Thousand color bee listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately complexion move, Zheng Zheng ground say, "my mother is ninja?"

Ye Feng then said in a deep voice, "if I'm not wrong, it's not someone else who just pretended to be Dixie, it's..."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng paused and looked at the face of the thousand color bee.

The thousand color bee suddenly understood Ye Feng's meaning, and then looked at Ye Feng and said, "you mean Just now that Dixie is My mother? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, I'm just guessing, but with my understanding of TSL, there's no easy to look talent in it. Even if there is, it's just a general make-up technique. If you can dress up like Dixie, and you don't recognize it, it must be your mother!"

Qianse bee suddenly pondered, thinking about the things after the appearance of "Dixie" today. After careful thinking, I don't know if it's because of Ye Feng's words that qianse bee subconsciously has some preconceptions. The more she thinks about it, the more she feels that it is her mother.

Ye Feng looked at the thousand color bee's expression and immediately said to the thousand color bee, "you don't have to think about it. Is it all right? If it is, it's better. Doesn't it mean that your mother is not in danger at present? If not, this woman should also have something to do with your mother! "

At this time, qianse bee looked at Ye Feng and said, "I just can't accept it. In my mind, my mother has always been an ordinary person. How can she be a ninja?"

Ye Feng sighed to the thousand color bee, "it can only be said that you didn't think about it in your subconscious. If your mother is really just an ordinary housewife, how can she change face?"

Thousand color bee listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately feel oneself have no way to refute, Ye Feng said right, what housewife can change appearance technique?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that the woman just now is my mother.

Ye Feng then said angrily, "zhuomus actually played such a trick with me?"

The thousand color bee immediately asked Ye Feng, "what should we do next? Go to dromus at once? "

But Ye Feng said, "not yet. I have to find out if zhuomus is still in Chuanshan. If not, we may have to travel far away. The headquarters of TSL are on the islands near Australia and New Zealand!"

After hearing the words, the thousand color bee said to Ye Feng, "no matter how far we are, we must go!"

Ye Feng smell speech point on a cigarette smoking, then nodded, "yes, we all have their own must save people, even if it is the dragon's den, must go!"

Thousand color bee smell speech can't help staring at Ye Feng to see after a long time, this just toward Ye Feng way, "now I can completely count on you!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at the thousand color bee and said, "don't worry, no matter what happens, I won't give up on you Give up saving your mother

Thousand color bee listen to Ye Feng say so, can't help but heart next move, immediately went to Ye Feng's side, a hug Ye Feng, head tightly against Ye Feng's arms.

Ye Feng has a trance at this moment, as if at this moment, in his arms is not a thousand color bee, but a Nan.

He still thought in his heart, if the appearance of qianse bee and Anan is just a coincidence, then I don't know what happened to the real Anan now?

Although those worlds are illusory for Ye Feng, what happened with those people is so real.

Especially with their feelings, is also so true, as if it happened yesterday.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but put his hand around qianse bee. He still thinks that maybe qianse bee is given to him by heaven to make up for his regret for a Nan.

Qianse bee was only moved for a moment, so she hugged Ye Feng. Anyway, she is a woman. At this time, she always needs a man to rely on.

Moreover, Ye Feng explained to himself several times that there was only Dixie in his heart, so when Ye Feng was also embracing himself, qianse Fengxin couldn't help but move.

At this time, the thousand color bee slowly raised his head and looked at Ye Feng, but saw that Ye Feng was also looking at himself blankly.

Thousand color bee heart immediately move, immediately closed his eyes to meet up, a tone live Ye Feng.

Ye Feng is also in a trance. It seems that she is the one who kisses herself now. She throws away her cigarette end and responds to the thousand color bee. They soon fall on the bed

The next morning, when Ye Feng opened his eyes, he found that the thousand color bee was nestling in his arms.

In fact, last night and the thousand color bee just fell on the bed, Ye Feng had recovered, but at that time the thousand color bee had been enthusiastic.

