodded, "OK, I'll go with you to see my brother!" Then he said to Ye Feng, "I won't send you back. Give me your phone!"

Ye Feng took out his mobile phone. Sun Li Li pressed her number on his mobile phone and added her wechat before she handed it to Ye Feng.

Sun Li then opened the door and said to Zhou Peng and Cheng Ge, "let's go?"

Zhou Peng and Cheng Ge didn't start, but they looked at Ye Feng and said to Sun Li, "Sister Li, what Viagra means is that this boy will go with us too!"

Sun Li Mei frowned at Zhou Peng and Cheng Ge, "what do you mean? He's my friend. He's going home now... "

Before Sun Li finished, Zhou Peng and Cheng Ge stood on both sides of Ye Feng and said to Sun Li, "yes, Viagra knows he's your friend, so I want to meet him!"

Zhou Peng said and patted Ye Feng on the shoulder, "do you have any opinions?" He said also forced to pinch leaf maple's shoulder.

Ye Feng has no expression on his face. He shrugs to Zhou Peng and Cheng Ge and says, "since Viagra is so hospitable, it's OK to go for a while!"

Sun Li but toward Ye Feng wink, meaning to let Ye Feng don't go, but see Ye Feng didn't seem to see the same, in the heart a burst of anxiety.

Zhou Peng then embraces Ye Feng and walks to another car with Cheng Ge, signaling Ye Feng to get on.

Ye Feng nodded to Sun Li, "it's OK, don't worry!" Then he got into the back of the car.

Zhou Peng and Cheng Ge get on the bus immediately. Cheng Ge sits in the driver's seat, starts the car and drives away quickly. Sun Li immediately gets on the bus and drives behind.

Ye Feng sitting in the car looking at the front of Zhou Peng and city brother, see two people did not speak, then said, "Peng brother, city brother, right?"

Zhou Peng Wen Yan looked back at Ye Feng, but did not speak, continue to look back.

Soon at a crossroad, waiting for the traffic light. When the light is green, Sun Li, who is just behind their car, suddenly sees a car coming up from behind, but it's stuck there.

Sun Li kept honking the horn anxiously, but the car in front of her was still unmoved. She didn't drive out until the car in front of her was out of her sight.

Sun Li immediately gets on the bus. After she drives out, she can't find the car in front of her. Then she realizes that her elder brother deliberately refuses to follow her.

As she drove, she called Sun Wei. When she got through, she said in a loud voice, "brother, I warn you, you dare to touch my friend. I'm not finished with you!"

But Sun Wei said, "you are really my good sister. When your elder brother and I were coerced by your friends, I didn't see you help me to say a word. Do you still help that boy pit me?"

Sun Li said, "I don't care. Anyway, if he had something to do, I would never forget it!"

Sun Wei sneered, "you know my temper. Few people in Guyang dare to play with me like this. If I don't take this tone out, can I still live in Guyang?" Then he hung up immediately.

Seeing this, Sun Li kept calling Sun Wei, but every time she called, her elder brother pressed her not to answer. Later, she turned off the phone directly. Angry Sun Li threw the phone to one side.

She knows who her elder brother, Sun Wei, is. Today, Ye Feng pretends to kidnap himself and deceives Sun Wei. Her elder brother will not give up. Even if ye Feng's life is not wanted, Ye Feng will at least have a long memory.

What Sun Li doesn't understand is that Ye Feng doesn't look like a fool. He knows that his elder brother wants to revenge him, and he gets on the bus so easily.

At that time, if he didn't want to, he couldn't let him go to the city brother's car. The big deal was to play tricks with Peng brother and city brother. No matter how her big brother was, he couldn't do anything about himself.

At this time, Sun Li knows that since the elder brother has not answered his phone, she will not let herself find where he is. Now she can only worry about Ye Feng and pray that the boy is OK.

At the same time, Ye Feng took Cheng Ge's car out of the city to the suburbs, and soon turned into a small road. In less than ten minutes, he saw a building looming in front of him in the light of the lights.

Soon the car stopped in front of the building. Zhou Peng got off first, opened the rear door and said to Ye Feng, "come down!"After getting off the bus, Ye Feng took a look and asked Zhou Peng, "this kind of suburb is not a Happy Farmhouse, is it? Viagra is so polite

Zhou Peng smelled the words of a cold smile, this boy a foot into the gate of death, do not know, also farmhouse, dream did not wake up?

After getting out of the car, brother Cheng went directly to push open the door and went in. Zhou Peng said to Ye Feng, "go in?"

Ye Feng didn't say much, so he went in directly. As soon as he entered the compound, he heard a roar behind him and looked back. Zhou Peng directly closed the door and locked it.

He didn't think much about it. He stood in the same place and looked at it. The yard was not big and there were many potted plants. Brother Cheng had already entered the main hall. At this time, Zhou Peng came up and pushed behind Ye Feng, "let's go, don't look!"

Ye Feng into the lobby, Zhou Peng just follow in, said a, "Viagra, people have brought!"

At this time, a person came out of the side door on one side of the lobby. Who is it, not Sun Wei?

With a cigarette in his mouth and a strange smile on his face, Sun Wei came out and took a look at Ye Feng. Then he sat in the middle of the hall. As soon as he sat down, he laughed at Ye Feng and said, "so soon

Ye Feng also said to Sun Wei with a smile, "yes, we've met again so soon. Viagra is really polite. If you want to see me, you'd better ask brother Peng and brother Cheng in person. What a trouble!"

Sun Wei sneered and said, "I'm afraid I won't invite you in person. You won't come!"

Ye Feng a smile way, "which can ah, Viagra what identity, you invite me, I even if the day big matter also have to put down to come over?"

Sun Wei immediately cold drink a, "less TM poor mouth, say! What's your relationship with my sister? "

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