However, the shark under the sea went directly from the downstream of Ye Feng's body. He didn't even mean to stay. Ye Feng couldn't laugh or cry. Did his meat stink, so he couldn't even see the shark?

After the shark swam away, Ye Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. After a little rest, he continued to swim forward. The probability of meeting sharks in this deep sea area is not low. This time, sharks are not interested in their own stinky skins, but it's hard to guarantee that they won't be picky next time.

Ye Feng swam for a long time, and felt that he had no strength. Then he took a rest. At this time, Ye Feng vaguely saw another speedboat coming over the sea.

Ye Feng thought he was dazed. After rubbing his eyes, he made sure that there was a speedboat in the distance. Suddenly, his heart moved.

After all, Ye Feng is not sure whether he is an enemy or a friend or a passer-by. He doesn't dare to wave his hand for help.

It wasn't until the boat got closer and closer that Ye Feng noticed that there were two women on the boat, and they looked very familiar.

After waiting for the speedboat to get closer, Ye Feng decided that the two women on the speedboat were a thousand color bee, and the other one was Diana.

Ye Feng waved to the speedboat and yelled, "this way..."

The speedboat had quickly passed by Ye Feng's side. After hearing Ye Feng's voice, it immediately stopped.

Originally, qianse bee and Diana just thought that Ye Feng must be near the ship. They didn't expect Ye Feng to swim here, so they didn't pay much attention all the way. They just went to the direction where the ship sank.

But now I heard someone shouting, so qianse bee immediately stopped the boat and looked around. When she saw Ye Feng floating in the sea, she immediately pulled Diana excitedly and said, "it's him, it's him..."

When Diana saw Ye Feng, she jumped up in the speedboat excitedly. She was unstable and almost fell into the sea.

Then Diana immediately reminded qianse bee, "what are you doing now? Drive over quickly!"

Thousand color bee is excited for a moment, but forget, this just returned to God, immediately start the speedboat toward Ye Feng there and go.

After arriving at Ye Feng's side, Diana immediately lay on the edge of the speedboat, stretched out her hand to Ye Feng and said, "how can you be here?"

Thousand color bee also toward leaf maple way, "you don't tell me, you are ready to swim to the shore?"

Ye Feng took Diana's hand, and then turned on the speedboat. After a long sigh of relief, he said, "if I don't meet you and swim to the seaside, what can I do?"

Diana immediately said to Ye Feng, "if qianse bee didn't know that you had an accident at sea, we really didn't know!"

Ye Feng then looked at the thousand color bee and asked, "how do you know there is a bomb on the ship?"

Thousand color bee immediately toward Ye Feng way, "not long after you left, I received a phone call, the woman in the phone told me there was a bomb on the ship, do not board!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "woman? What woman? "

The thousand color bee frowned and said, "listen to the voice, but I don't know if it's the real one or the one we met before!"

Ye Feng hears the speech for a while to ponder, for a long time also did not speak.

Diana then reminded qianse bee, "don't worry so much, go back first!"

Thousand color bee this just returned to God, immediately drove the speedboat to start toward the shore.

Diana then looked at Ye Feng and said, "how did you escape from the boat? What a fate

Leaf maple heart but secret way, this where is life big, if not oneself run fast, estimate and let Zhuo Mu Si succeed.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng sat up and looked back at the sea in the distance. At this time, there was nothing on the sea. The three warships had completely sunk into the bottom of the sea, as if there was nothing there.

Ye Feng then stood up and said to the sea in the distance, "it seems that zhuomus will not die. I'll see you at the headquarters!"

Soon the speedboat arrived at the shore, and a Mercedes Benz business car had stopped there. Diana immediately said to Ye Feng, "my father is waiting for us at the villa."

Ye Feng hesitated for a moment, or got on the bus, to go to TSL headquarters is not to say that you can go, or to prepare in advance.

In Mexico's Michoacan state, of course, there's nothing more helpful than flamenco.

On the way to flamencourt's villa, Ye Feng asked Diana, "how are your father and cruise recovering?"

Diana said, "my dad is OK. Cruise has been sent to the hospital intensive care unit. It should be OK."

Ye Feng can't help nodding, and then asked, "by the way, did andali find it?"

Diana shook her head and said, "a lot of people have been sent out. There's no news yet! But as long as he's still in Michoacan, he should be found soon! "

Ye Feng nodded, not talking.

Diana said to Ye Feng, "when I get to the villa, I'll change my clothes for you first."Ye Feng nodded, slightly closed his eyes and entered a state of meditation.

Diana and qianse bee think Ye Feng is tired of swimming in the sea and wants to have a rest, so they don't talk and don't disturb Ye Feng.

After waiting for the car to stop at the villa, Ye Feng opened his eyes and got out of the car, followed Diana to change her clothes, and then went upstairs to see flamencourt.

At this time, flamencourt was sitting in a wheelchair. When he saw Ye Feng, he immediately said with a smile, "I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders to flamenco, and then said, "look, your complexion is recovering well!"

Flamenco said with a smile, "I didn't have a big deal at all, but I got shot in the abdomen and bled a little!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan brow slightly a wrinkle to look at flamencourt, then smile, silent.

Flamencourt looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "you seem to have something to say!"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "nothing more!"

But flamencourto said, "come on, I think we should be friends who can talk about everything."

Ye Feng then stares at flamenco for a long time and says, "I guess that's right. If it's not right, don't take it seriously..."

Flamenco nodded slightly and said, "come on, it's OK!"

Ye Feng then pressed his voice and said in a deep voice, "if I guess correctly, are you deliberately pretending to be seriously injured?"

Upon hearing this, Franco's face suddenly moved, and then he laughed at Ye Feng, but he said, "it's really a guess..."

Ye Feng knew the answer from flamencourt's meaningful smile, nodded and said, "yes, I said it was my own guess!"

"It's a pity that you're not interested in my business. Otherwise, if I leave my career to you, I'll be regarded as a successor."

Ye Feng looked at Flamenco in surprise and said, "aren't you ready to quit? What else do you want? "

Fleming Godot said to Ye Feng, "it's just because you want to quit that you have to find someone to stabilize the situation. It's easy to change from white to black, and it's not so easy to wash white from black to white. You have to have an able person to help you, and the process of washing white may not be completed in a short time. It may take two generations to be completely successful..."

Ye Feng listened to flamencourt's words, nodded and shrugged his shoulders. "You have a large number of capable people. There should be a suitable person. You can look for it carefully!"

Flamencourt also nodded and said, "yes, I can only find it slowly. Originally, you are the most suitable person. Unfortunately, we are also different. We don't work together!"

Ye Feng said, "I think the same as you, some things are gone after the past, and glory is OK. The most difficult thing in a person's life is to let go when it's time to let go. Many people know the truth, but there are very few things that can be done!"

Flemingo sighed, "yes, it seems that you are more open than me. You mean that since I quit, I should not ask anything. Unfortunately, I can't do that. I always feel that there are many things to explain..."

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders to flamenco and said, "take your time. Everyone is different..."

Flamencourt then laughed, did not continue this topic, but asked Ye Feng, "by the way, is the resentment between you and zhuomus going to end?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, some things drag on. It's not good for him or me. I think he thinks so, too!"

After taking a deep breath, flamenco asked Ye Feng, "if you need any help, just say that I can do it!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "that's why I'm here!"

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