At that time, Ye Feng couldn't control himself, but at this time, his brain was completely awake. After staring at the thousand color bee for a while, he sighed slightly. It seemed that he couldn't get involved with the thousand color bee.

The last time I made a bed with qianse bee, I still took qianse bee as Dixie. But this time, it happened when I knew that qianse bee was under me. I can't get rid of it.Ye Feng is thinking about it, but at this time, he saw that the thousand color bee in his arms also opened his eyes and was looking at himself shamefully.

Especially when he saw the thousand color bee looking at his eyes, Ye Feng still felt that what he was holding was a Nan's illusion.

Ye Feng can't help but embrace the thousand color bee and kiss her on the eyelid.

The thousand color bee hugs Ye Feng tightly at this time. She has never felt so happy.

At this moment, even if the next second will die, qianse bee also feels that everything in her life is worth it.

After kissing qianse bee, Ye Feng sat up and lit a cigarette. He put on his clothes while smoking. He said to qianse bee, "today I want to find a way to get on a boat and go to investigate..."

After hearing this, qianse bee immediately sat up and said to Ye Feng, "I'll go with you!"

Ye Feng then toward thousand color bee way, "you don't need to follow, you make some preparation here!"

Thousand color bee does not understand ground looking at leaf maple way, "prepare?"? What else do you need to prepare? "

Ye Feng said to qianse Feng, "you go to find Diana No, to be exact, it's to go to flamencourt. Isn't he going to pay me back? Then help us with a few things! "

Thousand color bee brow is again a wrinkly way, "do what?"

Ye Feng then dressed and said, "you don't expect us to destroy the headquarters of TSL with our bare hands, do you? Of course, we need some weapons and equipment! "

Hearing this, the thousand color bee nodded and said, "OK, I'll contact flamencourt!"

At this time, Ye Feng said to qianse bee, "the most important thing is to help us prepare a yacht, which needs a long journey!"

The thousand color bee nodded and said, "I know. I'm going to prepare now!"

Say thousand color bee also immediately get up and start to wear clothes, wait for thousand color bee wear good, Ye Feng then put out the cigarette, look back to thousand color bee way, "wait for me to come back!"

At this time, the thousand color bee immediately came forward, hugged Ye Feng from behind, put his head on Ye Feng's back, and said softly, "I'm waiting for you!"

Ye Feng stood in the same place and didn't move. After taking a deep breath, he broke off the thousand color bee's hand and said, "don't worry!" Then he left the room immediately.

After watching Ye Feng go, thousand color bee suddenly long sigh of relief, think of last night and Ye Feng's warmth, the corner of the mouth can't help but smile.

But think of Ye Feng this time to go to TSL headquarters to find zhuomus main purpose is to save Dixie Si, and also think of Ye Feng said his heart only Dixie Si, thousand color bee suddenly face smile and convergence.

Thousand color bee is sitting on the edge of the bed, thinking about himself and Ye Feng. Although there is nothing on the surface now, sooner or later, it still has to face this problem.

Think of here, thousand color bee heart can't help but a burst of melancholy, if forced Ye Feng too tight, let alone Ye Feng will not submit, he is not that aggressive person.

If you don't do anything, say nothing and quit automatically, qianse bee will feel that you are not so willing.

Think of so, thousand color bee can't help a burst of melancholy, for a moment also don't know what to do.

And at this time, thousand color bee's mobile phone suddenly rang up, she thought it was Ye Feng, did not see, all connected.

I don't know when to start. I'm already so worried about Ye Feng. A phone call can make me so nervous.

However, after the phone was connected, a woman's voice said, "don't get on the boat!"

With these words, the phone hung up, the thousand color bee suddenly heart next move, and then carefully think that the voice, is not the voice of Dixie?

It's just that the voice of this Dixie is Dixie's, or the man who pretended to be Dixie yesterday? The thousand color bee can't judge.

Thousand color bee then took a deep breath, no matter she is Dixie, or "Dixie", said this sentence do not board, what is the meaning?

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