Just at this time, there was a sound of footwork coming from the stairway. Diana regained her consciousness. After looking over there, she found that the thousand color bee had come down the corridor. Apparently, the thousand color bee had also woken up.

After qianse bee came down, she saw Ye Feng and Diana sitting at the dining table, and immediately said with a smile, "you two get up so early? And made delicious food? Does it smell so good? "

Diana then said to the thousand color bee, "don't you wake up, too? Are you hungry? I've done a lot. I'll give it to you! "

Then Diana got up, went to the kitchen and brought out a breakfast for qianse bee and put it on the table.

Thousand color bee went to say I'm not polite, and sat down to eat breakfast.

But after eating half, Ye Feng and Diana didn't say a word. They couldn't help looking up at them. Then they frowned and said, "why don't you talk?"

Diana shrugged her shoulders and said, "maybe they just woke up."

Ye Feng also nodded, "yes, do you have something to say?"

But the thousand color bee immediately shrugged and said, "no, I just said it casually. I feel very quiet all of a sudden. I'm not used to it."

Diana looked at the thousand color bee and said, "maybe it's because there are too many things recently, one thing after another, so it feels noisy all the time. Now it's suddenly so quiet, so I'm not used to it!"

Qianse bee shrugged and looked at Diana, nodded and said, "yes, there have been so many things recently. It's hard to be as idle as now. Originally, I just wanted to get up after a while, but I didn't expect that I would sleep until the morning!"

Diana said with a faint smile, "everyone is almost the same. I just woke up half an hour earlier than the fans!"

The thousand color bee smiles and nods, looks at Ye Feng, and then asks Ye Feng, "did you tell Diana about our leaving tomorrow?"

Ye Feng nodded, then corrected the thousand color bee way, "it's already past twelve o'clock, it's today!"

The thousand color bee suddenly nodded and said, "Oh, yes, it's today!" Then he looked at Diana and said, "it seems that Satan has already told you about it!"

Diana had been immersed in this sad parting, because the thousand color bee suddenly appeared, which just slightly forgot this matter.

Now listen to thousand color bee mention this matter again, immediately heart next move, immediately nodded a way, "said! I just told him that I wish you a good journey, and now I'll tell you! Have a good trip

Hearing what Diana said, qianse Feng nodded to Diana and said, "thank you!" Then she took a look at Diana and said, "I'll miss you!"

Diana could not help staring at Diana for a moment, then nodded with a smile and said, "me too!"

In fact, in Diana's heart, maybe this sentence is said by Ye Feng, she may be more happy.

Of course, this is what qianse bee said, and she is also very happy, which means that qianse bee has really regarded her as a sister and friend.

Just compared with Ye Feng, she would prefer that Ye Feng said it, which is totally different in nature.

At this time, Ye Feng finished eating, lit a cigarette, stood up, went to the living room, stood at the window and looked out, without saying a word.

Both qianse bee and Diana can't help but look at Ye Feng. At this time, qianse bee sees that Diana's look at Ye Feng is not right and asks, "what didn't you say to him?"

Diana was staring at Ye Feng. She couldn't help looking at Qian se Feng when she heard Qian se Feng say so. Then she said, "I didn't say anything. What else can I say?"

After listening to Diana's words, qianse Feng's heart moved and looked at Diana for a long time. Then she turned to Ye Feng and sighed.

At this time, she was secretly saying that she still sympathized with Diana at this time. In fact, what's the difference between her experience and hers? Is it not the same between herself and Ye Feng?

Think of here, thousand color bee tiny a sigh, no longer say what.

Diana also stared at Ye Feng for a long time, and then said to qianse bee, "in fact, I've figured out that maybe this is the best ending. Love for many things is always a pity. That's why love is always a personal obsession. It's just like flying moth who knows it's fire and pours on it blindly!"

Hearing what Diana said, qianse Feng couldn't help staring at Diana for a long time, nodded, but didn't say anything.

It was only at this time that she realized that on the road of loving Satan, Diana saw better than herself, and she sympathized with Diana before.

Qianse bee now knows that what really needs to be sympathized with is actually her own. She even wants to sympathize with others.

Thinking of this, the thousand color bee sighed slightly and said nothing more.

At this time, Ye Feng finished smoking a cigarette and walked towards the restaurant. Then he asked Diana, "what are you going to do with your father's funeral today?"Diana shrugged her shoulders and said, "I've given Charlie full responsibility. This is not the East, let alone China. Western style funerals are relatively simple. At that time, find a church pastor to help say some prayers, and then the funeral is over!"

After Ye Feng nodded, he said to Diana, "it's best to arrange properly. No matter the form is complex or simple, the most important thing is to be stable. After all, this is your father's last dignity!"

After hearing what Ye Feng said, Diana nodded and then said to Ye Feng, "my father has no friends in his life. You can be regarded as a confidant who can talk before he leaves!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "does your father have any friends?"

But Diana said immediately, "my father said more than once that although there are many people around him, they are either people with interests or people who live with him. None of them can really talk!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when she heard what Diana said. After staring at Diana for a long time, she nodded and said, "maybe we are pitying for each other!"

Diana looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you feel sorry for each other? You two are people from different worlds. How can you feel sorry for each other? "

Ye Feng said to Diana, "it doesn't have to be a world where people will feel sorry for each other. Our careers are different, but our mentality is the same. We have reached the peak in our own business, and we want to end it completely! So to some extent, we are the same! Only your father and I know what we need most and what we are thinking. Maybe your father is the only one I can say in my life! "

Then Ye Feng immediately asked Diana, "is there any wine?"

Diana can't help but be stunned and said, "do you want to drink now?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I don't want to drink. I want to toast your father!"

As soon as Diana heard this, she was shocked. She immediately got up and went to the basement to get the wine and glasses.

The thousand color bee then looked at Ye Feng and said, "in fact, when you say that, I really think that flamencourt is very similar to you. No wonder you can talk about it!"

After Ye Feng took a deep breath, he said to qianse Feng, "after the funeral, you go to the wharf first!"

Thousand color bee smell speech brow can't help but a wrinkly ground looking at leaf maple, "I go first?"? Why? Aren't you waiting for a warship? If it's a warship, shouldn't we go to the barracks and board it? "

Ye Feng said, "do two hand preparation, who knows what accident will happen! If there is any problem in the barracks, we will board the ship at the port and leave immediately! I don't want to waste any more time in Michoacan! "

Thousand color bee listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately nodded a way, "good!"

At this time, Diana came over with a bottle of wine and three glasses. After putting the glasses on the table, she immediately poured three glasses of wine. Then she said to Ye Feng, "OK

Ye Feng then picked up the wine cup and said, "this cup is to commemorate our acquaintance..." Then he fell to the ground immediately.

Then Ye Feng took another cup, and said, "this cup is to commemorate our mutual pity..." Then he poured the glass of wine on the ground.

Ye Feng immediately picked up the last cup of wine and said, "this cup commemorates us It's an agreement... " Then he immediately poured another glass of wine on the ground.

Diana heard that Ye Feng mentioned the agreement between him and her father. She couldn't help but move. She looked at Ye Feng in a daze. She said in her heart, since Ye Feng mentioned the agreement, is Ye Feng going to fulfill it.

In other words, is Ye Feng planning to go to the island that his father bought to live in seclusion after finishing his work?

Although Diana did not ask Ye Feng, and she did not intend to ask, after all, after Ye Feng left, it is always good to leave this fantasy.

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